Well apparently this flu bug seems to carry with it an invisible insomnia bug cause I'm getting f***all for sleep the last 3 nights! ARGH!!
Woke up this morning (albeit exhausted!) to breakfast in bed with DH and Jack. Homemade egg & cheese mcmuffin and a big cup of tea (I never get the big mug! haha), a lovely card with ickle elephants on it (my addiction!), the first book of Game of Thrones and some shortbread heart cookies with chocolate. I love reading and never have time/money to get books myself lately with all my money going to Jack and bills so it was so nice! I'm addicted to the show and the new series starts in a couple of weeks so am uber-excited to read it. And I got a lovely card and box of chocolates off my stepson who must have brought it down last weekend. Sun is shining, a walk due later and (im)patiently waiting for F1 to start.