CBFM peeps are you out there?!?!?!? CD11 and trying to keep the faith

:hugs: Thank you all =). I skipped today based on your good advice. I might try an a.m BD on cd16 now that I am more relaxed. I was angry with myself, I waited for this very day, started fast and eager and then got bored and tired.
Last cycle we tried 4 days in a row during the fertile window and it felt like a task. I did not want to go into that road again. It is so nice to "hear" from others who may have been there. I never knew TTC necessitated so much empathy, even compassion.

I hope you all get your peaks soon. And good luck to those in the 2week limbo. I am officially in the 2ww now.
Ok ladies. If we all didnt have evidence enough that God has crazy plans and quite a sense of humor... I am on an air matress in the main room of my DB and SIL apartment excited and hysterical over the fact that I got my PEAK this morning!! Great news (I'm very very happy) BUT how can we BD?!?!?!:dohh: I will spend the rest of my day figuring out a solution. There must be one!!!
Maryanne...I hope you're ok huni. Thinking about you xxx
Hi All

Pathos...I think we've all been there, in fact I think I'm there most cycles :haha:; giving it everything and then being so tired by the time ov arrives. So did you BD today am or pm? Thanks for the luck hun, fingers crossed this is your cycle too!x

Jessica...Thanks hun. I definately could use a bit of luck:flower: I really hope that you get a BFP this cycle too hun. You've tried long enough x

Keely... Yaaaay for your peak sweetie:thumbup: You must be sooo happy :) lol about the air matress!!! I had a similar situation on holiday this year when DH and I were sharing a house with my family. The walls were paper-thin and the bed was a single...ok no where near as difficult as a air-matress. I tried to make sure DH was nearly 'there' manually while we talked loudly about what we were planning the next day, to cover any noise, and then we finished off in bed. What about the floor and then maybe DH lifting you on to the air-matress afterwards so you don't get a sore back? Hehe the things we do to try and get a BFP. Sorry about your MIL and pregnant friend. It's normal hun, try not to feel bad about your natural feelings towards that. You aren't really annoyed about your friend or your MIL, you're angry about your situation and that's natural. Just let it out; vent to DH and/or us, and I honestly think that helps lessen it so much. I had a horrible experience with a friend a month or so ago, and I told the girls here and it helped so much. Getting it off your chest is a good thing and helps you let go of it somewhat. Hoping this is your month hun x

omg...I've just lost all my power in my house, have to go x
Hello girlie's,

Was wondering how everyone is getting on so far with there CBFM's?

Also Any BFP's yet... Hope so. :D x x x

As for me CD18 Not counting DPO as AF due on a non forgetable day. My review so far on the CBFM is that it worked hreat for me and was happy to see so many High & Peak fertile day's & Only used around 10 test's stick's on first cycle. :D x x x
Hi girls!! So second day of peak - I've heard that the CBFM after you get a peak goes into auto mode and gives you another peak and two highs and he's to low. So I didn't POAS today. But...since yesterday afternoon, been having some sharp pains on my left abdominal side, could be Ov symptoms?? Am really hoping I actually Ov this time now (unlike that crazy fluke last time where I got a peak but didnt Ov till two weeks later). Even so I think we will BD every other day till af- that way if I do Ov late, maybe I'll catch it. Fx'ed it is for real and I actually Ov today or tmrw.

My DH is the best. We BDed early while I knew DB and SIL were out cold still. Nerve racking in case they did wake up to use the bathroom or something but we had no problems!! Driving home today so will BD this afternoon.

How is everyone else? Any symptoms for those in the tww?
Baylea, hope the power comes back! I know the feeling all too well :nope:
Hi everyone, it's great to hear so many of you have got your peaks! Baylea I hope your power comes back on soon too!!

