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CD 1 :( Anyone with me ? Plans for the next cycle ?

Good luck with everything, ttc_Mera! And props for getting your DH to give up the soda! I can just imagine trying to get mine to do that. We're not so long trying yet that I'm desperate enough to force that issue.
I can't even get my husband to take vitamins unless they are gummy vitamins : )
Thanks Orglethorp :hug:
Trust me it took A LOT to convince him to stop drinking soda. We have been ttc baby #2 since Feb/March last year and this is the first cycle that he hasnt had any soda at all.

I think its because he finally noticed how much wait he gained, which i personally believed came from the soda ( he drank a lot of it every day).

He also takes a male fertility vitamins ( when he remembers) but the healthy eating is my biggest accomplishment.

Praying it helps us get our bfp.
Cd13 got some bding in last night!! Whoo hoo!!
Haha me too :winkwink: although my husband didn't like to have to perform under pressure haha. I said we have to do it tonite.. I think most men would be ok with that. I just feel the pressure when it's the fertile 4 days, I had to educate him on timing and why we can just go with the flow. Anyhow got a few days in :winkwink:
Same over here! Cd 11 and opk's are getting quite dark... wouldn't quite call them positive yet
Is anyone close to testing? I forget if anyone's in the tww yet!! If you are, post your tests!! I want to live vicariously through you :haha:

CD7 for me and on my last Femara pill tonight. I took an OPK just to poas lol! DH and I got in a little BDing the other night, he told me he needs to "practice" for next week :winkwink: lol!
CD9 for me, and I normally ovulate on CD23 (average of 36 day cycles). I'm using opks for the first time this cycle and I'm already seeing lines - nowhere near positives, but shockingly visible considering I'm not expecting a surge for over a week yet! Since I haven't used them before, I don't know if this is my body's natural base level, or if I'll be seeing a surge earlier than expected.

My BBTs are still higher than my usual cover line, even though I usually see my temps drop off very quickly when AF starts (CD1 or 2) with my lowest temp of the cycle usually on CD2 or 3. The overall trend has been downward (~0.02 lower ever morning) up until today ...shot up by 0.11 again! I did a pregnancy test along with this afternoon's opk just to be 200% sure that I'm not pregnant from last cycle. BFN of course, but I had to be sure. I've never seen my temps stay high after AF shows, let alone this long into the new cycle!

I track all my cycle data in a Google docs spreadsheet, and if I let it include this cycle's temps in my averages, it changes some values by as much as +0.6 degrees.
Cd 13 here , got a high CBFM yesterday ( cd 12) and today. I had an appointment with my primary doctor .since DH and I have been Ttc for about a year I thought she offer to refer me to a gyno but nope she wants us to try more because we're young ( I'm 25 ,26 this December and DH is 28) I wanted to cry because I feel like weree not getting anywhere. She said she wanted to do an ultrasound to make sure everything is good in there since my miscarriage but that's it. I really like her my I feel like I'm not getting anywhere with her...I get that we're young but i still should get some answers. I feel like just giving up. What a waste of a $25 co pay.
Aww, that's disappointing! I hate it when GPs don't agree with what you think is best.
Aww, that's disappointing! I hate it when GPs don't agree with what you think is best.

Thank you. I just don't understand. She keeps saying I'm young but I was young a year ago too and I only have miscarriage to show for it. I may sound like a brat but what's the point of having doctor if she isn't going to help.
Corn- our dhs sound like twins. I just give my dh a very sexy bding look and he knows I got to get it in. We aren't allowed to use words anymore to avoid the pressure and performance issues.

Juhn- practice makes perfect 😉

Ttcmera- this is the exact thing we have been dealing with. I am so sick of hearing we are young. If I am so young and thats all it takes why am I and many other women in child bearing age having trouble year after year.

Orgle- sorry you are going through that.

