Lawyer Chick... I'm Tasha, 22 years old living in Hamilton with my boyfriend and our almost 3 year old daughter
Really hope that everyone is feeling better tomorrow

And everyone gets a good night's sleep today.
Mortgages... we bought in 2010, things were still a little shaky with the recession (and clearly still are a bit uncertain) and we have a 5 year term/fixed rate.. I can't even remember what it is atm

... about 3% though. My friend's paying 2.1% on her variable.. I am jealous... but our rate is not too bad anyway.
I'm glad we bought when we did; there are barely any listings in the area we bought and wanted to live in for the past year or so... but I noticed that the houses that are not as good as ours (location, size, etc) are going down in price... but the ones that are a bit 'better' (in terms of size basically, cosmetic renos) are going up by the same amount the others have gone down

It makes no sense to me! I don't know if the few listings that ARE up are overpricing their homes? It feels like it
I am applying to a job as an administrative assistant.. it's a 5 year contract but straight days, 9-5 Monday through Friday. It pays almost double what I make per hour now so it would be really nice if I could get it

It's at my mom's work, so we could car pool and there's a great daycare across the street for Elyse. Cross your fingers for me please.. I need some kind of change