CBFM peeps are you out there?!?!?!? CD11 and trying to keep the faith

No power = no heat, no hot water.
No baby. Af arrived with a vengeance today. Ever checked your toilet paper with a flashlight? :nope:

Feeling pretttty low. Really thought this was it. I never cramp before I see af. Oh well. Halloween was suspended so I have lots of chocolate to eat.
Aw Keely...I'm sorry honey :hugs:

It's so hard when you feel like you have all these new symptoms and then af arrives. Maybe they are a good sign though. Maybe you are getting closer to that BFP, just wasn't quite right this cycle, but close.

Take time to let the disappointment out, eat those chocolates, and in a few days you'll feel refreashed and ready to get back on that ttc bandwagon. It'll happen K. x

Hi to all the other cbfm girls :hi:x

:dust: to us all xxx
No power = no heat, no hot water.
No baby. Af arrived with a vengeance today. Ever checked your toilet paper with a flashlight? :nope:

Feeling pretttty low. Really thought this was it. I never cramp before I see af. Oh well. Halloween was suspended so I have lots of chocolate to eat.

So sorry Keely9 :nope:

I know the pain of different symptoms and getting the same result all too well. I am glad however, that you are surrounded by chocolate :)

Be kind and gentle with yourself..... the chance to try again is just round the corner.

Sending you faith, hope, love and hopefully your power back on asap!
Hi everyone

How are you all doing? I haven't been on here for a while, been trying to take a relaxed approach this time and not think about ttc too much although its been hard! I've got my day 21 blood test next week so am just waiting to see what that brings...

I used OPKs this month along with my cbfm but I didn't get a peak when my OPKs were positive! We BDed when the OPKs looked good and I think I'm 5 dpo today. This morning straight after BDing I went to the loo and there was a drop of bright pink blood when I wiped, not had anything since. I've never had anything like this before!! Any ideas!? I think it's too early for implantation bleeding but not sure. Last night I has the worst stomach cramps ever, I had to curl in a ball for 30 mins but then they stopped!

I'm trying not to get excited but I really hope this is it!! My chart looks good and temps are steadily rising so I definately think I ovulated the same time as my OPKs said. Any ideas if this is a good sign or not? Help!!
Hi everyone

How are you all doing? I haven't been on here for a while, been trying to take a relaxed approach this time and not think about ttc too much although its been hard! I've got my day 21 blood test next week so am just waiting to see what that brings...

I used OPKs this month along with my cbfm but I didn't get a peak when my OPKs were positive! We BDed when the OPKs looked good and I think I'm 5 dpo today. This morning straight after BDing I went to the loo and there was a drop of bright pink blood when I wiped, not had anything since. I've never had anything like this before!! Any ideas!? I think it's too early for implantation bleeding but not sure. Last night I has the worst stomach cramps ever, I had to curl in a ball for 30 mins but then they stopped!

I'm trying not to get excited but I really hope this is it!! My chart looks good and temps are steadily rising so I definately think I ovulated the same time as my OPKs said. Any ideas if this is a good sign or not? Help!!

Hiya, I'm new with the cbfm, this is my first cycle using it and I didn't get a peak either but what I can tell you is that implantation typically happens between 6-12dpo but can happen sooner or later than that or you may have ovulated earlier/later. So having spotting at 5dpo could be implantation bleeding. Did ur opk go negative after you saw it positive? Just asking cus you can also get a spot of blood when you ovulate so maybe you obulated later than you though? I had never had mid cycle bleeding/spotting before so I asked my doctor about it cus I had it last 2 cycles just when I wiped for 1 day but then never got a BFP so that's a mystery! Good luck xx
:hi: ladies welcome new ladies if i havent said it yet just a quick visit hoping to get on a laptop 2moro to post better hope everyones had a good day. Wheres everyone at in cycle .ive been to my local shops today and in asda they seem to have some good deals in xmas tins of sweets must start my xmas shopping soon. Am gonna try my best to get on 2moro but hope everyone well and good luck and :dust: for us all x
Summer millie before i forget i agree with emmy the sotting could be implantation or ov bleeding but only time will tell you hun but we are all rooting for you that your bfp is on its way fxd n :dust:
Hi all,
Sorry I've been mia. Staying at my parents till I get power back do I'm a bit discombobulated.

