Everybody's pregnancies seem fast to me ... except my own. I am trying not to think of the fact that I've got two more months. Too depressing considering I feel and look full term already
haha... I know how you feel amanda... I felt like Peytons pregnancy drug on forever! Especially since he was a week late, luckily you wont have to worry about being late, you can pretty much count on them being here around 37 weeks.
My doctor says he'll let me go to 38 weeks. Sometimes I feel like they'll stay in right to the end because I have a very long cervix, but then other times I worry that with so many strong BHs and the fact that Andrew was early that they'll come too early and be in the NICU.
It is early. Shawn and Andrew just left on their Winnipeg trip. I got up at 5:30 to get Andrew ready to go. I thought I'd just jump back into bed, but I feel awake now. Oh well, with the house to myself for 5 days I can nap whenever I want
I sorta miss being pregnant....but not enough to want to BE pregnant again any time soon! Seems like there's quite a few ladies in here who are expecting. What's the age spacing between everyone's kids?
My boys are 20 months apart. We were aiming for around 2 years, but got overenthusiastic?
Having just a bit more space between 2 and 3 will be nice, I think.
Okay! Woohoo!
The two Xmas Album photo books are finished and ordered!!!!
Just have the wedding album to do for my brother & SIL and I'm done! Hurrah!
I cannot believe how much work those things are. My eyes are so sore from squinting at these little thumbnails and fussing with layout and alignment and all that.
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