CBFM peeps are you out there?!?!?!? CD11 and trying to keep the faith

Yes, it was a blood test. I was in the higher range of pre Ov.

Baylea, I called and left a message to get another test. Worth it.

Jess, try to be positive. Fx'ed for you!!!!

Thx hun. x x x

So, haven't gotten my result yet. They never called back and left early Fridsy so no one was there to go over the labs done. Sucks bc now I have to wait for Monday. I am so impatient.

Afm- nothing really to report. I am acting as if I Ov'ed, counting days so DPO6 but also still BDing as if I didn't Ov yet.

Awww sorry to hear that hun, Hopefully you'll get them today. x x x

As I suspected AF has arrived :(

A nice glass of red this evening me thinks.

Onwards and upwards to the next cycle.



Awww Big Hug's sweetie, Cant believe AF got you, But atleast you have a positive mind about it. x x x

As for me AF is Due tomorrow. Totally Know it's gonna be dissappointment for me but Guess Iv got next month to try for a christmas BFP. But Once again with my luck my chance's will be low. x x x

Thanks so much sweetheart :flower: I've got everything crossed for you for this month but my thinking is the same too...... we've still got time to get that Christmas BFP!!!! Let us know how you get on. Sticky babydust to you.

Your welcome hun. Thx alot. :) Will do and Yep defo. One more cycle for me and will be Due AF on Christmas day which will be test day. x x x

I am not using it right now but just wanted to say keep your faith up I fell pregnant with my son using cbfm it was a great help

Awww thx hun how kind of you. Are you TTC at the moment??? x x x
Happy Birthday To Me... LOL... CD27... BFN... AF No Show...

Woke up this morning in a good mood. Did a test and got a BFN, But im good and waiting for AF, Atleast I wont feel as shitting now when AF show's her devil looking face. First sign of AF is Really tender Lower abdomen and cervix. Not feeling anythink ATM. x x x

As for my birthday had a great day, We (me, Fiance & DD) Went to my Mother's for the day, See my sister's, Brother and nethew which was nice, then came home, Got Honey settled Down, After she had dinner. Then My wonderful fiance cooked me a lovely steak meal :D So For me Iv had a lovely day & 100% i'll have a lovely night. x x x
CD1 Today For Me. x x x

It's so quite on here! How is everyone?? x x x
Hi Jessica, sorry the witch showed her ugly face. But it sounds like you had a lovely birthday! There is definitely something to be said that we all have (not only each other to vent to and bounce ideas off of and chat with) but strong and loving support systems at home to enjoy :dance:

afm - DPO 10 (I think) today. Went to get my blood drawn again for another progesterone test. Figured, it will at least help me out if I am due af or a BFP while I am in St. Thomas - doesn't hurt to be ready! Still BDing, though every other day mainly. We skipped 2 days in a row so I am hoping that I Oved when I thought I did. Don't really feel anything. Little sharp twinges in my lower left abd. last night (nothing like 10 days ago though - very small pains). Don't know, it could be all in my head.

I don't want to say it out loud, but what's the difference...I would love to get a BFP while on vacation in the islands. I am bringing tests down. I am shocked I didn't cave today and test but I knew it would be a neg so what would be the point. Seriously hoping good news on the Ov front, in either case. Will keep you all posted!

Wabi - yes, all of us getting BFPs for Christmas would really be something!! Fx'ed that's what happens! And thanks for making me feel OK about wanting to test again. I called my MD and he said it was no problem at all and that I'm not nuts (because of course I told him if he I thought I were being nuts to please tell me :blush:) How're you?

Baylea - thanks for the advice. It definitely makes me feel better knowing I have the blood test to look at at some point, even if af or BPF shows before I hear results. Gives me some sort of control (but not really, I guess!!) I hope your DH gets home today. It's hard having them away in general, but TTCing it's even harder. How's your cycle going?

