Just a quick hi from me, I am EXHAUSTED today!
Hope you had fun Sara!

I cant wait to go some craft shows!
Yeah both my girls' birthdays aren't THAT far from Christmas either (Nov 5 and 23). While they're little (with the exception of this year) I'll be combining their birthdays too, just because its easier for everyone else to have one party to come to for the two of them, rather than two parties within 3 weeks of eachother. I only seperated them this year because I figured it's Alora's
first so she should have her own.

Once they have their own friends, etc then I will probably seperate them again.
I don't think its a big deal though.

I mean sure, it might suck sometimes having it so close to Christmas but I always make sure they get more than enough gifts for their birthday
and Christmas so I don't think they'll ever feel deprived.
Brandi - Cute video of Miss A!
And I have no advice.

I think your husband needs help, but I thought he
was getting help before for anger management, etc? After the last big blow up?

Either way, I would definitely be reaching the end of my patience if I were you, there's only so much a person can take IMO.

I hope you figure something out!