Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

Awww sweet I'm Sorry!! That's so roughwhen hormones mess with you!!! So nice that he is gonna speak to her about it, glad he is understanding to your needs

My hubby is amazing as well, he does so much do I just don't have to, and it helps so much.
Sweet - sorry to hear your MIL turns up uninvited. Great to know your OH is going to speak with her. I think it's really important right now that you're able to give your body and your LO what it needs, especially given you're being sick again. In some ways I'm lucky that my MIL is 87 and so just wouldn't pop in unannounced, but on the other hand it probably means she won't be able to help out with much babysitting!!! :haha: Seriously, though, I hate it when anyone interferes with my mealtimes (even before being pregnant), I think in your position I would need to make it clear that I'm having my tea at what time I need to have it whether she's there or not. Hopefully your OH can make it clear to her - maybe come up with some agreement about what time is ok to come round and how soon she should let you know beforehand.

By the way, my OH has completely gone the other way now from the other day - and keeps asking me what else we need for the LO, telling me I should be buying more clothes etc!! Now, I've gone a bit more the other way and I'm saying let's wait until all the things I've ordered arrive before we decide what else we need!

On another note, we're all not that far from the 24 week mark now - where the babies are considered to be "viable" by Doctors and have a good chance of survival if come prematurely. this feels like another amazing milestone

hope you're all having a good weekend. It's been 30 degrees in London today and I'm feeling very hot!!! xx
I need to make a trip over there.... I love listening to you guys talk about tea time LOL I thought that was all old fashioned stuff, its cool you still do it. I love to read books set in England, especially back in what I've heard called regency time.... I may be wrong on that though, I'm talking about the 1800's. I love your history, and would kill to be able to go explore old castles and old manors, we just don't have that stuff over here.

As for Bubs, he is getting more active, or more likely I can just feel him more now. I really need to get moving on getting ready, I need to get a room cleared for him, and paint the one my daughter is gonna move to. Then paint his... ugh it is soooo much work and I have no energy!! I'm still fighting this cold and allergies are killing me! Its all I can do to vacuum my floor some days!!
hee hee - you should come visit, Angie!! Although the tea time we talk about these days is probably a far cry from the books you've been reading! A lot of the time we use the phrase "tea time" to mean our evening meal - like our dinner. Although I think sometimes people still take "afternoon tea" - which would be more like drinking tea and eating scones at about 4pm - although this isn't an everyday occurance for most people!!!

Good luck with the painting and sorting out the room for the little one! I hope you've got some help with doing that - sounds like a lot to do on your own. xx
Yummmmy I want afternoon tea now havent had it in years and years!!

Scan day tomorrow at long last!! Not until 3:30 which is a shame as all my other appointments have been first thing so no waiting around and stressing myself out!
Teatime lol! I never call it tea always dinner for some reason. I watched a programme before about a brit couple who were raking it in somewhere in the usa by opening a tea room and offering a typical english tea with cucumber sandwiches and scones mmmmm does sound good! My mum still makes tea in a teapot!

Angie sounds like you have lots to do still plenty of time wish i could decorate a pink nursery! Just dont have the room.

Im so tired today and got lots to do to get the kids sorted and ready before i head to the take that concert tonight. I cannot wait although the forecast is heavy rain so preparing myself for a soaking...will be worth it!

Ive given ds a baby doll to play with one of dd's old ones. Thought may help a bit (maybe a load of rubbish) he seems real sweet with it atm. Kissing it and giving it the dummy only downside is he carries it around by the head lol!
wahay for your scan tomorrow, Krissi. Will you be finding out the gender?

Pink - that's really cute re your son and the baby doll, although you made me laugh out loud about the idea of him carrying it round by the head!! Enjoy Take That tonight!!!

I'm so tired and hot and bothered today!! It's about 30 degrees in London today and the place where I work doesn't have air conditioning!! It feels as hot as being on holiday in Spain, except there's no outdoor pool or sea to have a refreshing soak in!!!
Hi ladies, how are you all? Hear you on the mil front, luckily my inlaws are quite far away from us and they never want to come visit anyway! I always get fed up at the prospect of people messing with my mealtimes though, pregnant or not. Don't mess with my food! :haha:
I am so hot and bothered today too, my classroom has been ridiculously hot and the site team thoughtfully put the heating on. What?! So I've had to put up with the kids moaning all day about headaches and feeling sick, plus feeling like a giant sweaty whale myself. I complained twice and it was still left on, and even with all the windows on it did absolutely nothing to take the edge off. I've been thinking today that it had better not be a hot summer cos I don't know how well I'll be coping with it :nope:
Ooh good luck for scan day tomorrow krissi! I'm precisely one week away from v-day now, oh my God where has the time gone? Bubs is kicking away happily these days :flower:
Yay!! So excited for you Krissi!!! I should be sorting out bedrooms, but I'm laying on the couch reading.... much more fun if you ask me!!

