Cautiously 'here' ! *2boys4girlsAllhereAllhealthyWedidit!!!!*

Thanks. Cyber wine will do me fine as well. Apart from the fact that I wouldn't drink when pregnant the minute I get pregnant my body will tolerate no alcohol. Im not a big drinker but one sip of wine when pregnant will make me so sick its unreal. Its one of those things that makes me poas - lol.

I wish Wednesday was here. Symptoms are pretty mild so far but just this evening I am feeling really sick and Im delighted. I think the lack of sickness is due to one of two things

1) Something is not right :nope:

or the more positive option

2) My stowaway is Female :happydance:

Im trying to convince myself its the later. I have been way way sicker with my boy pregnancies. With my dd I was not sick at all. Never. She was born at term weighing 9lb 4oz and perfect. I need to keep reminding myself of this. Maybe I should write it in my siggie :haha:
You just gave me a new thing to hope about. My mother told me she was sick for 1 day with me and 4 1/2 months with my brother! Maybe my lack of symptoms means a girl! (or maybe it's because I'm only 5+1 today!

Exciting thought!
HI Bean babe

I had my first scan at 8+4 and you can see a completley formed baby!!!!! So hopefully you will be able to see your baby on Wed, fingers crossed for you! Also the nights leading uo to my scan I had the same dream as you. I dreamt that when i got to the scan they couldnt see anything and said I had been inagining it all!! Amazing what stress can do to us isnt it!!!

HOw is eveyone doing? I am not liking this hot weather. My eczema is playing up as it does not like my pregnancy hormones and the sticky weather is just making it worse.

My nausea seems to have settled down now but my boobs are more tender than ever and seem to be getting bigger by the day!! Dread to thin k what they will be like when my milk comes in!!!

I have got my 12 week scan on 15th July, Cant believe I am a quarter of the way through already!!!
Thanks Smiler. I wasn't sure what to expect at all. My dreams are getting weirder and weirder. Lots of random things all bunched together but revolving around losing Matthew and this pregnancy.

Can you use any steriod creams for your eczema when you are pregnant? My dd has eczema and the hot weather plays havoc with it. Drives her mad the poor pet especially at night. Its a bit cooler the past couple of days here but i think its supposed to be a generally hot summer. Guess thats one advantage of not being third tri at the mo.

I read that the reason your boobs are so sore is that they dont fully develop when you are a teenager. They only finish developing when you get pregnant. The milk thing is sore but its a few days of real sore at most. Well worth it.

Quarter way there - lucky you. Good luck for scan.
Hi ladies!!!! How is everyone??? I am having those crazy dreams too! I keep dreaming that I have the baby and that I am too tired to clean my house and it ends up looking like Grey gardens and they threaten to take away my baby! Its craziness!
I use hydrocorisone if itching is not too bad and then betnovate ointment if worse but trying to avoid if poss. I had been on oral steroids (prednisolone for 15 years up until december so am desperate to use as litlle as possible.

Jus havinglots of baths in oilatum and smothering myself in emollient creams!!!
Hi Girls !

I'm still away from home, but back in the land of reliable internet :happydance: Happy to see that everyone is doing good and that we have new people !

I'm still going too. A lot of my nausea has gone now, it's only if I let myself get too hungry or tired does it come back. The girls, however, have taken on a life of their own. I used to call them 'Mary Kate and Ashley' because they were kind of nyeh and unimpressive. Now they're Venus and Serena - big, proud and HARD TO MISS. I'm getting very tired of catching every second bloke having a good look. I guess I can't blame them though, I've been wearing a lot of tank tops and such and you can't help but notice they are HUUUUUUGGGGGEEE.

I'm going to ring my DR tomorrow and book an appointment, hopefully for the end of this week. I was supposed to do it before I left, but I couldn't imagine being this pregnant and needing to....... Anyway, so he'll give me a quick scan then. I'm confident-er than last time, but no scan is every worry free....

Hi guys can I join you I am in total limbo and reading the very first post I feel like its my situation totally. I mc on 3/4th june I got a couple of negatives inbetween and am not getting positives which seem to be getting darker. Went to doc last week as I had swollen glands and told him about it and he said that it was probably left over hormones and not to get my hopes up but said that I should have blood tests to see if it is rising and they need to be about a week apart to give a clear idea as to whether they are rising. I have really sore boobs and feel nautious on and off and so tired. I was thinking that so far I have taken 3 clear blue with conception first one was neg last monday 28th wed it was pos 1-2 and firday it was pos 1-2 if I take another early next week it should read 2-3 right? which would show that the levels are rising significantly? I just can't wait as long as a week and a bit for the test results to come. It torture. do you guys have any other suggestions?
Pippa, I know how that feels ! My doctor didn't believe that I was really pregnant in the beginning until I had a couple of blood tests as it was only 4 +4 since the miscarriage. He made me wait 2 whole weeks between blood tests so that if there was a new pregnancy it would be clear by then. It was torture ! It was a really hard time, being in complete limbo land for what felt like YEARS. What kept me going was taking IC hpts every day and seeing the lines getting darker.

