I also loooooove gift cards.....guilt free shopping!!! yes please!
Amanda those dolls are awesome! Love the book idea too.
Joss I've looked on kijiji before but I can never find the stuff I really want haha. I got that link you sent me and while that's not the actual one I was looking for, I did have that set as a kid! So thanks!!
I want to get the little people Tudor house that I had when I was little. My parents and Nathan's parents both have it and she LOVES it. I've seen them on ebay but the shipping was crazy. Guess I'll just keep looking!
Amanda I still remember when you found a vintage little people train at VV and I was sooooo jealous
Amanda those dolls are awesome! Love the book idea too.
Joss I've looked on kijiji before but I can never find the stuff I really want haha. I got that link you sent me and while that's not the actual one I was looking for, I did have that set as a kid! So thanks!!
I want to get the little people Tudor house that I had when I was little. My parents and Nathan's parents both have it and she LOVES it. I've seen them on ebay but the shipping was crazy. Guess I'll just keep looking!
Amanda I still remember when you found a vintage little people train at VV and I was sooooo jealous