Calling mom's with BIG babies!

Lol I def. wouldn't put too much stalk into your baby growing into a tall adult. It is likely but at the same time I was almost 10 pounds at birth and I ended up being a petite 5'3 adult.

My son was 8,1 at birth and almost 22 inches tall (2 weeks early thank god!) said 8+ so I will assume he is included. He actually tapered off at about 3 months and ended up in the 5th percentile...I don't remember exact sizes. But now at 2 he is back in the 95th percentile for everything and he is hugeeee. He is also pretty prone to fast weight gain so I have to be careful with what I feed him.
I was over 11lbs at birth, I'm 5'4", but I'm pretty sure she had undiagnosed gd. I think they watch to see if baby "tracks" a percentile and estimate from that. They're usually not far off either-- the bell curve for adult height is very steep. The difference between 50th and 91st for men is just a few inches.
I think Dr's base it more on their rate of growth not their size at birth.
My LO was 8lbs 6oz at birth and at his weigh in today he's 18lbs 6oz, he's just over 4 months old. I reckon he's going to cost a fortune to feed as a teenager!! :haha:
As far as I know, it's more genetics that determines your LO's size as an adult. There is a formula to calculate your LO's adult height based on you and FOB's heights in the red books I think. I was told by my HV when my first was a newborn not to worry too much if she didn't always stay big because OH and I aren't particularly tall (well, OH is a good height for an Asian but not properly tall!) so at some point she would probably drop down the centiles and she has. She was around 91st centile for weight and height at birth and for the first year of her life she stayed around there, but then slowly she has gone to around 50th centile for weight and 75th for height, which is what I was like - always fairly tall and slim until I just stopped growing! My youngest (18m) is around 75th centile for height and weight (she was 50th at birth) but I expect she'll start to slim down at bit soon.
I was a massive baby and a MASSIVE toddler/kid. If you looked at my preschool or elementary group picture, you'd laugh at me I was so awkwardly huge (taller than the teacher!). I was 5'4" and 120 pounds when I was 11......I'm now 23 and 5'4" and 120 pounds.
Born - 8 lb. 3 oz., 22"
Length = above percentile 95
Weight = percentile 50 and 75

2 mos - 12 lbs 12 oz, 24.5"
Length = percentile 75 - 90
Weight = percentile 50 - 75

4 mos - 17 lbs, 28"
Length = above percentile 95
Weight = percentile 75 - 90

6 mos - 20 lbs, 29"
Length = above percentile 95
Weight = percentile 75 - 90

8 mos (in 9 days) - 23 lbs, 31"
Length = above percentile 95
Weight = percentile 75 - 90

At 5-6 mos old, he was eating:
32-36 oz of formula
1 2.5 oz jar of organic fruit purée
1 2.5 oz jar of organic veg purée
DS was 9lb 15 at birth. At 5 months he was just under the 9th centile for weight, 25th for height. Now (19 months) he's on the 25th for weight and 75th for height.
Birth weight/height isn't a good indicator of adult weight/height. Birth weight and height can depend on a lot of factors, for example whether they were early or late. I know that the child height at 2 years old is used to give an indication of their predicted adult height and it is deemed to be pretty accurate.
Oh and food wise, DS was weaned at 5.5 months due to his weight loss. At 6 months he would eat a bowl of food (I guess it would be the size of a 7 month jar), some finger foods (half a banana and a couple of bread sticks for example) and 2 fromage frias for lunch and dinner, and a piece of toast and 1 wheetabix for breakfast :flower:
My DS1 was 9.5 lbs at birth and he always was in the 95th percentile and I'm pretty sure he was around 20lbs at 5 months (would have to pull out the baby book). But everything slowed down greatly when he started walking at 10.5 months, because he was becoming more active. Now at 25 months he's really tall and weighs about 31lbs. DS2 was born 10.3 lbs at birth and was 22.5 inches long (1.5 inches longer than DS1) so I'm interested to see what kinda curve he follows.
Eli was over 8lbs when he was born, but since then he has always been in the 25th percentile for height and weight, until last visit he was 45th, his head is a different story it's always been upwards of 99th percentile :haha: I believe he is only 21lbs now, not too sure, haven't been to the doctors since 6 months, but he has a big belly and big appetite! At 5 months he wasn't eating as much solids as your LO, but he was having no less than 35 ounces a day.

