CBFM peeps are you out there?!?!?!? CD11 and trying to keep the faith

Keely :thumbup: about your MD!
What was his aunt thinking! Sorry she upset you sweetie. I know people don't have the intention to hurt, but even if you did have something to announce, did she think you would ideally share your news by her 'outing' you? :hugs:
Hope you're having a nice time despite her careless words x:flower:
Sorry about the quick post, just needed to say something to someone!!

Maryanne - I am so sorry to hear that. You seem so strong and I hope that I am as gracious and positive when I face something so hard. Here's to you and the extra fertile upcoming months. We are all here for you if you need to just talk about things or vent or bounce stuff off of us. :hugs:

Mille - I am sorry about the results of the tests, but it's great that you know you Ov. I am happy to hear you MD is on your wavelength and wants to do something about it. I had the same fears about my progesterone, but my MD did some tests and said he didn't see a problem. Maybe your MD can run some more conclusive tests regarding overall hormone levels. I know it's hard, but try to keep positive and just keep advocating for yourself with tests and etc.

Wabi - I have the utmost respect for MDs (I have two in my immediate family and many friends in the field), but we have to advocate for ourselves too, and if that means you need to find another MD or really sit this one down and discuss your concerns until the MD gets it, then you do it. Best thing to do is be over educated in the possible causes, reasons, goings on for your situation (and I'm sure you already are!!) and discuss it openly with them. The MD might be annoyed that you are "attempting to diagnose" but at least then they see you want some answers and might just do the tests you request.

Baylea - I KNOW! Sometimes, I stay with my parents if my DH is going to be away for more than a couple days. It's just so spooky, especially when I know my neighbors are all away (like in the summer). My family mocks me (I'm 27), but I am a scaredy cat too. I LOVE scary movies and then always regret watching them because of my all too active imagination.
Your DH is right. Even though it's so hard right now and seems bleak, and let's face it, now that we know what's going on in our bodies (for the most part), the hormones we know are fluctuating are playing more with our heads, so it's hard to give in to the fear and sadness. But you will get your true BFP soon and your baby will have a happy, healthy loving mom and dad.
I was so annoyed she said that - I know she didn't mean harm and I really like her, but I was just "ugh" if you know what I mean. And I said to myself this morning not to get testy if someone says something (in the back of my head I knew it would happen).

afm - I took the blood test. So hopefully I find out tmrw and hopefully it's good news. I'm really happy he let me test. It will just let me know where I'm at. And I'll take it in stride - if it's negative, then we will keep BDing like we are. p.s. tonight was impromptu :sex: - it was so nice to get back into that kind of lovemaking. No symptoms really to report today. Although I am extra hungry - but I also love food, so it could just be me being me :winkwink:

Jessica, anything going on??

Alright lovely ladies, speak to you all soon and fx'ed!
So sorry to hear your news marryanne :( But yes indeed, wishing you a 'sticky' next cycle! Your view of your experience is helping me out today..... so, thank you :) Like others have said, you're welcome to vent here anytime. Sending you hope and light today.

Well that sounds like some difficult news to process summer. If it is a progesterone issue (by the by, I'm pretty sure this might be something I'm about to face as well) then as Baylea said, this issue is one of the treatable ones. It sounds like you're body is doing all the things it's meant to such as regular periods and temp. shifts and in my experience this is really good news. Will be thinking of you today.

Thanks for your kind words Baylea :) Good to know there's another 'present buyer' out there. It's the 'thinking them up' that's the hardest bit.....but yes, you're right, I too like to give gifts that mean something and so there must be some part of me that secretly likes it. Sorry to hear you period is being annoying. Hopefully the witch can pack her bags and leave asap so you can get back to more important business :) I'm originally from Australia, so all my family are back there. My DH is English and I moved here 13 years ago. I love it over here and have no complaints about the life I've created but I sometimes wish Australia was....hmmmm...... maybe where france is so I could 'pop' over and visit them. I have started to really miss my mum since TTC. We chat lots on the phone but it would be great to have a cup of tea and a chat with her in person. She used to be a nurse and well..... she's my mum. She experienced many mc's in between having us 3 kids so she knows the heartbreaking as well as the amazing parts of this journey. She's an 'all rounder' when it comes to TTC you could say :) Thank goodness for I'm a celeb..... takes my mind off things. Rosemary is amazing :)

