Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

Yes the next scan is to reassure myself of the gender and also the last scan I was so shocked it was a girl and baby was head down I didn't see much and I didn't enjoy it so want to see baby again plus I have a voucher so I get the deluxe 4d scan for £95 instead of £150!

I am going to have to go buy maternity clothes my clothes all still fit but when bump drops there is no way plus I am getting really uncomfortable by late afternoon now. I can't believe I have another 18 weeks of growing I am going to be massive. I think we all need to be brave and post some bump pics!!

Right off to work will pop back later xx
Hi Ladies,
Phew - has taken me ages to catch up on everything i have missed.
I am glad that all the lasies who were having tummy pains are feeling better. I think we are all more prone to worrying when pregnant as you wonder if every twinge is something bad! Glad you are all okay.

Krissi - Glad your scan went well once the baby cooperated. We are also thinking about having a 4D scan as they just sound so exciting!

Piellette - We have also ordered the Sola, we bought the pushchair in Flora and will be buying the carrycot this weekend. Am so excited!

We have also bought a steriliser and a baby bath (it sits across the top of our bath) so we don't have to bend over so much.
Apart from that we have bought quite a lot of girly clothes!! We just can't seem to help ourselves! lol! Very excited to be team pink!

Is anyone else suffering from water retention? My feet are massive by the end of the day and i am feeling really paranoid about it, like i'm doing something wrong!!
I have also gained a lot of weight (and i was overweight to start with) and am now a stone heavier than i was to start with. I have continued to exercise but my diet has slipped, so i have promised myself that next week i will start to eat more healthy and cut back on the chocolate! So hopefully that will slow the weight gain down, as i was advised to only gain 15-20lbs during the whole pregnancy and i still have 16 weeks to go!! aarrggh!

On a positive note the baby is moving loads which is lovely.

How are everyone elses preparations going?
We were trying to move house but it didn't happen, so we are now having a basic loft conversion so DH can put his t-shirt business up there, then he can move his office to the small bedroom and the nursery can go in the second bedroom....phew! And a new kitchen fitted as well. So we have lots to sort out and i really want to get it done so we can get started on the nursery.
I was looking on Etsy the other day and they have some lovely decorations on there.

Only 11 weeks left at work! Hoorah! I am shattered by the time i get home!!

So do we have a lot of Team Pink on this thread then?

Oh and at our 20 week scan we were told that the baby's umbilical cord was missing one of the vessels, so there is a risk of the baby being small. They assured us that it was very common, but i can't help but worry slightly! They are taking me back in for scans at 28 weeks and 34 weeks to check the babies size is okay.

Hope all you ladies are okay.
Any progress on names?
There are quite a few i like but not sure which ones i like best
Lucky you on the extra scans, fingers crossed baby develops nicely for you xx

I have name pickes she will be Charleigh and Brooke for middle name, how about you?
Yeah we are looking forward to the extra scans. But it is still concerning that there is something not quite right if you know what i mean.

Names....hhmmm....have a long list!!

Chloe........i have 19 names on the list in total at the moment! lol!
just a quick one as I'm at work. lovely to see there's been a bit more activity on the thread today!!! I've got really bad indigestion today!! GRRR. OH and I are going to the zoo tonight - it's a special late evening opening because it's the summertime!! I'm like a big kid, I'm really excited!

Some lovely names there - I agree Olivia and Isabelle are my favourite out of your list so far Bernie. Krissi - Charleigh Brooke is a gorgeous name. xx
I'm just posting to quickly say goodbye, unfortunately I went into labor on the 29th June and my Little man Nathaniel James Lomax was born asleep at 8.08pm. I hope you are all well and good bye.
Aw - Sweet - I'm so so sorry. My heart really goes out to you and your loved ones. You will always have a little angel watching over you, I know this won't make up for your devastating loss. Sending you a big hug xx
Awww sweet, I'm so sorry for your loss!!! Hugs to you and your family, and know we are all thinking of you!
I am so sorry to hear that Sweet. My thoughts are with you and your family.
So sorry for your loss Sweet, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family xxx
Sorry i havent been on properly have had a busy weekend.

Krissi - thats great that you have booked a private scan - good idea to get sex double checked. Im very tempted to have one done being as this will be my last baby but we will see will have to twist dh's arm about the money. Who have you booked with? you got a great deal x

Leeze still no clue on names i like Lydia but no one else seems to. We have to incorporate one of dh's mums names in there too as sadly shes not with us. This is making it a lil harder trying to fit something around Annie or Laurie or both. Ppl keep saying use one for a first name but im not so sure and if we used Annie i would worry she would have ginger curly hair lol!

