Nannies are freaking expensive. I hired someone to come into my house when I was working evening shifts and it cost me a small fortune. Im glad im on days now so I just need a home daycare which is cheaper.
I think it depends where you are, Joss. A live-in nanny would have been FAR more affordable than full-time daycare here in inner-city Calgary. We simply don't have the space for a nanny, however. You have to either find someone who is willing to work in a live-out situation, or have a separate bedroom and bathroom for him/her.
Can I share some profound joy?
In the last week, one friend who has been on an adoption waiting list for three years became a mama and another dear dear childhood friend who has been struggling with infertility announced the arrival of a baby - next month!!!!
Two couples who would make incredible parents get to do just that....
Thank you, universe.
Joss - re: Wiz of Oz - Simon needed Daddy to do some pretty serious reassurance throughout all Wicked Witch parts. How awesome is it that a story from the Dirty Thirties still resonates so much with little kids today? Kids who are used to crazy special effects and all sorts of animation and stuff like that? I'm kind of secretly thrilled that he was so enthralled because I remember being the same way watching that movie: in my case it was on a (colour!) TV at someone's house when I was tiny and I remember being absolutely enthralled with Glinda the Good Witch and terrified by the Wicked Witch.
Someone off of here who has been trying for a very long time and didn't think she'd ever get pregnant did recently get pregnant and I cried off and on for an entire day for her
Someone off of here who has been trying for a very long time and didn't think she'd ever get pregnant did recently get pregnant and I cried off and on for an entire day for her
Um, if it was someone whose name starts with a "C" and ends with a "7", I actually cheered and did a little victory dance...
And that's not even because I know her that well - it's because she's been so sweet and funny on numerous threads, and for a few years now I've noticed that her status has been sort of variations on "ttc and struggling". When I saw your siggy change (in reference to hers), I checked up on hers, and celebrated for a woman I've never met who lives on the other side of the continent.
The internet can be a very wonderful thing.
I was so happy for her. She seems like such a nice girl
And I am also happy for your friends! Awesome Christmas news!
Brian's cousin is having twins any day now, and my sister is due in 2 months. So many babies!!
We watched The Wizard of Fonz (as Helena calls it ) again today. Brian was saying how the part when the wizards balloon takes off made him cry as a kid. WELL HELENA CRIED AT IT TODAY Poor little gaffer
I think I may buy it for her for Christmas. I also need Charlie and The Chocolate Factory on Blueray!
Did anyone here breastfeed that had nipple piercings? My one boob is so effed up today and in pain. I think I need to rent a pump tomorrow. Milk starting coming out of my piercing hole yesterday, and now its like all built up in my boob cuz it can hardly come out of that hole. Not sure what to do...
Oh and as for nannies, its kinda cheaper here in Edmonton as well. Like my friend just makes enough to cover the cost of the nanny, but she lives in, is always there if they need a babysitter, and she works in real estate, so if she sells a house, then she ends up making money.
It's more to get out of the house. She has been at SAHM for 6 years and needed a break.
Not a very exciting day here. Not much to talk about. Today is my 50 days or less milestone. That's probably the only slightly interesting thing about today.
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