Oh don't get me wrong, I'm lucky if I get about 7-8 hours per night (the norm) but it's usually my own fault by staying up too late.

My girls are great sleepers, but I was just shooting for the stars by saying 12 hours would be heaven.

And Melissa - that's exactly it.

They are awesome sleepers, but with these colds the girls have had for the last MONTH, it's been a pretty rough go as far as sleep goes.

Some nights are decent, and then we'll have a few hard nights. I am anxiously awaiting these colds to take a hike!
Amanda - I hope the teething passes quickly!
My girls poop quite a bit too.

Kyree usually once per day, especially now that she's in school she seems to hold it while there most of the time.

So she usually goes once at home. Alora is still 1-2 times per day. I am starting potty training with her next weekend, I think she'll do awesome. She's already very interested and I think she'll catch on quick.