Was supposed to be writing this afternoon while Tobe napped.
Guess who decided not to nap?
But he's being so darn charming and cute that I forgive him!
Meant to add: Tobe adopted this incredibly ugly little baby doll that my mum found at a dollar store. He adores it and calls it "bebe" and takes it everywhere. So funny and cute.
I didn't really have a choice, had to do it now. My 2 year marriage visa expires mid December so this one will mean I can stay indefinitely with all rights and privileges of a citizen without actually becoming one. I could do in a year's time if I wanted but the only difference is I would have a british passport. Doesn't matter that much to me at the moment
I just renewed my PR card because I wasn't going to attempt the citizenship test heavily pregnant/with a newborn. I have 5 years I think before I have to renew it again and will likely apply for citizenship before that time just so I don't have to keep reapplying for PR status
Up all night with barfing Simon, interspersed with barfing me.
I was supposed to have all day to get writing done.
Hopefully I can crank out a few pages from bed, but I feel so so awful. Blergh.
oh dear Sarah, your family sure gets an unfair amount of stomach bugs! We've only had one episode of barfing here and that was when Andrew was 4 months old!
Oh no Sarah, thats awful. I despise the stomach bug (well, I think everyone does) but it is just terrible! At least whenever we've got it, it's spread out (so far - knock on wood) where it's either Pete and myself who are sick, or the kids. Not all of us at once. I hope you both feel better soon!
Congrats Maggs on passing the test!
It is strange what kids get attached to. It always seems like the fanciest, most expensive toys are the ones they care about the least.
Tiring day here. Both girls are sick, and I need some serious sleep.
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