Angie i hope the new meds work for you hun you have been sufferring so bad x

Bernie sounds like you are getting organised which is great...ive brought most things i need now. Will just pick up bits and bobs as and when i see them now. Hard buying outfits as everything is summery and will be cold when our lo's arrive. yay for leaving work in 11 weeks. Try not to worry too much about the weight gain (im in the same boat) i think you popped on curvy ladies before...come in and join that thread too great bunch of ladies on there x sorry to hear about the umbilical cord issue...i would worry a little too but im sure if there was anything to worry about the docs would tell you. Nice to hear they are keeping a closer eye on you though and you get to see bubs again xxx

I like the list of names i really like Miley i couldnt have it though because ds is Riley x

Again so sorry to hear Sweets sad news RIP lil man thinking of you hun xxx
Oh my God sweet I'm so sorry for your loss :hugs: I can't imagine the pain you must be going through. I really hope you take all the time you need to heal. Fly high little Nathaniel.
Wow need to catch up!
Big congrats on team pink krissi, or provisional team pink maybe!
Really sorry to hear you're still feeling rotten Angie. I have now come down with yet another cold... I'm not sleeping well and I'm getting really fed up. And so hormonal, the past few days I've been crying at everything. Yesterday I got up and went to the gym (as I normally do on a Saturday morning) and was crying in the gym because I hadn't slept more than 3 hours. No word of a lie. My mum thought I was hiding something, she couldn't believe I was that emotional just because I hadn't slept!
Good to hear from you bernie, gorgeous potential names!

Well I had a manic day yesterday (and on 3 hours sleep). After my spinning and training I went to see a cranial osteopath for my first appointment - think I mentioned it a while back. It was fascinating! I told her all about my backache, the crick in my neck I keep getting and my heartburn. After examining me she came up with a number of conclusions which were really interesting. Firstly, my posture is slightly off, I stand tilted which means my neck is compensating by pulling in the other direction.
But the most interesting stuff is what she told me about my body. She said that during pregnancy, the hormones relax the muscles and ligaments (which we all know) and get the pelvis to pull apart for the baby to sit in. For me this isn't happening because my muscles are too strong. So my pelvis is remaining tightly 'wound' and bubs can't sit down there. As a result he's pushing up, but because my stomach muscles are equally strong they're not giving him any room either. So his only option is to push up against my diaphragm, which is giving me the heartburn.
All of this is giving me the backache (which is a normal part of it anyway but it's making it worse) and the pressure on the nerve endings is also contributing to my neck. So she manipulated my bones and joints and she said that it should start to loosen me up. She wants to see me in a week to check on my progress and then look at appointments every 3 or 4 weeks. She said it is good that I'm very active and it is obviously keeping me strong, but I need to maybe lower the intensity when spinning. She thinks as well that my bad sleeping should benefit from it as well because her theory is that my body is again not properly relaxing or switching off.

I found all of this so interesting! I also thought that might be why my bump started off quite high, I found it very odd when it first came in and thought maybe it's just bloat, but was positive it was bubs. My poor little man with no room in there! :haha: Bless him!
I'll let you ladies know how it goes and whether it benefits me, but I'm pleased so far :flower:
So after my appointment with her I went straight off to see Take That at Wembley... oh my God it was incredible, such a good show! It was a nightmare getting out of there afterwards though, we only got home at about 2 in the morning. And needless to say I didn't sleep well!
Hope everyone is well :flower:
Wow Pieltte that does all sound interesting let us know how you get on.

I am very jealous about Take That!!

Baby is very active now and Paul can feel her moving now which he loves!!
No actually I haven't will text her xx
Hi everyone :hi:

Pielette - that does sound interesting what the osteopath said. Be good to know if it helps you. I have to admit I've completely relaxed my exercise regime since becoming pregnant. I used to swim 4-5 times a week and quite often go to the gym too - but now it's more like once a fortnight swimming and no gym!! I'm trying to get back into the swimming but it's hard work now because I'm so out of practice!! glad you enjoyed Take That, I'm also a bit jealous! I saw them a few years ago but it was without Robbie!

Pink - what about Lydia Anne for a name? I know it's losing part of the name "Annie" but I think Anne is a great middle name and goes with lots of first names.

Krissi - that's lovely you and Paul can both feel your LO moving. I'm still not feeilng much - occasional little fluttering feelings and sometimes I feel like maybe she is lying lower because I get a heavy sensation towards the bottom of my bump.

Angie - I hope you're feeling better

Sweet - if you're there, I'm still thinking of you lots - must be hard to get your head round it all xx

We've just been looking up girls names - our shortlist today is Hannah, Leah, Elena or Zara. I've had so much sleep the last 2 nights - about 9 hours each night and only waking up twice a night instead of 4 times - I really think my body pillow is helping. I feel so much better for this and have just been doing lots of washing and sorting out things. (pre-nesting!!). Also, we're close to agreeing an exchange date on our new flat so that is very exciting!!!!

speak soon :hugs:
Pielette hope that the osteopath helps it does make sense about your body being too tough because you train so much. Keep us updated with how your doing with it. YAY take that i saw them last week wanted to see them again, totally wore me out though i ached for a couple of days afterwards!

Leeze i cant have anne as its my mums middle name and without sounding horrible cant name after her id never hear the end of it would drive me crackers! lol. When i had ds Hannah Laurie was an option we were thinking of i do love the name. Love all your girl suggestions especially Elena (i love the vampire diaries and the main character is Elena).

Just watched transformers now off to bed, taking the gaviscon with me have the most awful heartburn x

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