Keely- so glad you got the test :) You are going to know where you stand very soon and that sounds like it's exactly what you need and want. I'm chuffed that you're getting this information. Sorry about tactless Aunt :) I would have reached for the wine as well. Not what you need right now. But I am glad you and DH had a nice time :) I've forgotten what it's like to have sex for fun, love and enjoyment :) What a sweet surprise for you both. I have everything X for you. Sending lots of babymaking dust!

afm I think I might be out :( 11dpo and I have some light brown cm. Not loads but very much there. This is pretty consistent with what happens for me before AF decides to arrive. I haven't told DH about it yet and I usually would. I keep thinking to myself that it's because I don't want to to him sad but really I think it's because I don't want to say it out loud yet. Typing it hear is enough :) Oh well, another chance for a Christmas BFP is just on the horizon!!! At this rate I could be testing around Christmas day..... now that would be a lovely present.

Sending out lots of baby dust!!!!!
Thx for asking hun, Nothink much really. Just relaxing, Playing with LO and keeping my mind off my cycle. I didn't go for my blood yesterday as I think Im gonna wait until my december cycle so it's around the same time as. As I ovulated around the 10th and I need it for day 21/7 day's before AF. Scan app's on 13th. So will get my blood's done on the 17th. Im happy with that as doc said the scan result's can take week's and as It's around christmas time I think it will too. How are you getting on hun? x x x

How is everyone else? good I hope. x x x

Totally sorry for your lose hun, Big Hug's and Where here for you babez. Keep that chin up high. x x x
So, haven't gotten my result yet. They never called back and left early Fridsy so no one was there to go over the labs done. Sucks bc now I have to wait for Monday. I am so impatient.

Afm- nothing really to report. I am acting as if I Ov'ed, counting days so DPO6 but also still BDing as if I didn't Ov yet.
As I suspected AF has arrived :(

A nice glass of red this evening me thinks.

Onwards and upwards to the next cycle.


afm- very tired (though that could be due to Christmas decorating today :winkwink:) was also very tired yesterday afternoon. Crazy emotional, one little thing yesterday made me completely break down - not my norm reaction. Have bad dull pain (cramp) in my right thigh which usually happens during af's visit, not pre af. Not sure if this is a sign now of Ov or coming af or pg. oh well.

Sorry Wabi, but keep looking forward - sounds like you are already :thumbup:
afm- not too much to mention except...since I went off the bcp, about a month after, I started losing a lot of hair. Not in clumps, just shedding but a TON. My dermatologist said it happens because of the pill and should expect it to stop around April!! Well, the past two days I haven't had almost any hair come out. Not sure if that's just my body returning to norm or a symptom. Praying for the latter.

Hope you all had nice weekends!
So, haven't gotten my result yet. They never called back and left early Fridsy so no one was there to go over the labs done. Sucks bc now I have to wait for Monday. I am so impatient.

Afm- nothing really to report. I am acting as if I Ov'ed, counting days so DPO6 but also still BDing as if I didn't Ov yet.

Awww sorry to hear that hun, Hopefully you'll get them today. x x x

As I suspected AF has arrived :(

A nice glass of red this evening me thinks.

Onwards and upwards to the next cycle.



Awww Big Hug's sweetie, Cant believe AF got you, But atleast you have a positive mind about it. x x x

As for me AF is Due tomorrow. Totally Know it's gonna be dissappointment for me but Guess Iv got next month to try for a christmas BFP. But Once again with my luck my chance's will be low. x x x
Well, I got my result. Didn't Ov. I am hoping that it was just too early to tell? I kind of jumped the gun on the test - possible ov on Sunday and tested Tuesday. Too early, you think? Should I bother to test again tmrw?? I am stressing myself out.
af (if I Ov'ed when I thought I did) is due around Sunday. Wednesday would be DPO 10 - then Thursday I'm off to St. Thomas. Maybe I will just wait and bring a few pg tests to start testing Friday. Don't want my MD thinking I'm completely mental.
Hun was your test a blood test and it came back that you didn't ovulate??? x x x
Hi Girls :flower:

Keely...your symptoms sound promising:thumbup: Did you get your results yet today?x

Wabi...sorry she got you. Yeah onwards and upwards for us both. I always try to look at af as the beginning or a potentially sucessful cycle rather than the end of an unsucessful one. But that's pretty darn hard for the first few days. This af was more disappointing for me than any for quite some time, so I'm with you on the 'Humph' lol:haha:.
I feel like we've talked about this before, so sorry again if I'm repeating. Where did you meet your DH? Was he travelling around Australia? My DH and I have been quite seriously considering moving out to Perth for the past 18months. We have a good friend out there. I know this sounds soooo ridiculous, but I'm a major arachnophobe (I was bitten by a spider when I was little) and the idea of spiders being a part of my every day life is scary. It would be nice to try it for a year or two though. Yeah it'd be a lot easier for you if it was where France is :) Do you go back often? I bet your mum misses you too. How lovely to have a mum who understands the trials and tribulations of ttc, though I'm sorry she went through such a hard time also. My mum is amazing, and I don't know what I'd do without her. She fell pregnant after only a few months with both me and my brother, so her journey was rather straight forward. It's not that I wish it wasn't, but a tiny bit of me would like the reassurance that we have the same genes, had similar issues, and she got through it and became a mum.
What makes you think progesterone might be an issue wabi?
Fingers crossed we both get an extra special Christmas surprise this year x

Jessica...Hope very much that af stays away tomorrow, and for a good 8months after. Have my fingers crossed for you hun!!!x

Ma...x How are you doing? x

Summer...have you got another appointment yet?x

afm...Think I'm on CD 7. I've noticed a lot of very similar temps day after day (for up to a good week) over the past several cycles. I'm not sure if it's my body having nice, even, hormones, or whether it's my body stalling somehow. Like it gets stuck.
I'm going to try your regime this cycle again maryanne.
DH is still away, and I'm missing him. Feeling a bit lonely. Hoping he will be home Wed/Thurs.

Hi to you all and anyone reading and fancying joining in.

Baby Dust to Everyone:dust:x
Keely...we must have posted at the same time.

How long does it usually take from your ov until af shows..14days? Yeah if you ov on Sunday, Tuesday would be a little soon, I would say yesterday would have been when you should have been tested (7 days before af). I think if you ask for a test from your MD tomorrow, then you will be able to tell if you ov'd. If you explained to MD you think it was a bit early, as only a couple of days had passed when you were tested I'm sure he'd undertand, but do what ever you feel best with hun. Do what ever makes you feel less stressed. If you want to wait and test yourself, then go for that.x
Yes, it was a blood test. I was in the higher range of pre Ov.

Baylea, I called and left a message to get another test. Worth it.

Jess, try to be positive. Fx'ed for you!!!!
So, haven't gotten my result yet. They never called back and left early Fridsy so no one was there to go over the labs done. Sucks bc now I have to wait for Monday. I am so impatient.

Afm- nothing really to report. I am acting as if I Ov'ed, counting days so DPO6 but also still BDing as if I didn't Ov yet.

Awww sorry to hear that hun, Hopefully you'll get them today. x x x

As I suspected AF has arrived :(

A nice glass of red this evening me thinks.

Onwards and upwards to the next cycle.



Awww Big Hug's sweetie, Cant believe AF got you, But atleast you have a positive mind about it. x x x

As for me AF is Due tomorrow. Totally Know it's gonna be dissappointment for me but Guess Iv got next month to try for a christmas BFP. But Once again with my luck my chance's will be low. x x x

Thanks so much sweetheart :flower: I've got everything crossed for you for this month but my thinking is the same too...... we've still got time to get that Christmas BFP!!!! Let us know how you get on. Sticky babydust to you.
Well, I got my result. Didn't Ov. I am hoping that it was just too early to tell? I kind of jumped the gun on the test - possible ov on Sunday and tested Tuesday. Too early, you think? Should I bother to test again tmrw?? I am stressing myself out.
af (if I Ov'ed when I thought I did) is due around Sunday. Wednesday would be DPO 10 - then Thursday I'm off to St. Thomas. Maybe I will just wait and bring a few pg tests to start testing Friday. Don't want my MD thinking I'm completely mental.