Hi Maryanne, I hope you are doing well :hugs:
Hi Girls :flower:

Keely...your symptoms sound promising:thumbup: Did you get your results yet today?x

Wabi...sorry she got you. Yeah onwards and upwards for us both. I always try to look at af as the beginning or a potentially sucessful cycle rather than the end of an unsucessful one. But that's pretty darn hard for the first few days. This af was more disappointing for me than any for quite some time, so I'm with you on the 'Humph' lol:haha:.
I feel like we've talked about this before, so sorry again if I'm repeating. Where did you meet your DH? Was he travelling around Australia? My DH and I have been quite seriously considering moving out to Perth for the past 18months. We have a good friend out there. I know this sounds soooo ridiculous, but I'm a major arachnophobe (I was bitten by a spider when I was little) and the idea of spiders being a part of my every day life is scary. It would be nice to try it for ai year or two though. Yeah it'd be a lot easier for you if it was where France is :) Do you go back often? I bet your mum misses you too. How lovely to have a mum who understands the trials and tribulations of ttc, though I'm sorry she went through such a hard time also. My mum is amazing, and I don't know what I'd do without her. She fell pregnant after only a few months with both me and my brother, so her journey was rather straight forward. It's not that I wish it wasn't, but a tiny bit of me would like the reassurance that we have the same genes, had similar issues, and she got through it and became a mum.
What makes you think progesterone might be an issue wabi?
Fingers crossed we both get an extra special Christmas surprise this year x

Jessica...Hope very much that af stays away tomorrow, and for a good 8months after. Have my fingers crossed for you hun!!!x

Ma...x How are you doing? x

Summer...have you got another appointment yet?x

afm...Think I'm on CD 7. I've noticed a lot of very similar temps day after day (for up to a good week) over the past several cycles. I'm not sure if it's my body having nice, even, hormones, or whether it's my body stalling somehow. Like it gets stuck.
I'm going to try your regime this cycle again maryanne.
DH is still away, and I'm missing him. Feeling a bit lonely. Hoping he will be home Wed/Thurs.

Hi to you all and anyone reading and fancying joining in.

Baby Dust to Everyone:dust:x

Hey guys

Yep I've got my 2nd day 21 blood test scheduled for Monday. I don't think I e ovulated this month tho, no temp rise, no positive OPK or peak reading on CBFM. My doctor said she will look at my results and most likely put me on clomid. I'm actually pretty excited coz I've heard really posiitve things about clomid so fingers crossed I get some medication soon! Has anyone else been on clomid? I was wondering if there are any side effects? Xx
Hi all! This is my last day of vacation. The wedding I went to was beautiful and the weather has been gorgeous. I don't want to leave!!

Got my 2nd day 21 test results and as of then! I didn't ov. Really really disappointed. Am hoping I just Ov'ed late and maybe still caught that tricky egg! But I'm not keeping my hopes up. My MD said another test in a week and then he will put me on Clomid for the next cycle. So Summer, we are in this together! Just frustrated bc I get peaks on my cbfm and then don't ov. Maybe I will have ov late but still got lucky with all the BDing we've been doing. Who knows. Just excited that my MD is on board for getting things rolling with any help I need.

I second Summers question about Clomid and side effects. Hope everyone is doing well. I didn't miss much on here being away, you are all so quiet!
Hey keely, sorry to hear your day 21 tests showed no ovulation :( I went for my test today and definately don't think I've ovulated this month as I've had no temp rise and no OPKs. I'm really hoping my doctor gives me a nice high dose of clomid to kick start everything!! I've done a bit of research and read loads of posiitve things about clomid. Some people said it can dry you up a bit and other said there can be slightly higher chance of twins triplets but I don't mind that at all!!!! :) I also read that if clomid is going to work it'll get you pregnant within 6 months so fingers crossed for our clomid bFPs!!

I should hopefully get my results by the end of the week so will let I all know what my next step is. We really could do with a bfp on here :) it's going to be baby mania now here in the UK as Kate Middleton is expecting a baby! Oh nooooooo
Hi Summer, definitely think Clomid will give us those BFP!!! Stopped using my OPKs when the "month supply" ran out so I don't know but since my 21day test was neg for Ov, I'm not holding my breath. As for the multiple births, bring it on! I've always wanted twins, they run on both sides of my family, so that would be fun!!

Afm- so I got home yesterday, back to rain and chilly weather :cry:
Woke up today with the smallest pink dot in my panties and a few hours later, got a small bit of pink when I wiped. We didn't BD the last two days of vacation bc of all the activities and then traveling home. Did BD the three days before that and this morning. Hoping if it was Ov that we caught it. There's still a small possibility for this month though I'm not keeping my hopes up. Just see what happens.
Just curious. On what CD do you ladies generally start to get your highs? I'm on CD11, and still no high. It's just throwing me a little, because the first month of using it, I had a ton of highs, and then I got a peak. This is only my second cycle using it, because last month I got a little discouraged and didn't want to be chained to having to POAS for 10 + days in a row.

