Can't sleep...

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:cry: think :af: got me!!! just went and wiped and there was some light red, pinkish blood (sorry tmi) just after I booked that appointment as well!!! thats a 43 day do I now work on 43 days for my next cycle or what ?? :wacko:

at least I know now for definite i suppose. :shrug:

think I am going to treat myself to a large :wine: this evening!!!!!

FXed for next month!!
awh hun, i'm sorry :(
it could be early pregnancy bleeding.
is it heavy or just a little?
i guess we'll find out in a few days.

and as for this next cycle, have you thought about using OPKs? since your cycle was off this month, you dont wanna miss ovulation next month!
shes not as heavy as normal, but sure its :af: im trying to stay positive though...will be nice for a :bfp: for xmas :happydance:
yeah, fx'd you get a bfp this christmas :D

fx'd I conceive this christmas. haha.

I'm really sorry af got you. :(
aw, sorry about that Tasha!!!!!!!!

Christmas :bfp:s for all!
I have the same thing, I felt exhaustion like I have never felt before in the last 2 nights yet I had difficulty sleeping (I'm 9dpo)- woke up at 330am both nights and couldnt get back to sleep, feeling almost wired.
Good luck to you and let us know how it goes.
I definitely read through almost all 39 pages of this thread.. You ladies are so funny. Its Awesome!

I am just browsing (stalking) these forums for as much info as possible. My OH and I have BD'd forever not really trying for anything. 3 nights ago we decided to OFFICIALLY try. I am ECSTATIC! But I have also had many many fare shares of BFNs too so I know the feeling all to well and dont want to see another one ever again!

Right now I am on cd18(ish) of a 34 day cycle. No idea if I already O'd, if I am now or if I will be soon. The only thing I am noticing these days is a "leaky" feeling that is CM.. not really EWCM (at least I dont think so).

I am curious though, a few pages ago everyone was feeling around on their cervix's.. I have never heard of this. Anyone mind cluing me in???

Thanks! I will probably keep reading this thread for a while! Good Luck to everyone!!! Lots of baby dust and aiko, hope ur OH feels better soon!!
cervix checking is not reliable at all. (i've researched) first you have to do it at the same time, in the same position, but it changes everyday and varies from woman to woman.

but generally speaking, around ovulation it should be what they call SHOW (soft, high, open and wet) not sure how it is otherwise.. i know that when AF is due, it gets really low and hard. then if you're preggers, it should be super high, soft and closed.

i'm confused about mine, seeing as AF just FINALLY stopped today CD9 and i'll check it in the shower, the past 3 days it's been super high, soft and wet. idk if i'm going to ovulate early.. (doesnt matter this cycle anyways though) really not reliable, but when ttc, EVERYTHING is a symptom. hahah.
...but when ttc, EVERYTHING is a symptom. hahah.

So true!
Back in July my 34 day cycle turned into 40 something days. I SWORE I was pg. Wrong. AF came. Then in Aug, I was around 40 days again and the days leading up to AF led us to believe we were pg this time for sure! I cried for ANYTHING! My OH told me he'd pay for me to get my eyebrows done but the day it was supposed to happen he told me he didnt have enough for that AND a haircut for himself. We were in the car when he told me and I swear I couldnt look at him and was biting my lip extra hard trying not to cry:cry: LOL! Yeah he ended up not getting the haircut for another week and my brows got nice and pretty :happydance:! That month BFN too.. Then I started getting back into my 34 days again. And here we are now TTC:thumbup:
Oh and every month it seemed like some new symptom that has never happened to me before was happening. My OH was not convinced after a few months. "Babe, every month its something thats never happened before!"
thanks Aiko, you girls sound so sweet. I hope you get you BFP as well. It sounds like you are soon to try this month?
on a side note, one of my friends told me about the book "taking charge of your fertility" by Toni Weschler last month. Its amazing and teaches you about your body, cervical secr., cervicp ect... ovulation, which was exactly like what it said and then i confirmed with an OPK this month. I felt much more in tune with my body then the other 2 months.
Anyway, this is our third month trying and will be testing on the w/e. I'm really hoping.
Wishing everyone positive results. :)
Good Luck to you! I have heard great things about that book too! I plan on going to a bookstore asap to check that one out too! Maybe this weekend I can pick up a copy for myself!
haha I know how you feel kita! I cried over everything this last cycle. i think the mind is a powerful thing, a lot more powerful than we believe. I think we can infact manifest symptoms. so I'm going to try not to think about it too much. i won't count nausea (i'm nauseous all the time anyways, i think it's the weather here) unless I'm throwing up. I won't count fatigue unless i fall asleep doing something at a weird time, more than once. i won't count cravings, unless it's like pickles with vanilla icecream or something haha. cramps, back pain, constipation, acne, all that good stuff goes along with AF so i wont read into that. I'm just tired of testing before AF. I need some self control. haha

