My Mom is obsessed with going to the cottage, we don't own one but my parents rent one for the first week of July every year. They do that so they can avoid going to our family reunion (same weekend every other year) because of some stuff that happened that is really petty. P and I both LIKE going to the family reunions.
So my Mom feels that its a good enough reason to bail. However she wants my brother and I to come and spend the entire week there each year with her. I know, there are worse things in life... but if I'm honest, I don't LIKE being at a cottage. Maybe I would if it didn't mean having to spend a week with my mother... but I just can't handle it. Her and I don't get along especially when it comes to Claire, she challenges almost every decision I make with her. She even lectured me because I allow Claire to eat popcorn. She could apparently choke on it. Uh, yeah... maybe when she was a year old! I can't even feed my kid an apple without being lectured on all the pesticides that are in the skin. She's even told me that I shouldn't allow Claire to drink apple juice because of said pesticides.
So yeah, that's the type of person she is. She got mad at me the other day because due to MIL going out of town for the long weekend, P working and them being at the cottage I have no one to watch Claire for me. So I'm stuck being at home, which means I'll be working when we were supposed to go.
She was SO upset about it. Like its something that I can control?? She was all irritated wanting to know why neither of us booked time off for it back in February when she told me about it. Well for starters, I didn't anticipate getting a new job back then so we figured we'd go on P's days off and I also didn't anticipate MIL going to Kingston.

What am I supposed to do? Tell MIL not to go???