I know they say that the first month it's a little wonky because it's trying to get to know you, so that is maybe why I had so many highs? I'm just anxious because according to my doctor I didn't ovulate last month, so they put me on Femara. So, I decided that if I was going to be on Femara, I needed to see it through, and start using the monitor again.....and every morning, I keep expecting to see a high, but it's still giving me low.
Hi MMW - my cycle is still confusing the cbfm, but in general, I think that's pretty normal. Everybody's cycle is different, so you may just have your LH surge later on. I wouldn't worry about it. Anyone else who's cbfm is usually on point with their highs and peaks know anything else???
I got a high reading on Wednesday. Then I got another high reading yesterday. Based on everything I've read I should have gotten a peak today, but when it prompted me to test, it was still high. I don't even know how accurate the whole "two days high followed by 2 days peak" thing is, but it's freaking me out that I didn't O again or something. I really thought being put on Femara would have made me O. Maybe I should go buy an ovulation predictor kit....but I don't know if it's too late now. Today is cd 14. We on all the high days so far. This is driving me crazy.
Hi Ladies,

Sorry I've been MIA. I'm afraid I'm really struggling at the moment and I'm feeling pretty darn low.

I am still thinking of you all and wishing you lots of luck, but I don't want to put a downer on anyone else.

Love to all x
Hi Baylea, so good to hear from you. I'm sorry you are feeling low. But it's good you gave yourself a break from things baby. Sometimes you need it. I hope you are still able to enjoy the season.

I think my feelings are aligned with yours right now. At the moment, I'm just waiting for af, praying that I at least Ov'ed this month. I was at a family party last night and found out two of my cousins are now expecting. So that makes three out of 6 possible cousins in my family are pg. And of course I got the dreaded, "you'd better get on it!" but that was from my older cousin who has never been married and no kids, so I bit my tongue and just gave my usual "are you kidding, I just went to St. Thomas for the weekend, it'll be a couple of years". And my other cousin made me feel good about that. Then, DH and I got home from the party and my Christmas lights decided not to stay on for as long as I set the time, so I completely broke down. It just tipped the scale to me losing my composure.

Needless to say, I think we are all feeling a bit of stress right now. I just realized how long we have been TTCing, and while it's not as long as a few of you, it is really hard.

So, even if you don't feel like posting, I hope you all know we are thinking about you and wish you the merriest of seasons :) Try and focus on our blessings - and while I am finding that really hard today so I understand it's not the easiest thing, I know we all love this season so let's make the most of it!!!! Put on some Christmas carols and have a private dance party :) If you are at that point where you feel comfortable, have some hot chocolate with peppermint schnapps or hot apple cider with some bourbon !
Yep, pretty much feeling the same.

Maybe it's this time of year where a kind of 'review of time' starts to happen that makes it hard. I hear you Keely. I'm just about to go away for a week with my friends that have 2 kids and I'm waiting for the 'just relax and it will happen' chat.

I'm cd16 and still on highs and no sign of ovulation. I know there's still time but my body is telling me that ovulation might not happen this month.

Sending out love to all of you today. Like Baylea says, I'm thinking about you all. Think I just need to 'quietly' get my head around this month.

Hey Ladies, today is my first day using the CBFM, I tend to have longer cycles although they had started to settle around 30-35 days until we started ttc, then jumped to 42! I'm hoping the monitor will help make things a bit less stressful :/
Congrats MMW! BD and have fun!

Sorry for such a lull in the chatting ladies. I think we are all taking a break from bring super chatty and symptom craziness. But keep trudging all those ladies TTCing :) And keep us updated.

Rachy, it should help. I do recommend using normal OPKs simultaneously, just to have something to fall back on as the monitor learns your cycles.
My peak is over now. I'm hoping I'll get a BFP. Now, all I can do is wait. Today is CD19, I got a peak reading on CD17 and CD18. I normally have a 28 day cycle, last month I didn't O which made me be a week late, and this cycle was my first on Femara (to make me O), so I don't know if it happening so late will throw off the cycle and make it be late? If everything is normal AF would be here the 22nd. I don't know if I don't get it that day when I should test. I don't want to get a BFN and be sad for Christmas.
Saw a different doctor at my local practice today and he agreed to to all the necessary tests without me having to try and convince him. Feels good to have the appointments in the diary...... finally.

Thanks for your support and advice all :)

Think I will finally have some answers by sometime in January.

For the first time in a long time it feels like I'm moving closer to a possible BFP. It will just be good to know where I stand.

Best wishes and baby dust to all.

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