Britt, that book sounds really good. I'll look for it. :)
and I don't get to try till december. OH is broken so we have to wait this cycle out. No BDing. :(

I should ov around christmas though! that's exciting! i feel like this is a lucky last month of 2009. i'm feeling positive about it. :)

best of luck to both of you! keep posting on this thread, we're turning into one big TTC family. the more the merrier! i want to hear about your BFPs!
aiko, my friend once told me that if you keep thinking about being preg than you might trick your body into thinking it too. I have a pastor who tested BFP just a month or so after having her second daughter. Turned out that her body was just so stressed..she was pushing herself after the birth.. so her body thought and was acting pregnant but she was not. After relaxing and taking it easy for a while, her body returned to normal.. Crazy right?!

Anyways I am hopeful this month but I am not overly thinking into it since the past like year with my OH has been BFN. I feel like this month is actually not my month but maybe Dec is?

According to the FF calendar, I am fertile now and should O tomorrow. I have not been charting nor have I done a OPK or anything so I am only going by the sites word.. Creamyish CM not EWCM. eh either way I think I may convince the lover to bd tonight even though IIIII was the one who told HIM that he had to wait till tomorrow morning lol!

I will keep posting on here. I like this little family =D

aiko, sorry you broke your OH =( but on the bright side, when BD day does come around, he should be ridiculously fertile no?? BFP for sure!
awh. yeah, I have a good feeling about december. :) I hope we can be bump buddies!

you should definitely BD tonight!!

hahaha. I did break him! (doctor said it just happens, it had nothing to do with sex, but we like to say I broke him) I feel bad though, we really enjoy our BD time. and I was kissing him and he looked sad so I asked him what was wrong and he said "I just wish I wasn't broken" he looked so so sad! :(
awh. yeah, I have a good feeling about december. :) I hope we can be bump buddies!

you should definitely BD tonight!!

hahaha. I did break him! (doctor said it just happens, it had nothing to do with sex, but we like to say I broke him) I feel bad though, we really enjoy our BD time. and I was kissing him and he looked sad so I asked him what was wrong and he said "I just wish I wasn't broken" he looked so so sad! :(

this made me giggle aiko, I love this little friendly thread too you are a great bunch of girls.

:af: is really bad this months, woke me up with cramping last night!! its like she is getting her own back for me trying to get rid of her for 9 months!! she definitely is a :witch:!!

belle when do u get your blood results??
awh. yeah, I have a good feeling about december. :) I hope we can be bump buddies!

you should definitely BD tonight!!

hahaha. I did break him! (doctor said it just happens, it had nothing to do with sex, but we like to say I broke him) I feel bad though, we really enjoy our BD time. and I was kissing him and he looked sad so I asked him what was wrong and he said "I just wish I wasn't broken" he looked so so sad! :(

:laugh2:LOL that made me laugh.. Poor bd partner =( reassure him that its worth the wait :thumbup:

Id love to be bump buddies!! Its official, I am addicted to this site and I only joined it 2 days ago! So much for my facebook addiction.. No one there really understands..or knows whats going on anyway!
I know that one, i knew I had an addiction to BnB when I log onto this before Facebook!!!
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