Cautiously 'here' ! *2boys4girlsAllhereAllhealthyWedidit!!!!*

Well it was good. My doc is incredibly nice ! He kept asking what else he could do for strange ! I had a scan, abdominal at first but it was a little hard to see through my less than slender belly. Then he did a TV and it was amazing. My husband came with me and so did the kids. We didn't tell them anything, just waited until the doctor asked them what they thought they were looking at. My oldest daughter cried she was so happy and excited ! Baby was beautiful and its heart rate was 160bpm. Apparently I have a tilted uterus -something you think that any one of my past obgyns would have told me. Nooone ever had !

They took 6 vials of blood from me and I've got my nuchal translucency scan on Thursday - 2 scans in a week :happydance::happydance:

Good luck for your scan tomorrow Kit !
Madame Zaritska, using her mystical powers, has the following prediction:

The day you deliver, outside will be misty. Your baby will arrive in the early evening. After a labor lasting approximately 24 hours, your child, a boy, will be born. Your baby will weigh about 13 pounds, 1 ounces, and will be 21 inches long. This child will have medium violet eyes and curly black hair.

i took this quizz online - out of sheer boredom - fighting sleep.

click on the "do it again" button.
Madame Zaritska, using her mystical powers, has the following prediction:

The day you deliver, outside will be light. Your baby will arrive in the middle of the afternoon. After a labor lasting approximately 24 hours, your child, a boy, will be born. Your baby will weigh about 4 pounds, 1 ounces, and will be 22 inches long. This child will have dark gray eyes and some red hair.

LMAO- if my kids has red hair my DH will be divorcing me. We both have jet black hair- and jet black hair on both lineages! oops :(

love it though- I need to pass alot of time so send some more :)
Such a good way to tell your kids Smudge! My daughter caught me slung over the toilet and goes "Are you having another baby???" haha Im off to meet my midwife! I actually convinced the OH to come with me!
Hi all,

had the best experience EVER today!!!!! :) :) :) :) My scan was AMAZING!!! :happydance:

I've got 3 gorgeous pictures of my beautiful 12+5(!!) baby :) I had a feeling the dates they gave me in my first scan were wrong, hence not changing my ticker from my dates I got using my LMP, but I'm actually 5 days further on even than that! That means I'm almost in the second tri!!!

AND they said the preliminary results from the nuchal tests were good - I just have to wait for the blood results to confirm it :)

I'm SO happy!!!!

I'm really glad yours went so well too Smudge :hugs: My uterus is apparently retroverted (tilted backwards) too, but it isn't a permanent thing. They would have told you if it was like that in the past - apparently sometimes it just ends up like that after a pregnancy, or moves by itself, but it usually goes upright during the 2nd trimester anyway.
I'm so pleased to hear both scans went well Kit and smudge! Looks like our cautious club is having a cautious peek at 2nd tri LOL!

My next scan is only 16 august :-( they moved it because i had an unscheduled scan at 9w3d. Looks as though the nausea is subsiding - touch wood. Still find meat and chicken revolting though. HOWEVER - tuna and canned oysters have been the order of the day! and i'm hungry all the time. and my sleeping pattern is totally messed up. like i can't keep my eyes open come 7pm and then i'll wake up at 12am and not be tired anymore.

how's everyone elses symptoms or lack thereof coming on? Are the bellies growing?

V - let us know how the mid-wife appointment went!
Hi girls, sorry I have not been on here for a while but PC had been playing up.

HOpe eveyone is well, good news on all the scans. Isn't it spooky as I have a tilted(retroverted) uterus too!! I have been told that it will be back tp normal by about 20 weeks.

I seem to have lost all symptoms apart from the tiredness and I still cant eat certain foods. I think I am getting a tiny bump now!!! But it could just be bloating. Cant believe I am 14 weeks todsy !! YEah !!!!!!
My midwife appointment went great. I loved her and I loved the philosphy behind Midwives.

Im having kind of a blue day though. None of my friends want anything to do with me lately because I am pregnant and can't really go out anymore. Im getting really lonely, which is kind of how it was when I was with my ex. And that is bringing up all kinds of old trauma. Also, my daughter got a kitten a week ago and it is literally the spawn of Satan. This morning it broke my hurricane lamp, and I found out it chewed my speaker wire for my computer and my $70 speakers are ruined. Last week it dumped my wax pot out of my closet all over my nice towels and now I need to replace all of them because I can not get the wax out. This morning when I walked into the living room and saw that it had climbed all the way up my window screen and was batting my crystals, well I decided enough of Kitty. Kitty needs a new home. So I told my daughter that Kitty has to go and she was upset but she told me that she feels like she can't take enough care of kitty because she is never at home. So Im happy she realizes this but now I feel so sad that I am giving up on this kitty.

