Well, I went back to work today. It went great. Its rather annoying when someone else has sat at my desk for the past 8 weeks, and things were done wrong. The temp was there today and trying to tell my how to do my job. Grrrrr. Anyways, she quickly learned that I do actually know what I am doing. My desk was a MESS. Court documents were missing. I just cleaned, organized, and made sure all court documents for tomorrow were ready. Feels good to be there, see my friends, and know whats going on!
Had my appointment with the surgeon yesterday. He was sooooo nice. He found ANOTHER lump....in my other boob. I was offered a core needle biopsy, but he also said 4 mth ultrasound to check size....so I picked that. He says that was a good decision, but if I change my mind, it gets bigger, or I worry...to call him and to come in. So, January I get another u/s and go back to see the surgeon. I am not really worried. They seem to think not getting a biopsy is a good decision. Ofcourse, getting the biopsy woud let me know 'for sure', but I dont feel its that necessary at this point. It is a relief and I am not going o think about it until I have to.
My MIL is gone! Seriously...hair and make up! Frick!! Hair and make up was everywhere in my house! WHY does anyone need that much? It was disgusting. Seriously.