sorry for the poor intro earlier (was holding a napping baby). I'm Vickie, married to Stan and we have two kids. Hannah who is 4 and Rhys 6 months. I'm in Mississauga
Just had one of those, "those babies cannot possibly be that old already" moments. For all of you!
Trinity - Stampede is a crazy time, but a lot of fun! I am enjoying it more now that I have little boys who find it very interesting! I can only take 1 day of it, though. It gets so hot and crowded. The mountain parks I could stay in forever, though. LOVE them! Glad you had a good time out here!
I lived in Toronto for 8 years during university, and husband is from Goderich, so I love Ontario, too!
Well, big day here tomorrow: it is Simon's Lucky Duck Day at playschool, meaning that I am the parent volunteer for class tomorrow. It is extra special because husband is bringing the community outreach ambulance and giving the class a tour and a stern lecture on learning basic first aid. Just kidding about the last part. But Simon might just explode with excitement. Very cute. And I am quite excited to see how their class goes.
Hi Trinity
I'm Melissa and I have two girls with DH ages 27 months and 10 months And we're planning on TTC#3 in the spring!
Congrats on your pregnancy!
Aww Sarah that is so cute about Simon, have fun with his class today!!! And I know what you mean about the ages. I looked at Amanda saying the twins were almost 10 months old and was all "no way!!" And then I remembered they're only slightly younger than Joni
Are there any other pregnant Canadian moms posting in this thread right now??? Usually we have a few at any given time
That sounds cool, Sarah! I want Brian to bring the kids on the train because her school is right next to the yard, but I don't think he is allowed to.
Helena has cultural days at school, and I have nothing.
I was going to make her bring Brian's Grandma who teaches all the kids swear words in Finn and gives children black coffee (Elliot happened to LOVE it *sigh* )
Hi Trinity
I'm Wendy (28 TOMORROW!), and I have a 4 year old Helena and a 1 year old Elliot aka Masta Pudge "D
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