Plus, I went out this morning to go pick up my daughter and my car had died. Like no lights, no turning over, no nothing. So I had to call in to work because my damn car wouldn't work, and I already had to call in because of the damn car two weeks ago. Its bad enough that everyone I work with is treating me like I am lazy because I am pregnant but now with calling in twice in two weeks looks really bad.

I just wanna curl up and hide :(
Ahhhh I HATE days like that V. It's time to get under the doona, eat something chocolate and wait for tomorrow.:hugs::hugs: Thats good news about the midwife at least !

Yay Kit ! This tilted uterus thing is bizarre. I'm not surprised if mine has moved, it's had a work out in the past.

MommyD - great news that the nausea is getting better. Maybe it's that 13lb baby you're expecting ???? I tried that prediction thing too and it seems to say your baby is either huge or tiny !:wacko:
Mine has actually come back a bit :growlmad: and I feel yeeeerrrrrrkkkkk quite a bit at the moment. That and crippling crushing headaches.

Do you girls realise we're all pretty much in the 2nd trimester ?? :happydance::happydance: It's so exciting ! I, for one, never thought I'd get here again and I am so overjoyed that we all are !:cake:

I have my NT scan tomorrow at 8am. Fingers crossed again for more good news..
Oh Smudge Im getting the headaches too. My midwife told me to take calcium and magnesium and it's supposed to help with the headaches.
NT scan was good ! They don't have the results of all the blood they took, should be next week. But there was nothing in the scan to indicate anything abnormal:cloud9:

I have my next peri appt 8 August then the big anomaly scan on 26 August ! I can't believe in 4 weeks (that will no doubt DRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGG by) I'm going to find out what flavour baby this is ! So unbelievable ! I'm so filled with positivity today that I went and looked at prams AND I think I found the one I want. Incredible.......

I hope you are all having a lovely lovely day !
Excellent news smudge!!! remember at the start of this thread we were all fretting over HcG levels? and now look at us!
I'm pretty sure i'm supposed to have all the same scans and bloodwork as you - but i think we have different terms for it though.

apparently i didn't touch wood hard enough yesterday- hurling is back LOL. just feel like a dog today. and for laughs - i fell asleep while hubby was foreplaying last night LOL. I thought it was hilarious - he didn't. I tried to explain that i really didn't mean to - and i didn't. I swear if i didn't know better I'd say i'm a narcoleptic!!! :haha:
great news smug, i read your post and im cheering for you and your LO
Holy crap Im 14 weeks today........I cant believe it!
:flower: V ! Hard to believe where we started !

MommyD:haha: foreplay ! I'm exactly the opposite ! I'm stalking my husband from the second he gets home until he cannot stay awake any longer...he doesn't need to DO anything just comply with my demands..:blush:

so....moving on......

I was at a coffee morning today and all the girls were talking about having babies ! Seems everyone is a tad clucky ! I really wanted to say something but I just couldn't bring myself to. A few more weeks, I think.

Have a great weekend all :flower:
Hi girlies. Hope everyone is well. Congrats on all the good scan results in my absence (due to shitty pc repair man promising me that my pc would only be gone one night and it was away over a week.:growlmad:)

Mommyd - Im betting you are team blue. Only a male could make you that sick for that long lol.
Hi girls. How is everyone doing? I had a really nice day with my mum yesterday. We went out for lunch and then had a browse round the local mamas and papas store! This is my parents 1st grandchild so mum is very excited.

i have got my 16wk appt with midwife on monday which i am really excited about as i should get to hear bubs heartbeat! However i am worried in case midwife cant find it
yeah - I'm also leaning toward team blue here. had ms until week 26 with DS. Had a heavy ms episode this morning again.

I just want to check with you ladies - are any of you experiencing serious stretching pains? my bump (yes i have a bump that looks prego) sometimes goes rock hard all the way round my torso. it feels like braxton hicks. But it's WAY too early for braxton hicks. and there's this uber "FULL" feeling in my belly - like there's no more blinking space. MAybe Madam Zingara was right - my baby is going to be 13pounds!!!
Hi everyone,

I'm feeling like that mommyd, especially over the last couple of days. I think 'button' has moved up a bit, but now seems to be sat on something uncomfortable and the bottom of my bump feels over-stretched and tight. It's quite painful and uncomfy.

My OH is VERY tall, so I'm expecting a long baby, but that doesn't really explain it, because he/she is still only tiny atm, regardless of how big they'll end up. Maybe mine is still more my messed up digestive system - I've given up trying to figure it all out!

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