Canadian Ladies!! 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters.... Now everyone can stay in touch!

Hello My Canadian Ladies!!!

Just found this group and I'm sure glad I did!! I have found that in different countries alot of things are different.

I'm gunna be a momma for the first time!! And am super excited for this baby to come out. I was already 6 weeks pregnant when we found out we were expecting. Time has flown by. And second tri is by far the best. First tri was terrrible for sickness and second was good for feeling sorta normal and all the excitment of finding everything out! for just starting the third tri im starting to feel uncomfortable and sick again :dohh: haha.

We still dont know if we are having a boy or girl, babe was too stuborn to show us. I hope everyone has amazing pregnancies!!! And Congratulations on the babies!!!!!:happydance:

Another Saskatchewan Mom-to-be! Welcome!
Hello My Canadian Ladies!!!

Just found this group and I'm sure glad I did!! I have found that in different countries alot of things are different.

I'm gunna be a momma for the first time!! And am super excited for this baby to come out. I was already 6 weeks pregnant when we found out we were expecting. Time has flown by. And second tri is by far the best. First tri was terrrible for sickness and second was good for feeling sorta normal and all the excitment of finding everything out! for just starting the third tri im starting to feel uncomfortable and sick again :dohh: haha.

We still dont know if we are having a boy or girl, babe was too stuborn to show us. I hope everyone has amazing pregnancies!!! And Congratulations on the babies!!!!!:happydance:

Another Saskatchewan Mom-to-be! Welcome!

Thank-you!! Glad to find some more Saskatchewan mommas to be and of Course some other Canadian mommas to be!!!!!
So Canadian Mommas, where did you conceive your babes? Were you planning to become pregnant? What did you do to celebrate your positive pregnancy test? Do you have any preferences on gender?

sorry if its a little too personally. I'm just super excited and love hearing others stories!!

OH(19) and I(20) werent doing anything to prevent pregnancy. We conceived our little one at home ( i know kinda boring, although that night wasnt:haha:). After we got a positive we went out to go hunting to celebrate.. we didnt get anything. OH is hoping for a boy(for our first babe) Me on the otherhand am on the fence about gender. I want both.
So Canadian Mommas, where did you conceive your babes? Were you planning to become pregnant? What did you do to celebrate your positive pregnancy test? Do you have any preferences on gender?

sorry if its a little too personally. I'm just super excited and love hearing others stories!!

OH(19) and I(20) werent doing anything to prevent pregnancy. We conceived our little one at home ( i know kinda boring, although that night wasnt:haha:). After we got a positive we went out to go hunting to celebrate.. we didnt get anything. OH is hoping for a boy(for our first babe) Me on the otherhand am on the fence about gender. I want both.

OH and I were also not doing anything to prevent pregnancy and knew that it would happen at the right time! We conceived at home, and we had a lovely dinner together at home to celebrate when we got our positive!

We don't have any preference on gender, we both hope to have girls and boys one day (this is our first baby) so we will be delighted with either. I have a strong 'girl feeling' about the baby but we both keep having dreams that its a boy so I guess we will have to wait and see!
Hi girls! I live in Vancouver and just found this group! I'm 12 weeks today with my first baby and very excited, emotional, fat, name it! Nice to meet you all xxx

HELLO! Welcome to the group:)
Where did you conceive your babes? Well if we are being completely honest... McMillan Park, which is located somewhere between Campbell River and Nanimo BC. LOL
We were on fertility drugs and also visiting the inlaws, we "needed" (they tell you what days to have sex to make sure you have the best chance for the sperm and egg to meet) and MIL's house is not a place for that to be going on.. So we took an afternoon drive and found a forest:) hehehe

Were you planning to become pregnant? We wanted this so badly, we had many tears and negative tests.
What did you do to celebrate your positive pregnancy test? We were so shocked, we laid in bed and talked for a good hour. Then we had to meet my whole family to go tobogganing, and then for lunch. We were in a daze and so excited!
Do you have any preferences on gender? Not one bit, we are so ready and excited for either one! I have a feeling it's a girl for no reason lol. BUT I'm attracted to all baby boy stuff! We decided to wait until birth to find out.:flow:
Were you planning to become pregnant? My husband and I were trying to concieve and all the days I was ovulating for 4 months he was scheduled to be gone on business trips!! So, I took holidays and went with him...
Where did you conceive your babes? Edmonton.

What did you do to celebrate your positive pregnancy test? My husband didnt believe the internet cheepies, so I went out and bought a digi after our curling game. We didnt celebrate but my husband kept giggling like a little girl.

