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Cautiously 'here' ! *2boys4girlsAllhereAllhealthyWedidit!!!!*

Yay Beanbabe ! It's so exciting ! and for you too MommyD ! There are people around me who are driving me absolutely bonkers and I would love nothing more than to tell them EXACTLY what I think and in no uncertain terms. They don't know I'm pregnant though and i don't want to tell ! I rant and rave about them to my poor husband which I'm sure he is sick to death of but he agrees with me anyway.

I'm on my way home at the moment. Sitting in the airport ! I have an appointment with DR tomorrow at 2.30pm. I'm pretty concerned about the way my symptoms eased and i just don't feel as pregnant as I did 3 weeks ago. I don't get sick like I used to though I get nauseated if I eat anything other than a tiny meal, my boobs aren't agonisingly painful like they were a few weeks ago, but they hurt a little bit and they are HUGE. My stomach isn't anywhere near as bloated and if there wasn't any belly fat already there I doubt I'd have a bump. I'm still tired, but I'm also on holidays and relaxing quite a bit. I do have pretty strong 'stretching' pains - you know those ones where you sneeze or cough and you get a sharp shooting pain down the side of your abdomen ? I hate to say it, but I am expecting bad news tomorrow. Time will tell. I'm going to be Cautious right up until I'm holding this baby in my arms and they let us go home.......:flower:
Smudge good luck for tomorrow. You are hitting that point when symptoms will start to subside. You still have lots of symptoms - you are still sick, still have sore BIG boobs, getting stretching pains, still tired. I'd say that was quite good.

Lots of positive thoughts for you for tomorrow:hugs:

Hope you had a great holiday.
Awwww!!!! A waving beanie! That is sooo cute! I have to wait so riggin long for my next scan its making me crazy!
Smudge, I agree with Beanbabe, sounds like you still have symptoms and they do start to subside at your stage of pregnancy. I have high hopes it will be good news tomorrow. Good luck!
Well ladies I am on day 2 of no puking/sicky feeling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And Im not 100% sure but I felt a funny little flutter in my tummy last night and when I looked it up.....a lot of things said it was my bub moving around in there!!!!!!
Well, guess who has a bouncing baby with a fabulous heartbeat ??

That's right ! ME!!!!!!

Went to my appointment today and told my doctor I was less than positive with the easing of my symptoms. He was supportive but kind of noncommittal at the same time. He also did that yucky thing where they turn the us screen away from you at first - hate that.

Then he said 'Well, would you look at that' ? And there was my (seemingly) huge baby ! I say huge because it's grown so much since the last scan 2 weeks ago, even though it's still weeny. Baby was bouncing around like mad, literally never sat still for a minute. The little arms and legs were going too- like 'yoohoo, I'm over here, look Mum ! Over here !' bouncy bouncy bouncy...

I told him that I thought I had felt the baby move, because if I lie flat on my stomach and stay still, I occasionally get little bubbly flutters slightly to the left. Given that this is my 4th baby, it's not unlikely to feel it so early !

So anyway, today I officially graduated from the OBGYN and I'm on to the perinatologist. I'm a high risk pg because of my history of neonatal death and also because I have a neurological disease. I am actually a few short weeks from the 2nd trimester, I cannot believe it :happydance:

I love happy, positive days in the Cautious world !
Oh Smudge, that is such wonderful, wonderful news! I'm so thrilled for you and your little bouncing bub! Sounds like you are going to have an active baby on your hands! LOL! Maybe a Cali surfer babe! Keep up the cautious good work! xoxo
Ladies do you think 1st tri ends at 12 weeks or 13 weeks???? What to expect says 13 weeks but my mom the nurse says it is done at 12....I dont know what to think??? :S
I always thought it was 12 weeks too! Now I'm confused like you. How great that you felt some fluttering. You have a little lime baby according to your ticker!
Smudge thats fab news. A real bouncy baby - awww. Im so so chuffed for you. Im not surprised you can feel movement with that amount of activity. What a lovely post to read. :happydance:

When is second tri. I think its technically twelve weeks cos a baby is considered term at 36 weeks which divided by three is 12. But a pregnancy is actually 40 weeks or 42 if you are that unlucky sod who has a non mover. If you take it as 40 weeks you are about 13 and half weeks b4 you move to second tri. My epu wont see you in second tri which they class as 14 weeks onwards.

