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Cautiously 'here' ! *2boys4girlsAllhereAllhealthyWedidit!!!!*

It's nice to hear from you mommyd, though obviously not nice that you're being put through the symptoms ringer to quite such a degree! Poor you! :hugs: I hope the nausea carries on easing up.

On the other hand though, I'm glad for you that your symptoms are so strong and bubs is obviously very determined to do well :)

As far as the growing is concerned - I'm so glad you said that because I'm HUGE already! I mean, I was bigger than normal right from the start because some meds i was on at the end of last year made me gain weight and then I put on a fair bit during my earlier pg and after my mc, but still! I've gone up a dress size already!! Considering how hard I'm finding it to force food down most of the time, it seems pretty unbelievable! I put on a lot when I was pg with my DD, but I didn't get any sickness AT ALL then and was eating LOADS, so it made more sense. Plus I'm sure it didn't start piling on until later than this. I'd buy maternity clothes already if I wasn't worried it would jinx things. I'm going to have to buy some bigger size stuff until 12 weeks I think. So anyway - you're not alone in your growing! xx
Girlies is it ok if I join the cautious club. I've been lurking for a while on this thread. (very naughty - I Know) :blush:

Congratulations to you all on getting this far. :thumbup:

I think I qualify as cautious cos "IM A WRECK". Seriously
I feel like total c**p but I want to feel worse.
I cant get through a day without having a rest but I want to be sleepier.
I keep wanting to eat tuna and mayo sandwiches (a serious craving I had with pregnancy no 1)
I am constantly aware of my boobs but they dont hurt enough

Every little piece of sickness, tiredness etc is analysed like something from CSI. I have symptoms but I want MORE. If i felt as bad as I wanted to feel I would be hospitalised. I think I may be hospitalised but its likely to be a mental hospital lol.

Im 6+6 today - roll on February.

:hugs: and baby dust for everyone
Bean - Well we only have one requirement for our club. Its a pretty crappy one but none the less it brings us closer...and that is to have suffered a loss. Thus the "nutso"ness of constant symptom checking, and paranoia surrounding dates and scans and such. I see from your ticker that you have had a loss so welcome to the clubby. And so sorry for it as well. But we girls understand very well.

So ladies, I have my last dose of diclectin in my clamy hands and am not looking forward to hurling up my food now...mind you I may convince my OH to buy me more because he is not a fan of my constant whining. LOL *pssst plus I tell him I am not in tha mood if I am too sick hehehe*

Kit - I am HUGE too! I look five friggin months pregnant!
Hi all,

nice to have you here Beanbabe :hugs: I hope you find the CC as big a support as I have :)

It's half 2 in the morning and I can't sleep because of stewing about my scan tomorrow. I had no idea I'd feel in this much of a state before it. How did you all stay so relatively calm??
I was not calm...I had spotting pre scan so all I could imagine was seeing an empty uterus. I just kept telling myself..."Ok I have *blank* number of hours" Then I planned movies long enough to fill up the hours.
Hey Guys

Welcome Beanbabe. we're all equally crazy so I'm sure you'll fit right in!
KitKatB- i was so not calm! i actually worked myself into such a state that when i went to the doctors for a scan i sat in the waiting area completely blank. Then when it was time - i convinced myself there was NOTHING to see - so i wasn't very forthcoming (for lack of a better word) with my symptoms. of course we had a very different chat afterward.

anyway - yesterday i felt relatively ok - no real nausea to speak of - AND THEN by the time i got home from work - i hurled and hurled and hurled and i thought i was going to hurl my baby out! needless to say i spent the rest of the evening feeling downright sh!tty. like super sh!tty. couldn't eat, hubby trying to get fresh with me (and i tried) but he moving made the nausea worse LOL. So we will try tonight again.

anyway - this morning it's all about Fanta orange and chewing gum. It's all i can hold down - it's all this little vampire wants from me. and i packed lovely quiche for lunch!!! doubt i'm going to eat it though.

tell me - those of you who have had 1st scans - when are your next ones booked for?