I'm on cd6 today, I reset my monitor as i haven't got a peak since th first month I used it and the other day I randomly put an old stick in and it jumped straight to peak so I think it missed it past month :(
Me and OH also started taking maca root this week and I've also started evening primrose oil. Does anyone else take them? I heard the maca can really help getting a bfp if you have a hormone imbalance so I thought I'd give it a go. We're reeeeeeeeally hoping and praying for a bfp before Christmas :) I should get my day 21 blood test results this week too, eek!!!!!
Just thinking, wish I could go to the MD and test to see if I really Ov'ed. Too crazy?? I'm just nervous it will be like last cycle again and I'll be waiting and waiting.
Hi Ladies,

Keely...Well done on your BD gymnastics timings! The cramping sounds promising :thumbup: I think if your MD is supportive, and you feel you really want the reassurance you ov'd then you could go in and ask for day21 test about 7 days after your cramping happened. I don't think it's crazy to want to know what our bodies are doing. Hope this is your cycle hun x

Summer...that sounds strange with the cbfm hun. Think I'd have done the same and reset it. I'm afraid I don't know all that much about maca or epo, but really hope they do the trick for you hun. Let us know how that day21 result goes. Fingers crossed this is your cycle sweetie x

wabi...hope you are well. Where are you in your cycle now hun? x


afm.... so, stupidly I got my hopes up this cycle, think maybe I had thought the first BFP was a fluke and was sooo convinced I would never see a second, so now that I've seen a second I keep thinking....another one is just around the corner. Apparently not. Needless to say af has started so I'm on CD1 today. Anyway I suppose at least when I see the kinesiologist I won't be pg and he might be able to diagnose any issues more clearly without those pregnancy symptoms getting in the way.
Thanks for the power-cut concerns girls. The entire area temporarily lost power, a lightning strike apparently happened at a sub-station about 80miles away and caused an outage. I freaked a little as my DH is back off working, so it was just me and pup, in our house, in the middle of a field, off a track road....thank goodness halloween had passed!!! I'm such a scaredie-cat lol How is the situation over where you are now Keely, hope things are improving?
I just finished ordering american sweetie/movie treats/ peanut hampers for my brother and DH for Christmas. Hope they are tasty!! I should have asked on here first about which things are best.

Baby dust to us all girls :dust: x
Glad you got your power back. And don't worry, I'm the same way when DH is out of town working - it's spooky when it all goes dark!! My power situation is all set. And thankfully my neighborhood is back to normal. Still a lot of devastation to deal with for a lot of other people though. Very sad.

Sorry af got you Baylea. But another cycle, another chance. Try to keep positive - that is what I'm doing this cycle, hoping the good vibes will transfer to good things :winkwink:
I think I will call him and see - Maybe next Tuesday I can go (otherwise if he's in the office on Friday - but since it's the day after Thanksgiving, I'm not sure). I just want to know (this way I won't drive DH insane trying to get him in the sack for the next two weeks). I want it to be more spontaneous and if I know I already Ov'ed, it will be a lot better. More peace of mind (and even though I'm trying to be positive and relax, I know I could be doing a better job).

Any other updates, ladies?

:dust: to all of us for 2012!!!!
Hello All,

I've been super busy at work so I've been a little quiet on hear!

Baylea- so sorry to hear stupid AF came to visit but yet again your attitude is inspiring. It helps me to keep going too :) Sending you all my best thoughts and wishes and hopes so you can keep going too. Will be interested to hear your experience with the kinesiologist. Very interesting. Christmas really is almost here huh?!?!? I need to get my skates on in terms of presents. Does anyone else have the experience of having to be the 'present buying' in the family. DH insists it's not his department :) He just keeps saying, 'But you do it so well!'........ translation of this of course is, 'I don't want to!' :)

Keely I too think we are well within our right to know what's going on in our bodies. This is such a physical and emotional process- knowledge brings me some peace. Your doctor sounds fab. Think I will take the advice and be a little more assertive with mine if/when I go back in December/January. I'm ready to know now if I need some help. Cramping does sound like something was happening for you- a really positive sign. And I hear you about wanting to making the experience of BDing more joyful. It's a marathon at the best of times so I can completely understand wanting to give yourself some peace of mind. All the best with everything and let us know how you get on.

Summer- how are you going? Do you have the results yet? Would love to hear about how you get on with the extra herbs and spices :) Also, how is the cbfm now? I go up and down with how I feel about mine. In saying this, I don't want to stop using it. I think 'doing' something gives me some security, which is hard to come by in this process. Hope all is good with you.

How are all the other ladies doing????

