i keep looking at advent calendars for me LOL i actually wouldn't mind one of the nice adult ones that are more decoration looking with little pockets or boxes (i don't know if that makes any sense LOL im tired still)
We have a playmobil advent calendar for Simon. He loves it. It's been really good for talking about numbers, days/dates, and being patient! I've been impressed by how well something like that works!
Busy day planned for us! I'll pop on later to chat!
Yeah I always hated the crappy chocolate ones. My sister was obsessed though lol. My brother would usually eat mine and reshut the doors so it looked like they were there, and I would get to the day and BAM empty. lol
having a mid mat leave crisis today. i realized how badly i don't want to go back to work early and that the desire to go back is simply to get some baby free time. so now i am cancelling daycare i set up, and trying to figure out how to get baby free time so i don't go crazy and telling work im not headed back till probably Feb 18th... and i NEED to figure out what i want to be when i grow up
its crazy Joss. I have a good paying job that is ok, but i don't love it... and now having J i don't want to be away from her for 8 hours a day just to do something that is ok. i want to like my job enough that im happy to go. and why the hell would i rush back to something i don't love to do when i am getting paid to stay at home with my kid!
Sara could you look into maybe hiring a nanny or something to give you a break during the day? Like even for a few hours or something so you can have some "you" time?
yeah Vickie.. it would be quiet the hike... im hoping that the person i find can maybe become her full time care when i go back in march. i just need to find someone casual and flexible.
Sara. I love teaching, but even a job I love doesn't compare to being at home with Andrew. I look forward to teaching again someday, but aren't in any hurry to get back into it yet. I can understand how much harder it would be if you didn't really love your job to start with.
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