No, there`s no lunch. That`s another reason why I don`t agree with the all day every day thing. After 4 years, it`s totally screwed up her schedule, which may or may not be the reason why we struggle to get her to eat...she might not be hungry, where she usually would be.
When I went to school, we started at 9:00am and went until 3:30pm. We had recess and snack at 10:15am until 10:30am, lunch and recess from 12:00 to 12:45, and recess and snack again at 2:00 to 2:15pm, and school was done at 3:30pm.
Zoe`s is what I mentioned above...two 40 minute "nutrition breaks" as they refer to them as, and if the kids aren't done eating after 20 minutes, too bad for them, they MUST go outside for 20 minutes. Essentially, they have long enough to have a snack at each break, but not a full lunch. Most days, Zoe's lunch bag comes home nearly full.