I'm on 11dpo and feeling quite emotional but this could be due to so many things atm. I've also experienced cramps, bloating, feeling dizzy and really bloody tired- but again, could be hormones, work stuff or just feeling a bit down about this process. Sometimes it feels like there is a kind of 'low hum' of anxiety under everything. All the time I'm either having a period, ovulating, waiting, timing sex or checking for symptoms. It doesn't necessarily take over everything..... but this process is a part of my life all the time and with that comes a sense of..... well..... just a 'low hum' of anxiety. It's tiring!!!!!

I have of course broken today and tested :( I feel like a complete loser for doing it but hey ho. Of course it was BFN. But I'm still in with a chance this early on and DH is being really strong this cycle, which is great. He has now taken to having the mindset that it will happen when it is meant to happen.... I know inside he is probably even more desperate than me for it to happen now so I appreciate how he's trying to hold a nice balanced stance for both of us. Some cycles it's hard to be balanced.

Anyhoo ladies, sorry for the rant.... feeling a bit all over the place today. Think I'm missing my family in Australia atm. I want my mum!!!!!! :) :)

Bring on the weekend I say!

Sending so much baby dust and ovualtion dust and baby making dust and just bunched of hopeful dust to you all.

hi ladies quick update till later, went for scan friday ,both external and internal scan showed nothing in uterus , blood drawn came back same day with hcg level of 149 confirming there was a pregnancy, blood taken again on sunday level had dropped to 55 so sadly def a mc ,im ok though these things happen and hopefully i might be more fertile for a few months so its not all bad and i get to have more fun with oh and :sex: , thanks for your well wishes and now we get back to serious bd and hopefully some xmas bfps, i havent caught up through the posts as my dog knocked a cuppa over my laptop a few days ago and have just got back on ,am gonna go do some errands then hope to be back later , good luck everyone and :dust: x
:hugs:Wabi & ma... We've been missing you so much :hugs:

ma...I'm so sorry huni:hugs:. Your strength and positivity is very humbling and I hope I can have as much if I have to go through it again at some point. :thumbup: for thinking about the 'high' fertility. I think good, sticky bfps will be coming to us all soon. 'Oh no' about your dog and the :coffee: spillage. I hope it's still working ok? I was ordering a christmas present on-line last night, on my lap in front of I'm a celeb (loving rosemary btw) and my dog was lying next to me. She swung her head back to say hallo, and it hit the laptop keys and shut it down. Thought I'd lost my item (was from ebay), but I managed to get it. Was panic for a few mins though, as I'd found the perfect thing for DH and thought I was back at square one again.

wabi... Lovely to hear from you. Hope work is a little less busy now, or do you prefer it like that? Thanks hun, I think yours is too. You always say something that makes me smile, and it takes a special person to be able to do that even when times are tough for them. This time it was all the different baby dust you sent :haha: Must be difficult with your mum so far away though. Is she from Australia, or did she move out there? (really sorry if we've spoken about this before and I've forgotten. My memory is terrible recently). Yes Kinesiologist appointment is two weeks tomorrow I think. I really hope he can help. In a way I wish I had heard about him/seen him sooner as I think I might be impatient and if I find out something is wrong, through the NHS route, in the new year I may be inclined to jump into the western medicine and be a little torn as to what to do. Anyway that's probably optimistic, the NHS will probably take months to get the results and find nothing (fingers crossed). I would actually quite like for the NHS to find a simple and easily overcomable reason for our losses, would feel like a magic cure, but I guess in reality it would be better if it was just bad luck. Oh My Goodness....I am also the 'present buyer' for my family, and not just for DH, but also my parents and brother. I have to come up with ideas for what they should buy each other too. DH said to me that I should just let them sort it out themselves this year. But Chritmas is so much better with thoughtful presents that people actually want.

a visitor has just arrived will finish later x
Sorry to hear your sad news maryanne :( I can't imagine how hard it must be to go through that so just wanted to send u a hug :hug: and send u lots of good luck for a Christmas bfp xx

As for me... Had some bad news from the doctor today... All my day 21 blood work was okay except for my progesterone levels. The doctor said it was 'inconclusive' as to whether I Ovulated or not at all which is really not helpful! She's sending me for another day 21 test on 3rd December to make sure and then she gonna put me on medication (I think she said clomid).