Do you have any preferences on gender? No preferences. I think its a boy, my husband thinks its a girl. We wont find out until its born.
Where did you conceive your babes? Well if we are being completely honest... McMillan Park, which is located somewhere between Campbell River and Nanimo BC. LOL
We were on fertility drugs and also visiting the inlaws, we "needed" (they tell you what days to have sex to make sure you have the best chance for the sperm and egg to meet) and MIL's house is not a place for that to be going on.. So we took an afternoon drive and found a forest:) hehehe

Were you planning to become pregnant? We wanted this so badly, we had many tears and negative tests.
What did you do to celebrate your positive pregnancy test? We were so shocked, we laid in bed and talked for a good hour. Then we had to meet my whole family to go tobogganing, and then for lunch. We were in a daze and so excited!
Do you have any preferences on gender? Not one bit, we are so ready and excited for either one! I have a feeling it's a girl for no reason lol. BUT I'm attracted to all baby boy stuff! We decided to wait until birth to find out.:flow:

I live on Van Isl so I definitely know that park! Lol. I imagine it was winter must mean in the car?! Or did you seriously get down in the forest?!
Were you planning to become pregnant?
Definitely! We have been making plans for years and decided that Jan 2012 was the time to start trying! I prepared by coming off BC, getting my health in tip top shape and charting my temps...when it was finally time, it took 2 cycles! We feel so lucky!

Where did you conceive your babes?
Hate to be boring, but at our bed! We BD'd every day for four days in the peak so not sure which day did the trick. OH, but it was right at Valentine's Day so that makes it a bit more romantic. LOL.

What did you do to celebrate your positive pregnancy test?
The day after our first, very faint, BFP was our 8th anniversary! We went out for an amazing dinner! We were still in shock!

Do you have any preferences on gender?
Not really, although I would LOVE a girl...I feel bad saying that but I do! We will be thrilled with any healthy baby though. :cloud9:
Where did you conceive your babes? Well if we are being completely honest... McMillan Park, which is located somewhere between Campbell River and Nanimo BC. LOL
We were on fertility drugs and also visiting the inlaws, we "needed" (they tell you what days to have sex to make sure you have the best chance for the sperm and egg to meet) and MIL's house is not a place for that to be going on.. So we took an afternoon drive and found a forest:) hehehe

Were you planning to become pregnant? We wanted this so badly, we had many tears and negative tests.
What did you do to celebrate your positive pregnancy test? We were so shocked, we laid in bed and talked for a good hour. Then we had to meet my whole family to go tobogganing, and then for lunch. We were in a daze and so excited!
Do you have any preferences on gender? Not one bit, we are so ready and excited for either one! I have a feeling it's a girl for no reason lol. BUT I'm attracted to all baby boy stuff! We decided to wait until birth to find out.:flow:

I live on Van Isl so I definitely know that park! Lol. I imagine it was winter must mean in the car?! Or did you seriously get down in the forest?!

BAHAHAHAHA OMG I love that you know where the park is! DH thinks if its a boy the middle name should be McMillan. (not gonna happen lol) I'm a prairie girl so I'm used to -30! It wasn't too cold that day:) We went off the trail a little bit and well... :haha:
Hi there ladies,
So I wanted to update you on our scan visit yesterday afternoon! I was SOOO nervous ! They had told me to drink 1l of water and not pee so it was excruciating! The ultrasound tech was nice, and was trying to make me feel at ease. And on first try, there was our little bean! With a heart beating so fast I could see it with my own eyes. DH and I were so moved and I started crying! I swear little bean tried to say hi to me (the tech said the bean moved something)! Anyway, viability was confirmed and all seem well. His HB rate is 165 at 8 weeks and three days, the doctor said she was very pleased with that!
She also prescribed Diclectin for my nausea and I started taking it last night and this morning I am able to eat something! So all is well and I am over the moon!
As for the conception questions:
Where did you conceive your babes? At home, one saturday evening after too many glasses of a fabulous wine we had just received from France!!! . After an MC last summer, it took me about four months for AF to come back, and even then my cycles were all over the place. I started temping in january and in february started using OPKs. But DH didn't believe in them because he said when it happens it happens. So that weekend, my OPK was positive on Friday and then again on Sunday! We decided to ignore it and just made a lovely dinner for the two of us at home (like we do every sunday). Of course I was secretly hoping that it happens, but when my OPK still showed positive on Monday (so four full days of OPK+) I lost all hope. What a surprise to find out a few weeks later that it had happened!!
Were you planning to become pregnant? Yes, after an MC I was ready to try again! And DH too! We really needed some good news!
What did you do to celebrate your positive pregnancy test? I never know how to deal with emotions so it took me time to first realize it and then a weekend after our BFP DH and I treated ourselves to trip to beautiful place and dinner.
Do you have any preferences on gender? DH thinks it's a girl and I think it's a boy. We will find out as soon as ultrasound can tell! I am incapable of waiting full nine months! Simply can't.
Just saw this thread, nice to see a bunch of Canadian ladies here!

Where did you conceive your babes? Just at home (lame and boring)

Were you planning to become pregnant? Yes, we have been together for 12 years and thought if we want to have kids, we better start now before it's too late. So I stopped taking my birth control pills after been taking them continuously for 12 years and to my surprise we were pregnant within two months.