KitKatB - what time is your scan? let us know soonest how things went. FX'd for you Hun!
thanks for the welcome girls. Vgibs I know its a pretty crappy entry requirement but Im so glad I can pop on here and people wont think i should be locked up. Im sorry for all your losses as well.

This is pregnancy no 5 for me. 1 + 2 no probs at all giving me one ds and one dd. I lost pregnancy no 3 at nine weeks and pregnancy no 4 at 19weeks.

Im really frightened today. Last night I started getting back pain and cramping. It hasn't really got any worse but its not any better today either. this is the way preg no 3 was and I cant help but worry. However what will be will be and Im just taking it easy today and hoping it passes.

Kitkatbit - good luck for the scan. Hope you managed to get some sleep.

Vgibs - withholding favours for your oh - you naughty girl. Im sure none of the rest of us would do such a thing. lol. I love it "get me the meds or else"

Mommyd - thats rough going. Hope it eases soon for you.
Hi everyone,

haven't had much sleep no. My scan's not until 4:30 pm, so still 5 hours to go :( I'll try and throw myself into work - joy! lol. I'm glad I'm not the only one who's turned into a basket case beforehand - not that I'm glad you were all stressed of course, but you know what I mean!

I hope you manage to hold something down today mommyd :hugs:

and I hope your cramps ease off Beanbabe. I've had them on and off too, but so far they've always just gone again, rather than intensifying like last time. x
Mommydeux- well in ONtario they only provide 2 ultrasounds. One for dating purposes very early and one around 20 weeks to check on the baby and some people decide to find out the sex. But there are very few private clinics you can go to. I live about an hour away from the capital of Canada and Ottawa has two private clinics and you need to book WAY in advance!
Hi girls.

I had a scan at 8+4 and have been told I will still get my 12 week and 20 week scan. Just waiting for date for 12 week scan.

Got second appointment with midwife in the morning and it is going to be here at home which is nice.

My nausea seems to have calmed down a bit but I am still absolutely exhausted all the time amd boobs still very tender.

Cant believe I have made it into week 9!!!
Hi all,

we have a heartbeat!!!! :wohoo: He thinks I'm not as far along as I calculated based on my LMP (I must have ov late) but other than that it was all v good news :happydance: He said as well that they can't date v accurately this early on, because it's a bit too blurry at the edges for measuring precisely, so my dates might not be too far out. For now at least I feel very relieved and am actually allowing myself to relax a bit.

4 (or 4.5 if he's right!) weeks to go before I can relax a bit more still. I'm waiting to hear my 12 week scan date too.

I hope everyone else is ok and Beanbabe, I hope my scan results help you feel a bit better about the cramping, because I had lots and it obviously was just growing pains.
Thats fab news KitkatBit. Im so pleased it went well for you. I dont think a few days out makes any difference - not considering they'll let you go two weeks past edd b4 they will induce.

It is reassuring to know that you had cramping as well and everything is ok for you and your little one. I have my early scan next wed morn - will be 8+1then.

Heres to a good nites sleep for you 2nite.
Hi ladies, I just read through your thread and would like to join you if you don't mind. I got my BFP on Sunday and am scared out of my mind. I had a mc at 10+5 weeks on Christmas eve 2008. I had another mc at 6 weeks January 2010. I'm soooo nervous about this one. I booked an early 6 week scan and I seriously think I'm going to cry when she's doing the scan. When I booked it today, I started asking the receptionist what the procedure would be to book a D&C if things didn't look good. I'm just so used to having a scan and then being told I have to have a D&C! She told me to relax and take it one day at a time. So hard!

I'm 4+4 today, so a lot further behind than most of you. I will look to you as my wise women! I'm having no symptoms which I know shouldn't worry me, but of course it does. Both pregnancies before my boobs hurt like crazy.

KitKat, congrats on the heartbeat! What wonderful news. I hope to get to that stage soon!

Welcome Heart Tree! don't sweat the lack of symptoms yet - i had NONE in week 4 and parts of week 5 only to have it come with avengeance in week 6! it seems to be settling a bit now.