I just wanted to thank you ladies for all your support. It's so nice to have people there for you (when you are keeping it in the down low from your family and friends). It made me feel so much better reading your posts.

CD 4 so I'm gearing up to make a baby this month!!
Hi all,
Sorry I've been mia. Staying at my parents till I get power back do I'm a bit discombobulated.

I just wanted to thank you ladies for all your support. It's so nice to have people there for you (when you are keeping it in the down low from your family and friends). It made me feel so much better reading your posts.

CD 4 so I'm gearing up to make a baby this month!!

How is it in New York now?? Xx
How is it in New York now?? Xx

It's alright. Some parts are just completely devastated - houses completely gone, most belongings in them gone too. I am about 20 minutes north of the city. We got a good amount of damage due to downed trees and the winds, but not flooding where I am, so I am grateful for that. I still don't have power, but luckily have my parents to go to and be warm.

It's basically now just trying to help in any way we can for those who lost basically their whole lives. Long Island, areas of Queens and Jersey were hit extremely badly, so things won't be back to normal for a long time for all those people.

Sorry I haven't been reading the posts I missed. Where is everyone in their cycles/TWW????

It's CD 5 for me so start POAS tmrw!
CD 6. Monitor gave me a high reading. I hate my body. What does this mean?!? DH is away on business till Friday!!!
Hi Girls:hi:

wabi...how are you doing hun? What cycle day you on now? Hope you are well, been thinking about you, and hope you are feeling ok x

sm...hey, how are things now, any update? The spotting sounds promising. Have you been for your day21 bloods yet? x

ma...Thinking of you also hun. How are you and any updates? If you fancy a chat you know where we are. Yes Christmas feels like it's just around the corner now doesn't it. I'm trying to get all the kids shopping done by the end of the week. There are 21 children, between nieces, nephews, and friend's children, that we give gifts to, aged from 13yrs to 1month. I'm nearly finished, hopefully be done by the weekend. I find Christmas a bit difficult, especially when people keep saying 'it's a time for kids'. I know that's true, but what about those who don't have any :( I think if I can get the children's pressies bought and wrapped, I can try and enjoy christmas for what it is to me, and try and forget the children part. Last christmas was hard, so hoping my plan for this christmas will be more successful :thumbup: x

xxemmy... Where are you in your cycle now? Hmmm that spotting sounds strange. Maybe it was implantation and just didn't quite get there. Hopefully it's a good sign, and you'll get your BFP soon! x

Keely...I'm glad you avoided the worst of Sandy. The kind of devastation it caused must be so hard to deal with. Did you get a high again today? It means your body is gearing up to try and ovulate (your estrogen has risen, which the monitor reads to give you high, this is what happens so that your body produces ewcm), but no LH surge yet (that's what the monitor detects when it gives you a peak), and you ovulate typically 24-48hrs after the LH surge. If you carry on getting highs I think you should be ok until friday. If you get your peak before is there any way to see DH? Fingers crossed you don't.x

afm...I'm on CD 16, have had lots ewcm since CD11, got a high yesterday, and peak today. BDd CD 12,14,15. Will BD again tonight and see if I get a temp rise tomorrow. I could ov anytime in next 3days by previous cycles, that is as long as it doesn't get thrown and delayed for any reason.
Also, just an aside moan; I've had such sore nipples the past couple of days. Obviously not pregnancy as not even o'd yet, but they are really bugging me. Anyone got any solutions to sore, cracked nipples, or does anyone know if they are a sign of anything, like a deficiency?...glad to get that 'off my chest' hehe-sorry bad joke :blush:!
Anyone else started Christmas shopping yet?
I'm off out to the butchers to get a piece of beef for roasting for tonight. yum!
Sending out lots of lucky BFP vibes to us all x
hi baylea have just skimmed thru your post but if you havent ov yet get sum grapefruit juice bout half mug for the next few days only 1 half mug per day tho, get some socks on keep them on if you can even in bed , obviously change them each day , have heard cold feet cold uterus dunno if anything in it but no harm and once you have ov have a small packet of walnuts a day for a few days ,silly stuff but you never know ,is good to see you on here ,had joshuas results they have concluded that the placenta came away either before labour or during but that he had died before birth ,am ok just makes getting pg again scary , will catch up later coz going out now ,:dust: for that bfp this cycle fxd x

hi everyone else hope your all well will post later :dust: x
Hi Baylea - thanks for the review on how it works - I feel like I look it up everytime and forget again! I did get another high today. I am hoping my body can last till Friday! He's in South Carolina so no chance of getting in any BD'ing before Friday :winkwink:

Maryanne - I am so sorry to hear about that. I'm sure it has been hard, but it's good you have a strong relationship to lean on. Also you know we are all here if you need.