Its a very confusing business. I'd be inclined to go with 13 weeks cos it would be a very long third tri from 24 to 40 or 42. Anyone even more confused now????lol
I've had different doctors for each of my pregnancies and they all thought differently about trimesters. I usually go with 13 weeks- 2nd trimester and 28 weeks - 3rd trimester. So, no they're not 'even' trimesters but thats been the most common dividing I've come across. I wonder what my new doctor will say ?!

I think it always seems sooooooooooooooooooo long when you're in the first or start of the second then time starts to whizz by. All of a sudden it dawns that this baby will be born sooner rather than later and it becomes 'how much time do I have left ?' My third pregnancy I worked right up until she was born and I remember lying on the delivery table thinking 'it's too soon, where did the time go ? Someone's made a mistake!'

I can't conceive (hee hee) of a third trimester right now. My current dilemma (and its a nice one to have) is when to tell. The only thing that makes me want to tell is the kids. They will not be able to keep it a secret though, so once they know, everyone will. Ideally, I'd like to tell around 16 weeks maybe, but its so hard hiding DR appts, ultrasounds, and secretly looking at baby stuff in the shops from them ! I think my oldest (10 going on 25) has seen hpts in the bathroom and suspects something, but so far hasn't said much beyond 'it would be so cool to have a baby, Mum'...

Also, the few people I told about my miscarriage were less than supportive so i don't think I'm going to get much reaction about this pregnancy. I like keeping it secret, it's precious ! Most of the people I know right now have little children, babies and toddlers. Even though I'm the same age or younger than them, my kids are older and they seem to think they were born that age and I have no understanding of what it's like to have little ones. One of them will be crying or having a tantrum and they say 'oh you have no idea what it's like ! i'm exhausted blah blah blah' I used to keep quiet but now I just let go. Most people I know with little kids think that what they find difficult or stressful now is magically going to stop when their children reach a certain age. HA ! It doesn't. I've had babies, I've raised toddlers, I know what its like, and no my kids aren't 'easier' because they're older, they're just as hard in different ways ! And as for that magic 'school age', thats when it gets truly tricky because thats when they make friends, really strike out on their own and start having full on schedules. It makes me look back on baby days and think 'oh that was so EASY!'

Wooooooo, sorry for the rant. You can see this is one of my pet peeves right now ! And some hormones talking... The worst part is, I could keep going especially about this committee I'm on.........:wacko:

Ok, time for some chocolate and a lie down.
Smudge, the when to tell dilemma is a big one. Its strange tho that the reason I dont want to tell people is the exact opposite to why you do want to tell. Under no circumstances do I want my kids to know anything about this pregnancy for as long as possible. Maybe its the age difference but deep down i know that my reason for keeping it a secret is cos they didn't know about Matthew before he died and so we spared them that pain. I know the posts on this thread have been so positive the past while and here I go pouring doom and gloom. Sorry girls

My MIL in her wisdom keeps telling me how lucky I am that I have my two up so far now and they are not as tough to look after. Some of these days I will flip and tell her I dont really count myself lucky that my son died and that I don't see his death as some sort of lucky escape so I dont have to deal with a baby. The maddening thing is I know she wouldn't mean it like that but it grates on my nerves so much. She is a lovely woman and I think the world of her but this one thing :growlmad:

On Wednesday night after we had our scan all of oh family arrived in our house except his sister. It was pure coincidence that it happened like that but they were all there and she made this comment again. I was so close to just saying "well guess what im pregnant". But I didn't. I actually feel I will have to defend this pregnancy, that I will have to justify getting pregnant even tho I didn't plan it.

Thats my rant over - Anyone else???

Smudge - chocolate is an excellent idea. Going now to the naughty press. :munch:
This morning I talked to the baby for the first time. Normally I talk away to them telling them silly things, we are going to have a shower or it's time for something to eat. Just telling them whatever Im going to do next. This time I have never spoke to the baby at all

This morning i just said "bubs would you llike some porridge for breakfast". I totally shocked myself but it was so lovely to treat this baby like the others.

Having a really positive day today. Just thot I would share after my doom and gloom post of last night.

Anyway thats my exciting morning so far. Boring for everyone else but important for me.