ETA: I've attached the best picture I have on my iPad of his buddha belly :haha:

My baby's not very big but I just had to butt in and say your buddha belly baby is soooo stinkin' cute!!
DS1 was 8lb 14oz, 21in at birth and at 4 months old (he didn't get weighed/measured at 5 months) he was 17lbs 11oz and 26in long.

DS2 was 9lb 6oz, 21in at birth and at 4 months old was 16lbs 8oz and 25.5in long.

DS1 continued to gain very rapidly until about a year old then started to slow down. Now at 9 he is one of the smallest kids in his class and is about as skinny as a bean pole!

DS2's weight gain has lagged behind his brother, but he is much more active than his brother. DS1 was also allowed to have cereal and fruit at 2months old! Which I think the extra food added to his weight gain. DS2 just started solids at 4 months old. It will be interesting to see if he is smaller or bigger than his older brother!
Arthur was 10lbs 5oz born, and 19lbs 9oz just before 5 months. I don't know about length though. I'm not sure how much size as a baby affects later height. My dad was nearly 11lbs born, and is 5' 8". Alice was a long, fairly big baby, but she slowed right down when she reached two, and is slap bang average now.

As for food, he doesn't eat that much solid food, although that's possibly down to me being lazy about offering! He's breastfed, so I've no idea how much he has. I'm guessing it's enough though!
Just for an example of a baby who's now older - Eden was 10lb 7oz and 23 inches long at birth. She's now 14 months old and 24lb 2oz and 32 inches tall. Still on the 91st centile for weight and just under the 98th centile for height :) both have slowed down a lot in the last four or five months though
Ds was 9lb and 49cm at birth. He's nearly 5months and is 16lb6 and 66cm. He's dead on the 50th for height but he's got tiny legs and a long body so anything fitted around the body is 9-12m, and isn't too massive width wise either. His head started popping out of his car seat last week so we had to buy a birth to 4y one to bridge the gap until he's able to go front facing.

I can't remember dds height and weight then except she was between the 50th and 75th for weight and off the chart tall. She's still off the chart tall and is in far better proportion than ds! She was 8lb9 and 59cm at birth. She managed go fit in her car seat until 9 months thanks to being thinner and better proportioned!
My boy was 10lb at birth and two weeks ago weighed 19lb2oz

He is in 4+nappies and in 6-9 clothes

Drinks 7oz every 3 hours during the day, hasn't had solids yet.

He is 95th percentile for weight, he was following the 91st but went up

He is over the 100th centile for his length and head
Baby girl was 9lb4, and was 19lb at 5 months (never measured her height though, either at birth or at any HV visits. Her trousers are all too short so i guess tall :)
My little guy was 8 pounds 1 at birth, 51cm.

At 5 months 8 days he was 21 pounds and 70cm (almost 28 inches). Not sure where he's at now, but he wears 9-12 month clothing sizes.

I don't really expect it to last... I'm taller than average (5'8") but my OH is shorter than average (5'8.5") so I think we must cancel each other out.
Leo was 29lb and 73 cms at 5 months

Weighed at 9lb 5oz at birth (3 weeks early)

He is being investigated (if that's the right word???) to see why he is such a big boy x

He is in (nearly out of) 12-18 months clothes. Has 3 meals a day plus up to 21oz milk
My DD was 7lb 13 oz at birth. She was just over 18 lbs by 5 months (91st centile), 70cm (100th centile) and head was 98th. She is still on 91st centile for weight (21lbs), off the chart for length at 8 months x

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