Baylea and Maryanne - I always feel sad when people say Christmas is "a time for kids." Obviously, it does have it's child approved moments (Santa, reindeer, etc), but don't forget, it's also a time to get together with friends and family and celebrate having each other! I'm a sucker for Christmas - a couple weekends before Christmas, my brother and I stay with our respective wife and husband at my parents' house and have "Christmas" (since Christmas morning is alotted now for being with husbands, wifes, significant others, in laws !). I STILL put out cookies and milk for Santa. I love traditions and I find it's something that really helps continue keeping Christmas a time for everyone. Get dressed up, go to a holiday party (or have one yourself!) and enjoy all the decorations around you. I know it is a joy to see children open up gifts for Christmas, but I'm sure you get that same joy watching your sig other open them up from you! Maybe do something different this year - like a 12 days of Christmas thing. Get your sig other a gift everyday leading up to Christmas (something small) and put it in a new place everyday. OR if you'd like - hint to your sig other to do that for you :winkwink:

Hope everyone else is well and fx'ed!!
I'm so sorry sweets and I'm so sorry nature was so cruel to you and your sweet boy. I just keep thinking, we've got extra reasons to look forward to heaven. We definately get to be mummys there :hugs: I can understand why that makes another pregnancy scary. Are there any increase in chances of it happening again? I have a good feeling for you, I think you'll be preggy again soon and this time it'll work out fine xx I am sending extra bags of :dust: to you xxx
Thanks for the tips...why the grapefuit juice? I'm sitting with extra socks on and will wear them to bed (I've always had cold feet), and I will get on to the juice and nuts when I get to the supermarket tomorrow. Think you are very special to be helping out others right now...thanks for being such a great friend x

keely...thats great you got another high today:thumbup:, hopefully they will carry on. I've always been big on tradition at christmas too. We always go out into the woods and chop down a great big tree. Then we decorate it and the whole house, and then wrap family presents, on a rug, infront of our woodburner, with a glass of mulled wine. I love christmas, it has always been my favourite time of year. I think last year was our 12month ttc mark, and I had kept reassurring myself all year that I should relax 'we'll be pregnant by christmas', and then when we weren't it was awful. It was the first christmas for a lot of my friends with their babies and that made it harder too.
I know right..my friend told me she wasn't buying me a present this year because 'really it's about the kids' (she has a 15month old). I appreciate what she means, but I felt like I buy her wee boy rather nice presents, and to suddenly feel like you don't exist because you don't have kids...know that's a little 'extreme' and 'sensitive' of me, but I guess it's a sore point in general, and when people say things like that it high-lights our situation. Sending you luck for your peak and DBing and of course that BFP x
Thanks, Baylea. I'm hoping it will! And I'm hoping it's right!! Last time apparently I ov'ed around October 17, NOT September 28th like I thought, so that would have been CD 30. And now I'm getting highs on CD 6. SO odd. We shall see. And my First REsponse digital OPK kit have both come back negative - so that seems accurate, right?

Ohh, I've never cut my own tree. That sounds like a lovely tradition! It frustrates me when people say that about it being a time for kids. I'm sorry your friend is being a Grinch. Maybe she's having monetary troubles and doesn't want to make a big deal of it? Just a thought. Never know. But otherwise, that really is a low feeling. Have you ever seen the movie Elf? Maybe your friend just needs a reminder of how to act during the Christmas season :winkwink:
Hi everyone

Bit nervous tonight as I've got my day 21 blood test tomorrow... No more spotting since cd5. I think I'm 8 or 9 dpo today, I had a temp dip on 7 dpo but it went up again today so I hope that's a good sign. I've got a cold now too so generally feeling under the weather. I'm sorry to be so negative and down but I just don't feel like I'm ever going to see a bfp :( it's such a a horrible thought and its making me feel really sad :( hopefully the blood test will shed some light. Take care everyone, hope your all doing okay xx
Hi everyone

Bit nervous tonight as I've got my day 21 blood test tomorrow... No more spotting since cd5. I think I'm 8 or 9 dpo today, I had a temp dip on 7 dpo but it went up again today so I hope that's a good sign. I've got a cold now too so generally feeling under the weather. I'm sorry to be so negative and down but I just don't feel like I'm ever going to see a bfp :( it's such a a horrible thought and its making me feel really sad :( hopefully the blood test will shed some light. Take care everyone, hope your all doing okay xx

Good luck today! I hope you get some great, good or at least helpful and hopeful news.