KitKatB -:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: I am so pleased for you!!! like beanbabe said - what's a few days off the edd. at least you can rest easy now - for a while anycase.

I'm on Medical Aid/Insurance here - so i go to a private OB. which means i get a scan at every 5-6 weeks. until the day baby is born.

I had such a vivid dream about my baby last night. it was totally amazing - but i feel like I'm tempting fate BUT i have no control over my dreams! girls, i'm telling you, i've been having the weirdest dreams EVER! do you think that can be a pregger thing LOL????

Nausea stayed away for most of yesterday - so i went home early from work - to get in some long overdue Q-time with hubby! BUt today i feel tired - like SUPER tired.

how's everyone else doing?
My dreams have been completely bizarre and vivid too. So vivid I cant remember if it actually happened or it was a dream!

So I was up most of the night getting sick last night and I have to friggin bloody work today. Ive never felt so horrible. I dont have my daughter tonight though so I am gonna sleep like there is no tomorrow all afternoon.
Hi heart tree - I remember you from mc support section. I never made it to ttcal. Kinda missed that section cos wasn't ready to ttc. Mother nature had other ideas tho so here I am. Great to see you here. Don't panic about lack of symptoms yet. At 4+4 a lot of women dont even know they are pregnant so dont worry (says me the symptoms analyst nutjob!!! lol) .

Weird dreams during pregnancy is totally the norm. I remember having the weirdest of dreams during my first two pregnancies. Sometimes you get lovely dreams about the baby - I really enjoyed them.

Mommyd - great that you got a sick free day. Think you are long overdue it.

Vgibs - sleep tight.
Thanks Beanbabe and Mommyd, I know I shouldn't worry about the lack of symptoms, and actually be grateful. I remember the nausea all too well from my last 2 pregnancies. Sounds like many of you are in the full throttles of it.

I hope you all get a good nights sleep tonight and feel better in the morning.

I'm going to get "drinks" with some friends tonight. I've decided to tell them the news. I want to believe that I get to keep this bean and I want to have some of the innocent joy that others have had in their complication-free pregnancies.

Cautious...but hopeful!
Thanks everyone :) and I did finally get some lovely sleep too :happydance:

:hi: heart tree. Nice to have you along for the rollercoaster ride :) I'm sure your symptoms will come along soon, but as you might have read mine have been pretty mild and on and off and my scan was ok, so it doesn't necessarily mean anything. I didn't have any at all with my DD and in my naivity back then I was just grateful, but it was all fine as fine can be!

Hurrah for a break in the hurling mommyd :) and preg dreams really ARE a symptom, yes. I haven't had any yet this time, but i had LOADS of really vivid ones with my DD. Some of them were quite horrid and obviously as a result of my anxieties, but some were lovely. It's just your mind processing everything I guess.
Well hows all the cautious girlies doing.

Four days now till scan. Christ Im dreading it. It so weird to be not looking foward to a baby scan. I've never had one so early before either so Im used to seeing a definate formed baby and Im not sure if I'l get that at 8+1.

I've realised that Im not actually afraid of a mc but Im terrified of a missed mc. I've convinced myself that when I go to scan on Wednesday they'll tell me I'm not pregnant. That I've made a mistake and how could I be so silly. I dreamed that the doc said to me "oh three positive tests doesn't mean you're pregnant, you have to get four" WTF is going through my head. One thing for sure noone could ever acuse me of being a poas adddict - I only tested three times.

Im such a bloody drama queen. :dohh:
Beanbabe, if that isn't a stress dream, I don't know what is! I know what you mean about dreading the scan. It something we want but at the same time, the prospect of being told bad news is terrifying. I wish I had words of comfort, but I'm also anxiously awaiting my scan in 10 days. I hope you can find ways to relax until then. I'm trying to distract myself as much as possible so I can't think about it. It's hard though! All I wanted last night was a glass of wine to ease my nerves! I guess a cyber one will have to do! :wine:

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