What did you do to celebrate your positive pregnancy test? Nothing really, took a while for it to sink in, I really didn't think it would happen so fast.

Do you have any preferences on gender? Well, we know it's a girl, but I think I would have been happy with either
Feb4th2011-that is such a great story. I totally agree that there should be some sort of "Mc" in your baby's name... and I can totally relate to it not being cold. My hubby and I lived in Saskatoon for a few years and going from that to Van Island, well, even in the middle of winter it feels like a late spring/early summer day. Good on you guys for getting the job done regardless of where it had to be.

As for us, well nothing exciting here. Baby was conceived at home after many many months of trying. I was hesitant to be too excited about my positive test after having gone through heartbreak in the past. I have no preference for gender and won't find out until birth, although another girl would probably be easier. Thanks for sharing your stories everyone. Always good to get to know the group a little better. Great idea oneteddybear.
Hi there ladies,
So I wanted to update you on our scan visit yesterday afternoon! I was SOOO nervous ! They had told me to drink 1l of water and not pee so it was excruciating! The ultrasound tech was nice, and was trying to make me feel at ease. And on first try, there was our little bean! With a heart beating so fast I could see it with my own eyes. DH and I were so moved and I started crying! I swear little bean tried to say hi to me (the tech said the bean moved something)! Anyway, viability was confirmed and all seem well. His HB rate is 165 at 8 weeks and three days, the doctor said she was very pleased with that!
She also prescribed Diclectin for my nausea and I started taking it last night and this morning I am able to eat something! So all is well and I am over the moon!
So glad to hear you had a great scan! I went today and I know exactly what you mean about the having to pee! The tech laughed at me cause I jumped up and ran off to the bathroom with my pants undone and all the scan gel still on me. lol

As for the conception questions:
Where did you conceive your babes? We were at home too. It was St Pattys day weekend and also DHs birthday. He asked for a B-day baby so we tryed to make it happen :) Luck for us the OPKs were the darkest I have ever seen them in the last few months and we managed to catch an egg!
Were you planning to become pregnant? Yes. I actually started 'trying' in December before DH actually agreed to trying. I was using CM only. Obviously that didnt work and we went into Trying in Jan, then trying with OPKs in Feb, then were temping and OPking in March along with the SMEP schedule.
What did you do to celebrate your positive pregnancy test? I was testing with ICs for a few days before I did a FRER. lol I thought I saw a line on them but DH was not convinced. Silly! I finally decided to test after a long day at work when DH was outside waiting with the dogs to go for a hike. I took the test out to him and told him "See, I told you I saw a line!"
Do you have any preferences on gender? I guess just a healthy baby for us but deep down (and I know this is shallow and it actually makes me cringe to know I have these feelings) I want a boy... DH has a daughter from a previous spouse and I really want something that DH and I can have to share that his ex doesnt have. :( Terrible I know. I will be happy with either though and have started buying both gender stuff.
OH OH OH OH And I have Goo's First Pictures to show off!!!
DH was so excited!! We saw a great little heartbeat and we are measuring exactly perfect! You can see the umbilical cord going toward the top of one of them too. We even got a little wiggle from Goo!:thumbup:


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Thanks, I have definitely been avoiding the general first Tri board and just stuck to the threads I subscribe to since 4 weeks...I'll be joining in on second Tri stuff in the next week! So happy!

Life is full of sunshine
OH OH OH OH And I have Goo's First Pictures to show off!!!
DH was so excited!! We saw a great little heartbeat and we are measuring exactly perfect! You can see the umbilical cord going toward the top of one of them too. We even got a little wiggle from Goo!:thumbup:

YAY! YAY! YAY! So happy for you my friend!

OH OH OH OH And I have Goo's First Pictures to show off!!!
DH was so excited!! We saw a great little heartbeat and we are measuring exactly perfect! You can see the umbilical cord going toward the top of one of them too. We even got a little wiggle from Goo!:thumbup:
Hi there ladies,
So I wanted to update you on our scan visit yesterday afternoon! I was SOOO nervous ! They had told me to drink 1l of water and not pee so it was excruciating! The ultrasound tech was nice, and was trying to make me feel at ease. And on first try, there was our little bean! With a heart beating so fast I could see it with my own eyes. DH and I were so moved and I started crying! I swear little bean tried to say hi to me (the tech said the bean moved something)! Anyway, viability was confirmed and all seem well. His HB rate is 165 at 8 weeks and three days, the doctor said she was very pleased with that!
She also prescribed Diclectin for my nausea and I started taking it last night and this morning I am able to eat something! So all is well and I am over the moon!

Thats sooo exciting! I can't wait to be able to hear the heartbeat! It must have been the most amazing experience!

I also was prescribed Diclectin yesterday, and it has done wonders! I felt amazing today!

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