I don't like the idea of all day every day Kindergarten. Some kids, like Isaiah, are only 3 when they start and a lot of them still need a nap. Even those who don't nap become angry little monsters by the end of the day, and that's only on all day every other day. I don't understand why they had to change things. Half Day Every Day worked well, and so did the 15 minute recess. This whole balanced nutrition day is silly, in my opinion. It's like we're trying to teach kids to speed eat, and I'm sorry, I don't want to wreck that for my savouring son. Zoe comes home with full lunches every school day because she doesn't have enough time to eat. She already overstuffs and we're trying to teach her not to, yet the school wants her to eat in less than 20 minutes. Not only that, but she's used to breakfast, small snack at 10, lunch at noon, small snack at 2 and dinner around 5. Now she's starving when she comes home at 3, even though she ate only 2 hours beforehand, topped with a full day of drained energy. It's ridiculous. Zoe hasn't napped since she was around 3, but her teachers have said she has a massive meltdown by 2pm because she's so exhausted, and she's begging for a nap by 3:30pm.
I know Isaiah is ready for school, but I don't think he'll be ready for all day every day. He doesn't nap, most days, only if we're in a car and it's late afternoon, but I'm afraid we're going to see an increase in his meltdowns once it starts at his school. This whole idea never should have come into practice in the first place. As many say to Facebook, why fix what's not broken?