Maybe too early to tell?!?!? Oh gosh, it's hard to say isn't it. Don't worry about looking mental if you think it would help with the stress lovely. Whatever gets you through I say. This is not advice, but I would probably want another test....I'm only saying this because it's the truth and I thought it might be helpful to know you're certainly not alone. Hope you get what you need Keely9. Sending lots of babydust to you.
I am not using it right now but just wanted to say keep your faith up I fell pregnant with my son using cbfm it was a great help
Hi Girls :flower:

Keely...your symptoms sound promising:thumbup: Did you get your results yet today?x

Wabi...sorry she got you. Yeah onwards and upwards for us both. I always try to look at af as the beginning or a potentially sucessful cycle rather than the end of an unsucessful one. But that's pretty darn hard for the first few days. This af was more disappointing for me than any for quite some time, so I'm with you on the 'Humph' lol:haha:.
I feel like we've talked about this before, so sorry again if I'm repeating. Where did you meet your DH? Was he travelling around Australia? My DH and I have been quite seriously considering moving out to Perth for the past 18months. We have a good friend out there. I know this sounds soooo ridiculous, but I'm a major arachnophobe (I was bitten by a spider when I was little) and the idea of spiders being a part of my every day life is scary. It would be nice to try it for a year or two though. Yeah it'd be a lot easier for you if it was where France is :) Do you go back often? I bet your mum misses you too. How lovely to have a mum who understands the trials and tribulations of ttc, though I'm sorry she went through such a hard time also. My mum is amazing, and I don't know what I'd do without her. She fell pregnant after only a few months with both me and my brother, so her journey was rather straight forward. It's not that I wish it wasn't, but a tiny bit of me would like the reassurance that we have the same genes, had similar issues, and she got through it and became a mum.
What makes you think progesterone might be an issue wabi?
Fingers crossed we both get an extra special Christmas surprise this year x

Jessica...Hope very much that af stays away tomorrow, and for a good 8months after. Have my fingers crossed for you hun!!!x

Ma...x How are you doing? x

Summer...have you got another appointment yet?x

afm...Think I'm on CD 7. I've noticed a lot of very similar temps day after day (for up to a good week) over the past several cycles. I'm not sure if it's my body having nice, even, hormones, or whether it's my body stalling somehow. Like it gets stuck.
I'm going to try your regime this cycle again maryanne.
DH is still away, and I'm missing him. Feeling a bit lonely. Hoping he will be home Wed/Thurs.

Hi to you all and anyone reading and fancying joining in.

Baby Dust to Everyone:dust:x

Oh gosh my fingers are so crossed that we all get that Christmas BFP present :happydance: Wouldn't that just be so perfect?!?!? I will actually be testing around Christmas day at this rate...... surely we've all be good enough this year to get the present we really want.

Sorry you're missing DH :( Don't like the thought of you being lonely. I've probably asked before but how long does he go away for at a time? Hope he comes home extra soon and spoils you rotten.

I met my DH while travelling in the UK- predictably I was working in a bar. Perth is really stunning. One of the few places left in the world with some spots of untouched , natural beauty. I hear you about spiders. They grow them quite big in Perth :haha: I'm chief spider catcher in my house. Coming from Oz I'm kinda used to them. When I was a kid there was a spider that lived on the ledge of my window...... I named him George. He was about the size of my adult hand..... but he was huntsman spider so he couldn't do me any harm. But it's not easy if you're not used to them and certainly not easy if you have had a bad experience. In saying this, the lovely beaches, wineries and gorgeousness might make those spiders seem a little easier to take :)

Not sure about temps hon. But it certainly sounds like you're getting ready for O time :happydance: Great thoughts about this being the beginning of a potentially successful cycle!!! Really good way to think about it. I'll be happily taking this thought into CD 4 :flower:

Sending you lots of getting ready to make babies dust :winkwink:

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