Calling all RMA Ladies (1st page updates)

Gl to you sprite let us know how it all goes
Good luck for the surgery sprite. Let us know how it goes..can't wait for you to start your treatment!
Thanks. I'm getting excited now just got my surgery date of nov6th. We'll have another SA and follow up before then so it really is exciting, I'm ready to get the ball moving.
Chris- when did you transfer? are you going to test early? When? fingers x for you
Well it's been a long time since I been on here, after my M/C with the twins it took forever 5 months later I still had products of conception and had to have a D&C anyways we did a new fresh cycle the following month, was able to transfer this time fresh and got a BFP only one stuck but she is now 22w4d cooking :)

Kins so glad you finally got your sticky BFP :)

Hello and welcome to anyone new I will read through what I missed so far to try and catch up it's been a while :)
Wow spoiled! Congrats I often checked back to see how your doing but you didn't have a journal. So sooo so glad things are well for you and look you over half way done!
Congrats spoiled.

I'm having my surgery in less then two days. I'm getting excited and nervous now. Any words of wisdom regarding a lap surgery ? Recovery time?
Sorry never had that surgery. Good luck to you and so excited its time
Don't worry sprite I had two laps done and the recovery is quick...just relax for a few days after.
Thanks kin, thanks mission. I don't have to be their until 123o in the afternoon tomorrow so the excitement is def building. I made sure I cleaned the house and made a couple bigger meals this weekend, mon and tonight because I know I'm not going to want to cook or clean. I go back to work Monday so I'm hope ing that is enough recovery time.
Hello ladies. Just had my surgery today it went wayyy better then I expected. She did end up blocking off my left tubes but it was open but very damaged she gave my husband the option to repair or block off an she showed him the pictures and gave all the details of the risks of the repair but in the end he choose to block it bc we are fully prepared to do ivf and we didn't want to contend with tubal issues through the process. I just kept thinking wow wouldn't that be the worst if we got pregnant and ended up with an ectopic bc I've read about that too many times. Good news no endo dh said something about lesions or something but I will get to see all the pictures in 2 weeks when we have our post op and treatment follow up with her.

As for right now I'm not in too much pain just some tenderness around the incision sites I took some Motrin apparently that's all ill need for pain. I was suprised about that cause I'm kind of a baby when it comes to pain but so far so good.

Thanks for all your kind words and support you guys have really made this process much easier. glad your lap went well..just relax and recover for a few days..let us know what happens at your next appointment!!
Will do mission. Just waiting for get af now. I stopped the bcp on Wednesday so I'm thinking maybe by Sunday she'll arrive. We can't have intercourse for 2 weeks tho so unfortunately well probably miss out on trying naturally this next cycle but that's ok I need time to recover.

The next 2ww is going to be hard now the anticipation of what she is going to recommend will drive a person crazy lol but I want to familiarize myself with some of the injectables and options so I'm not completely clueless when we see her.
I wish for you that the wait gets over fast and you get to start the next step....I know waiting sucks. Let us know how everything goes!
Hi ladies,not updated here since long time i guess dont have much new to udpate.anyway i m here with 3rd and my final iui try started with gonal f from yesterday.
How are you kins,how many weeks are you now,
Bluestorm whats up with you ,
Mission hope you are enjoying pregnancy ..i wish so badly to catch up you all mommies and mommies to be.
Sprite lets hope we get our BFP soon.:flower:
Well it's been a long time since I been on here, after my M/C with the twins it took forever 5 months later I still had products of conception and had to have a D&C anyways we did a new fresh cycle the following month, was able to transfer this time fresh and got a BFP only one stuck but she is now 22w4d cooking :)

Kins so glad you finally got your sticky BFP :)

Hello and welcome to anyone new I will read through what I missed so far to try and catch up it's been a while :)
Congrats to you :flower:
Thanks amazing....fx fx fx for you as well

When are you doing ur next iui?

I go for my follow up with the re tomorrow and I'm getting excited. I Can't wait to see pictures from the lap surgery we got our SA results back and they were much better this time dh still has low morp but I'm getting excited to be able to start planning....and I'm secretly hoping she just changes her mind and says oh hey let's try iui a couple times before going to ivf. But I'm not holding my breathe on that lol.
Good luck with your appointment with RE..i started my iui , morning went to morristown office for cd 7 bloodwork and ultrasound..I already have a 16 mm follicle on rt ovary ,,and many small less than 10 on left and Endo lining somewhere around 5 mm..i m bit worried is'nt it too early for this big follicle ??

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