My advice is push for hcgs as they are the true indicator of a viable pregnancy (at least until you can have a scan) and get some cheap internet preg tests if you need that constant reassurance like me !

Best wishes to you !:hugs:
thank you I really appreciate it. Took another clear blue this morning and it came up 2-3 weeks which surly shows a significant increase. I am just so worried that by the time my doc accepts I am pregnant I might be heading for another Mc and it will be too late to do anything about it.
SOOO - DH left for that 4 week trip last friday - miss him soo much.
nausea is still crashing me BIG time. DS calls the baby "The Olive" lol.
found a Preg Test in my cupboard yesterday and wee'd on it - just out of curiousity to see how quickly and darkly the line would show up. the line showed up as soon as the urine hit the "test" part and it was so dark that there was just about enough dye to make the control line visible! i know - i sound like i'm crazy - i sometimes think i am.
anyway - nothing much to report, still feeling nauseas and hurling and tired. baby makes it known when i eat something it doesn't like. and i'm popping out from my pants!!! also - the girls are a whole cup size bigger!!! YAY!
Pippasdvision welcome and congrats.

Mommyd hope you are not too lonely. At least you have your girls to keep you company lol.

My bbs decided yesterday that they were going to have a mind of their own. Took off my bra last night and felt my chest drop like a bowling ball. :winkwink:

Cant help but be delighted this evening cos I have heartburn. :thumbup: Downside is cos Im on aspirin I cant take anything for it. I dont care tho - prepared to suffer for bubs.

Early scan tomorrow. Hoping for a good outcome.

hope you are all well. :flower:
Good luck with your scan tomorrow Beanbabe! Hope all goes well!
good luck with the scan and I know what you mean about heartburn my whole digestive system seems out of whack
Hello there!

had a not routine scan this morning. Lots of cramps and a spot... coupled with crazy people wanting to clear the air by means of confrontation sent me into a flat spin. everythings fine with bubs. It waved to us!!! i actually saw my child wave at me!!! and it hopped - it was soooo cool, i could see him/her moving around in my belly. it's like nothing i've ever seen before. with my son i had a 7 week and 14 week scan. so i was expecting to see a baby - but with this one - 9w3d i was expecting to see a blob with no heartbeat - and then it surprised me by WAVING!!!
We have a baby and a heartbeat. :wohoo:

Bubs measuring 8+1 which is what I had calculated.:thumbup:
CRL is 1.69cm - so tiny

Got a bit of a fright cos bubs is a bit :shy: and didn't want to be seen on abdominal. Doc was like oh its so small etc etc we'll do an internal scan. I went to pee and I was thinking he cant see a heartbeat and he's just checking to be sure. But on the internal there it was - a little baby with a good heartbeat.

I feel pregnant now. Im so happy I could cry.
Yay Beanbabe and Mommy! Brilliant news from both of you! Beanbabe it sounds like it started out so upsetting but ended up with such wonderful results! A heartbeat!!!

Mommy, yours sounded scary. Who were these people causing you to spin? They should know better. Did the docs say anything about the cramps and spot? How lovely that you saw your bean wave!

Very exciting news for you both!

I have my early scan in 6 days. I'll be 6+4. I'm so nervous.
Doc said he has no explanation for the spotting. Says the cramps could be stretching cramps which is about right when you take my weeks into account. But it was so severe - that it woke me. It was as hectic as braxton hicks and period pain. I never experienced this with my DS.

The loonies who felt the need to blast me for no apparent reason was slightly shocked at my reaction. Needless to say i was a little less than diplomatic and a little more on the irate,enraged side. I've been very volatile these past few days and that was all i needed to go off like an atomic bomb! BUT i am calm now - and feeling very sane.

Good luck for your early scan Heart Tree. I'm sure you'll be every bit as surprised and pleased as the rest of us when we had our first scans.
Mommyd - so glad all is ok. Those idiots won't annoy you again for a while.
It does you good to have a good blast off now and again. Clears your head.

Its so cool that the baby waved. We dont think of them in there doing things like that and its deadly when we get to see them doing things as opposed to having a sleep. I remember sitting crying with them stretching pains with my ds - they can be really severe.

hearttree - thanks and mega good wishes for your scan.

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