Another high for my CD8. Feeling I can make it. I am determined to BD everyday tmrw night till af or BPF. I have lots of lingerie and since my heat is back on (yay power) I won't mind walking around the house scantily clad!
Hi keely...as you had delayed ov last month your body will make up for the lost time by trying to ov early this cycle. It's common and normal, so perhaps your body is trying to get back on track. It's a good sign that it's trying to regulate and make up for lost time:thumbup:, but hope with DH away you got another high this morning? It's a good sign your opk is negative still.

I'm fairly certain my friend is ok money-wise, so I'm pretty sure that's not the reason. I think that often when people have babies they become their entire world and they are oblivious to others or their struggles. It's not a criticism, I may have been exactly the same if I hadn't gone through all of this. I suppose that is a good thing I can take from all this heartache. If I ever have my dream of a baby, I will always be aware of how blessed I am, and not assume others around me are equally so. I will always be careful about teasing or questioning others about their plans for a family, and I will never sit with someone who doesn't have children and gush about mine.

The Christmas tree is my favourite part :) I LOVE decorating it, and take lots of pride in how it looks. Our sitting room has a high ceiling so it's always about 10ft and all our friends come and have photos with our tree. It's become a tradition and I love it. I am planning our Christmas day feast already hehe. We have M&S vouchers we were given as a wedding present a couple of years ago, and we can't find anything in their homewares we want/need, so I think we'll use it in their food department for Christmas food shopping...I'm getting exciiited...can you tell:haha: Good luck for this cycle and :dust:x

SM...aw hun, how did the blood test go today? Been thinking of you:hugs: Hope that nasty cold is getting better. The sick bug is going round up here and I'm desperate to avoid it, hate being ill. Hope you are getting plenty of :sleep: and :coffee: and staying:cold:. Sorry you're feeling down. Honestly the odds are good for you sweetie. Your temps and symptoms sound good, but even if this cycle isn't it, one of these cycles will be. You'll be a mummy. You'll feel better once you get the results and you know where you stand hun, or fingers crossed maybe before!!:winkwink: Let us know how today has gone. Good luck and :dust: x

ma...how are you today hun? I wore socks in bed last night, they were nice and cosy :) will get supplies tonight:thumbup: (I can't get the extra icons up just now for some reason, but Baby dust being sent your way ma) :dust: x

wabi...hope you are ok hun. Not heard from you in a while. Completely understand if you are taking a break from all this bnb stuff, but want you to know we are thinking of you and wishing you so much Luck and Baby Dust :dust:x

afm...BDd again last night. Temp rose today, but only just above cover line again...where have my nice, strong, clear rises gone? Anyway we'll see if it continues to tomorrow. We'll prob BD again tonight.

Hi everyone else reading :hi:

Sending lots of :dust: to us all x
Baylea - I think that's the best way to look at it, take what you can learn from it, because you understand the other side, which is very hard for some people to fathom if they have never gone through it themselves. I am nervous a friend of mine who is expecting this winter will become the same way, I am hoping it's just a silly fear, but only time will tell. Good luck with her and I hope her eyes are opened (maybe she'll get it this Christmas season) to others' feelings and sufferings. It seems you are so supportive of her and not getting much back in return, just because you cannot compare first words and baby bootie sizes. Stay strong and maybe find a way to bring it up without making it about you. Ever seen What to Expect When You're Expecting? There is a similar relationship in there (someone has her baby dreams fulfilled easily and another struggles). Just an idea for a girls' night movie to get her thinking :winkwink:

I am so excited too! We had a storm last night, 7 inches of snow at my house! I was so ready to start up the Christmas carols, had to restrain myself :dohh: It's not even Thanksgiving!

I DID get another high today and another negative OPK. I am so hoping that tmrw will be the same and maybe a peak and pos on Monday or so, that should give us some time to BD before anything and then after :blush:

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