CD 1 :( Anyone with me ? Plans for the next cycle ?

It was an internet cheapie, similar to Wondfo but not that brand. I've used this brand before (over 10 of them by now) and I've never seen colour in the test line when the dye washes past. I can usually pick out the line as the dye moves across, but it's clearly just passing over. This time it did something. It was gone before the residual dye faded, though. Like the strip itself was still pinkish when it disappeared.

So weird! Well I would test again tomorrow, especially since it was an internet cheapie! Why not :) I had a friend recently get a bfp after bleeding, so it's definitely possible!
Hi ladies! I'm CD1 today and would love to join your group! We decided just a couple weeks ago that we should try for #2 and I didn't temp or get any preseed (which seemed to work in getting my first BFP) and needless to say, AF arrived in full force today. Definitely excited about getting her out of the building and on to proper temping and BDing :)
My BBT chart so far this cycle:

Blue = my averages
Purple = this cycle
Red horizontal = usual coverline (36.2 C)
Red vertical = expected ovulation, CD23

This is so weird! It looks like I'm getting my normal temp pattern, just shifted 0.3-0.4 degrees higher than normal. I wonder if my whole cycle's going to be higher or if it's going to drop off some time soon.
That's really weird Orgle! I haven't done temping in over 3 years…so I really am no help. Just wanted to say that I hope it's maybe a good sign! Did you try testing today or are you planning on testing again after that weird test yesterday?
Got my first positive line in a OPK today at CD1, not as dark as control but a good line. Is it weird that makes me happy... I was feeling really down today so that little line helps : )
@juhnayrae, no I didn't test again this morning. I think I'm going to try to wait a day or two more and see what my temps continue to do. It's unusually high for this part of my cycle, but it is dropping, and I'm still spotting from AF.

AF was full force for about 36 hours (really short for me) and I've been just slightly spotting ever since. Normally it's heavy CD2-4 inclusive and then I spot for about 36 more hours and then done. This is CD7 and still spotting enough to need a liner, but the full force AF was done by CD3.

This probably all means nothing, but I can't help but wonder about this weird AF & temps after my oddly long cycle, which in turn started a day earlier than expected (cycle before last had a 13 day LP instead of 14).
Got my first positive line in a OPK today at CD1, not as dark as control but a good line. Is it weird that makes me happy... I was feeling really down today so that little line helps : )

Yay! That's exciting! :happydance:
Before I had my daughter, my cycles were all over the place and I only got AF every 3-4 months. But it seems that giving birth kickstarted everything and now I have pretty short cycles - around 26 days. I started taking prenatal vitamins yesterday and will maybe add some vitamin C too to try and lengthen LP. I'll start temping once AF is all done.

Good luck to everyone and hope this month is it for all of us! I forgot how stressful TTC is!
Hal - that's awesome! It's nice to hear about that happening to someone! I've always had irregular cycles (finally was diagnosed with lean PCO late last year) and I was hoping after giving birth it might help restart my system, but things went back to being irregular almost immediately :(

I know, it's so easy to forget how stressful ttc is! :wacko: It's like a bad dream we all want to forget!
Sorry to hear about your diagnosis juhn. Is your RE able to help with the irregularity at all?

I have no idea if I'm definitely ovulating every cycle so we will see when I start temping.
I'm pretty sure I O'd last month - I had awful stabbing pain in my right side on CD14 and got a very dark OPK that afternoon.

Does anyone here use preseed? I used it when conceiving DD and I noticed that last month I didn't have a lot of EWCM. Any other tips on how to get your body to make more of it?
Hal- Thanks :) The only thing any doctor has offered me is bc pills, which I hate taking. I used Vitex and that was helping until we started using Femara (I quit the Vitex then because they cancel each other out)

I've heard that taking Evening Primrose Oil from AF until O helps with EWCM. You can buy it at most stores that sell vitamins, I've even seen it at Walmart I think.
Corn- I am having such a bad day to. But I didn't let it destroy the WHOLE day. We are having friends over for dinner so that helps. I am glad your opks are looking good and cheered you up.

Olge- I am so sorry your body is acting silly this early into the cycle. I think we all know how that feels to have one or a couple of wacky cycles that just leaves you confused, afraid, and excited all at once. Hahaha.. My temp jumped really high today which isn't the norm however its just one morning and I hope it drops back down.

Hal- I get the frustration with a annovulation cycle. Grrrr I hate it, that was me for 2 years until vitex like juhn. Excited for you to temp. I love temping, I think bcp or just my hormonal imbalance caused me a huge lack of ewcm. I read tcoyf she suggested b6 500mg timed release supplements. There's lots of controversy about it on threads but I do it and got ewcm last cycle thats the only Alarm that went off and I realized I oed super late (cd38 :( ) But like juhn said I hear epo is very popular and effective!
Thank you both! I will look into the EPO.

Juhn - hope the Femara works for you!
Robinson - I'm a little scared of the B6 too. I've heard that it can really delay O and 1 month is already a long time to wait between cycles - don't wanna have to wait almost 2! I can't imagine your frustration with CD38.
hal423- I used preseed the month I got pregnant with my first! Love it! Just got a new tube to try this month :)
Hal - sorry I forgot to add that we've used preseed before too. I usually don't have an issue with EWCM, but we used it just to cover our bases. Pretty sure we had a CP the first month we used it.
hi ladies :wave:
I know I havent been up here in a while. Work is becoming soo stressful plus I start classes next Monday to start working on my Bachelor's degree :wacko: so getting prepared with it got a little time consuming.

I hope everyone is doing great! I am on cd 11 and got a low reading on my cbfm which last cycle i got a high reading at cd 11. I usually dont ovulate until about 13-15 so hopefully a get a high/peak soon ( i really want a peak since I didnt get one last cycle, being the first cycle using the cbfm )

Good news is DH has been eating VERY healthy, no soda ( which was very hard to convince him not to drink any) , not too many sweets NOTHING ! :happydance: Plus he's been taking maca which I hope helps our chances this month.

I hope we all get our bfps this cycle, I have a feeling this thread will bring some luck to us !

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