One of these days I will have the money for a Flight over there... and will find somewhere to have tea =)
Not much going on for me today, which is nice cuz this last weekend wore me out!! Its super hot here too, I'm not sure how hot 30 degrees is, I don't know how to convert It to Fahrenheit but its in the upper 80's here so I feel for you guys.
Pielette - that sounds horrible having the heating on today! and having to deal with a lot of tetchy kids too - I just about managed to deal with myself today!!!! That's amazing that you've only got 1 week till V day!!! How exciting

Angie - 30 degrees is about 82 or 84 I think. One of the things that is bad about the UK though is that we tend not to be that well prepared for high temperatures - most of the public transport and offices etc aren't air conditioned - or only the more modern ones are. So even though we complain all year about it being too cold, as soon as it's hot then it becomes too hot!!!

My OH and I have just been sitting with our feet in a cold bucket of water - not very romantic but what a difference it makes when you're feeling too hot!!!!!
I am team pink!! Baby was very uncooperative and refused to remove her head from my pelvis so nearly had to go back for a scan next week but at last minute and on attempt 3 ( 1 hour later) she lifted her head to be measured!! She is measuring ahead so back to due date of 31/10 which is what I have always said but they said they always leave dates as dates from dating scan so as it's only 4 days different I will leave as it is.

Do colours please let me know if wrong or missed you as it's early and I am doing this from memory!!

Krissi - pink
Darling - blue
Pink sparkle - pink
Angelique - blue
Pielette - blue
Leeze - pink
Waitress - yellow

Is that right and please edit to add those forgotten xx
congrats Krissi that everything went well at your scan (in the end!!) - how are you feeling about being team pink? I have a feeling you said you wanted to be team blue? Xx
Yes I wanted to be team blue but I am grateful for anything that said I still am not 100% sure she was right as we saw nothing as baby was kicking legs all the time lol x
aw - this actually happened to a friend of mine - they said they thought girl because they couldn't see clearly. Turned out she had a boy!! They were delighted either way but the funny thing was their son didn't have a name for about a week because they'd only picked girls names!!! xx
I'm off at a Softball tournament, and have a doctor appointment, I am asking for some strong allergy meds, my eyes itch so bad one is swollen so bad its closed and red.... hopefully he can help.

How is everyone doing?
I know what you mean leeze our thread has gone soooo quiet! Hope everyones ok. I keep posting on my curvy ladies thread which seems to be buzzing atm.

I had mw app today all was well, mw didnt go on too much about herself but commented that im very quiet. I asked what she meant and she said that most mums are excited and full of questions etc..i just explained im on baby no3 not got much to ask etc.

So come on ladies lets try and liven this thread up havent seen any posts from a number of ppl in ages hope your doing well, feel theres a lot of catching up to do, come on girls give us an update xxx
I have a private scan booked for 30th July whoop whoop!!

Feeling so exhausted now I am massive and baby has been kicking my ribs well at least I think it's baby if not getting bad pains in my ribs lol!!
I'm totally exhausted today too!!! feeling a bit like 1st tri tiredness - oh no!!

Angie - you're having a rough time of it with illnesses and allergies, aren't you? Hope you can get something from the Doctor. Is it really hot over there just now too?

Pink - that's great your mw didn't go on about herself today!! Good to know all is well with you. Have you been buying any more pink things yet? Any more thoughts on names?

Krissi - great idea to get a private scan done. Are you mainly getting it to find out the gender? I know I couldn't wait another 18 weeks or so to find out!!

I'm definitely looking VERY pregnant now - getting lots of offers of seats on buses but not so much on the underground. I think soon I will need to get a bit more assertive about it!! I'm still not really feeling much in terms of kicking but I was told because of the way my placenta is that it could be about 24 weeks before I really feel this.

My Mum texted me today to tell me she's been on a baby girl clothes shopping spree today!! I think maybe our LO is going to end up with too many clothes after all!! I just wish we had a nursery to put them in! Things still seem to be a bit slow in terms of the flat buying, we haven't got a date yet for exchanging contracts but hopefully this will happen in the next 2 weeks. I'm getting impatient now because there's still a lot to be done. I'm also feeling too tired at the moment to do any more clearing out and have got a pretty busy weekend ahead. I'm planning an early night tonight - it's 9.35pm now and I reckon I'll be in bed within 10 mins or so - so hopefully will get some energy back and will get back into clearing out mode. I know it's not quite nesting but it's a step in the right direction!!!

I have had a time of it with allergies and that horrible cold, glad its just allergies now though. Doc told me some stuff That should help, I hope it does.
Next visit I have to have my glucose test and my rogam shot since I'm O- not looking foreword to that, but otherwise all is well, oh and leeze, yes its VERY hot here, Monday will hit 100°

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