I guess all this makes sense as I spot a lot before AF and hardly ever get a peak on my cbfm or OPKs. The only thing that makes me think I ovulate is that I have regular periods and have a clear temp shift when I chart. Do u think that maybe I am ovulating but just don't have good progesterone levels??

This ttc sucks :( I was so excited about trying for a baby and now I'm just sad all the time and it feels its never gonna happen :(
Hi ladies, can't talk too much but I guess I'm DPO3 or 4. Trying not to get my hopes up. MD gave md the go ahead for a blood test so that's good. But I'm at my FIL parents for thanksgiving and my DH aunt said, "oh do you have something to announce?" So I said no and grabbed a glass of wine and took a huge swig. Ugh just really bothered me.
...sorry for the swift departure.

wabi....lol that your DH said 'But you do it so well'. I don't think my DH would have a clue if I left it all to him. How is your DH with your presents from him? I have to write a wish list, but every now and then he pulls a surprise out of the bag. Usually a good one, though sometimes a little off the mark.:haha:
Wow, you put things is so eloquent. A 'low hum of anxiety' is just exactly it!!!!!! That is EXACTLY how I feel all the time, and you are right, it's exhausting!
Sorry you didn't get a BFP today, but you are definately not a loser for testing, and you still have time this cycle. Great to hear your DH is being very strong for you hun. Sometimes we really need that from our OHs. It's a great standpoint 'it'll happen when it's meant to'. I truly wish I could look at it like that too. Well done to him :thumbup: My DH's positivity really gets on my nerves at time, but honestly I don't know where I'd be without it.
I hope this is it for you hun. Sending you lots and lots BFP dust hun x

Keely...The dark is spooky isn't it :blush: lol You know what I always think about when I'm at home alone; I think about that bit at the beginning of scream when the girl is on the phone to the killer and he tells her to turn on her outside light and look into the back garden and she does, and her boyfriend is tied to a chair with his knee-caps blown off. It's sooooo ridiculous, but I hate turning on the outside light when I'm about to take the dog out. I always think there will be some kind of baddie out there starring back at me. Yes I'm 29 going on 9 lol Sooo stupid!
Glad all is better with you hun, and hope those worse effected will be able to return to their lives as best they can soon.x
Thanks for the positive words. I'm trying my best to keep smiling. It's not always easy, but when our littles ones arrive they will need happy, joyful mums, so we have to be careful not to lose too much of ourselves in this process and forget how to engage with that side. Sometimes I am scared that I'm so affected by this process I'll never be completely happy again. Not even with a baby. But my DH reminds me both times we've had a BFP, even when I've believed it was going to end, I was just elated. The fog lifted instantly even though I was wracked by a whole new worry. Having that life in me, even briefly, just changed everything. I hope I get to experience it again. And hopefully soon.
As I said, I think it's a good thing to see your MD hun. It'll let you have peace of mind. Let us know how it goes. Fingers crossed you ov'd (sounds promising) and this is your BFP cycle hun x

Summer...sorry to hear that your progesterone is inconclusive. Did she tell you what your level was? I have the progesterone scale and can pass it on to you if you want it. If you're getting a temperature shift then it sounds like you are ovulating, but that your progesterone is yeah, maybe not high enough? Although hun, hope you don't think I'm prying hun, but I noticed you went for day 21 bloods at like 9 or 10 days past ovulation. How long is your luteal phase? Just wondering as your progesterone should be measured 7 days before full af shows and if you were a few days away from that when you were tested the results could be misleading. I'm not saying that your progesterone isn't a problem but maybe your results aren't really reliable. I'm sorry you're feeling sad hun, but I've heard that if progesterone is an issue, the treatment is very successful, and clomid is supposed to be good (often people have multiples, twins/triplets with clomid). Maybe try and see the positive hun. If progesterone is holding you back then you could be pregnant pretty soon with treatment, and maybe you'll be getting two for one :) Sending you lots of luck sweetie, and let us know how the second day21 test goes.x

afm...nothing interesting happening with me. Af is heavy and annoying. Getting there with my Christmas present buying, have to get DH a couple more main ones, and a few more for his stocking, have to get my mum two more, and my dad one, and still have a few other people to buy for but I already know what I'm getting, so hopefully by mid December I can kick back and relax lol. Looking forward to getting my tree :happydance:

Sending BFP vibes to all for the cycle your in :dust:x

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