Oh god, and meant to share: Tobe is in that nightmare of a stage where he grabs stuff and wanders off with it and puts it in some secret little place so that I cannot find it for a good four months or so. Yesterday I had to be at the Zoo quite early, so I worked like a fiend to get everything ready the night before and the house all tidy. I got up early, everyone was fed and dressed and ready to go when the sitter got here, and then I went to leave and one of my boots was missing. I searched the entire house with the sitter helping me and there is no sign of it. So I wound up 10 minutes late for work because I could not find the boot and had to go dig out my old pair.

It is a complete mystery, because I came in that door the previous afternoon, took my boots off in the usual spot and didn't go anywhere else. It has to be Tobe. He has been getting into shoes and the laundry and the dresser drawers and I keep finding really random things strewn about.
I need my boot! I cannot figure out where it could be.
It's kind of funny, but mostly just crazy-making.
I am feeling the pendulum swing away from the third child broodiness. I just want a little bit less chaos for awhile. I'm feeling seriously out of patience for parenting and housekeeping.
Okay, I got interrupted 30000 times while trying to write the above. Half an hour later, Simon is enjoying an enforced nap, I found the boot in the bottom of a toy bin, and I am boobing Tobe to sleep. If I can get 30 minutes to myself today, I'll be able to stay off the evening news.