Hope everyone is well. :flower:
hahaha Ya I kept calling it my margarita baby all weekend! I just got back from a mini getaway to meet my OH's family dans la belle province! I really do love french people! They are so different and traditonal in Quebec, it was a nice change from Ontario!
YAY Smudge! I'm so very please for you.

according to my OB the end of the first tri is 12 weeks 6 days. i'm still feeling pukey and tired. but i'm sure it'll pass. am DYING to have a mini gettaway! i feel like i'm in this never-ending loop of work and work.
Ugh work...I am so unhappy in my job lately. I work with one guy who keeps saying I am "faking" morning sickness and the tiredness and that I am being lazy and getting everyone else to work for me. Ever since I told evryone IM pregnant I feel like everyone looks down on me now. I hate it. The other girl I work with is 27 and still lives with Mom and has no boyfriend and has no kids so she always says "Well you decided to get knocked up" everytime I yawn. I know she is just jealous but it is still so frustrating.
That sucks when people are like that V. In my last pregnancy I was working full time and there was an old fart there who didn't believe women really belonged in the workforce let alone pregnant ones. He started a very subtle campaign of excluding me from important things like meetings I needed to be at, or events I was supposed to be involved in. In the end, I called the union and they gave me a book called 'Pregnant and Productive' about MY rights as a pregnant employee and the rules regarding discrimination. I complained to my boss and the HR manager numerous times, but they were friends of his (the HR manager was his wifes best friend - objective, eh ?) and they just told me to get over it. I ending up writing him a letter (he was on leave when I went on Mat Leave). I was careful to be polite and unemotional (even though I all I wanted to do was scream at him) about his behaviour and gave him a copy of the book. Never heard anything back and I moved away so I never went back to that job.

I have been having a really rough time at the moment. To make a very long, involved stupid story short.. at the moment, I don't even know what country I'm going to be giving birth in.

But thats not the least of my worries. I have a chronic neurological disease for which I take medication. My obgyn initially told me it was safe, but I wasn't sure. My illness is extremely rare and there is simply not much known about it let alone the effects of the medication. I basically stopped taking it a few weeks ago, which isn't great because it's painful and hard to function but I'm too scared. I finally saw my neurologist today and even he doesn't know what to do. I'm the first patient he's had with this illness and the only information he could find about my medication and pregnancy is the same stuff I found and my obgyn found which is utterly inconclusive. He simply said 'I'm not sure what we should do. I feel like I've let you down because I jsut don't know' To be fair, he's a good doctor and most neuros have no experience of my illness though they do hear about it. I did pass my neuro tests today with flying colours so thats reassuring. He wants to hear what the perinatologist thinks. I haven't got an appt with him yet, fingers crossed it's sooner rather than later.

I'm not going to take any more meds right now and I think I'm going to have to have even more regular ultrasounds.

I feel a bit shattered and worn out today. Cursing the bumpy road that may lie ahead. Sorry for the long, boring post - just had to get it out !
Hi girls

Sorry not been on here for a while but I have been having a bit of a tough time. My eczema does not like my hormones or the hot weather we have been having and as a result it is really bad. THis has also meant that I have not slept for more than about 2 hours a night for the past 2 weeks.

I went to see doc yesterday and she has put me on mild sleeping tablets and told me to take a few days off. She has reassured me hat the tablets are only a problem in the end stages of pregnancy if I was to take them long term but are safe for short periods in early pregnancy but I am still unsure. I took one last night and although I slept a little better I still didnt get a full nights sleep and feel awful today, dizzy griggy etc.

To make matters worse I know I am going to get grief when I go bak to work as the deputy head who is my line manager is not very sympathetic and has already made a few sarcastic comments about time I have alreday had off.

Also I am having my 12 week scan o n Thursday which I was really looking forward to but in the last few days all my pregnancy symptoms seem to have disappeared completley so I am starting to panic.

Sorry for moaning I will stop now!!
Hi girls,

Can i please join? At the moment I am a contstant knicker checker!
I am just hoping and praying that I get to 12 weeks, and that this bean will make it all the way to allow us to bring him/her home!

I don't know whether to go for an early scan or not - I haven't told anyone other than DH so far - want to get past my MC stage first!

Does it get easier? :shrug:

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