Cherr- yay we are very close in cycle.
I think jd is the only one in the tww right now. I hope her and dh are doing okay its been a while.
Ttcmera- this is the exact thing we have been dealing with. I am so sick of hearing we are young. If I am so young and thats all it takes why am I and many other women in child bearing age having trouble year after year.

Exactly !! Well before I left I basically asked the nurse how long more should I wait before we move the next step. I didn't want to rush the doctor I really like her I just want to know what I should expect ( kind of started crying )

Well whatever the nurse told the doctor helped because I now have a referral to a gyno :happydance:

I really didn't want her to think I was rushing her but I just wanted put my mind at ease a little bit
Ttcmera- this is the exact thing we have been dealing with. I am so sick of hearing we are young. If I am so young and thats all it takes why am I and many other women in child bearing age having trouble year after year.

Exactly !! Well before I left I basically asked the nurse how long more should I wait before we move the next step. I didn't want to rush the doctor I really like her I just want to know what I should expect ( kind of started crying )

Well whatever the nurse told the doctor helped because I now have a referral to a gyno :happydance:

I really didn't want her to think I was rushing her but I just wanted put my mind at ease a little bit

That's fantastic news, its an emotional thing. I cried when my dh and I saw my gyno after ntnp for over a year. Its comforting to find a doctor you like.
Ttcmera- this is the exact thing we have been dealing with. I am so sick of hearing we are young. If I am so young and thats all it takes why am I and many other women in child bearing age having trouble year after year.

Exactly !! Well before I left I basically asked the nurse how long more should I wait before we move the next step. I didn't want to rush the doctor I really like her I just want to know what I should expect ( kind of started crying )

Well whatever the nurse told the doctor helped because I now have a referral to a gyno :happydance:

I really didn't want her to think I was rushing her but I just wanted put my mind at ease a little bit

That's fantastic news, its an emotional thing. I cried when my dh and I saw my gyno after ntnp for over a year. Its comforting to find a doctor you like.

I wasn't expecting to cry at all but we started discussing my miscarriage and I couldnt hold it in . I now just have to hope the gyno doctor is just a nice.
This is just my opinion, but I think the whole "you're young so just keep trying" thing is a load of you know what! I hate it when doctors say that! I'm really fortunate that when we wanted to start ttc #1 3 years ago (I was 22 at the time) my OBGYN didn't give me that run around. He got straight to it with us and started me on Provera/Clomid. Then after 6 months of failed attempts with him he handed us off to our RE. We got pregnant our first cycle with him. After looking at both my husband's issues and mine, the fertility doctor told us we only had a 1-3% chance of ever getting pregnant on our own with zero help! Do you know how mad I would have been if my doctor had insisted that we just keep trying because I'm young!

I'm super grateful that my doctor listened to me. He knew that I knew my body better (I've always had extremely irregular cycles) and he trusted me when I said I knew we would need help. We had only been NTNP for 1.5 months before that, so it's not like we'd been trying long at all!

I have a friend that had a simple progesterone deficiency and after a few months of trying she went to her doctor who gave her the whole "you're young, come back and see me in a year" talk and didn't listen to her when she said she wanted some tests done. Anyway, a year later, they still weren't pregnant and she went back to the doctor. Sure enough, they did a simple progesterone blood draw after O and found out that she was deficient and she was getting preg nant, but couldn't keep the pregnancies because of that issue. It was such an easy fix and the next month she got pregnant and STAYED pregnant because she was put on progesterone after O. She called me in tears, happy she was finally pregnant, but so sad that her doctor pushed her off and made her go through like 5 CPs and early miscarriages because "she's young"

Not to say anything against your doctor ttc_Mera! Just when I hear doctors say that kind of stuff it really annoys me. I'd still be ttc #1 if my doctor didn't listen. End rant :haha:
This is just my opinion, but I think the whole "you're young so just keep trying" thing is a load of you know what! I hate it when doctors say that! I'm really fortunate that when we wanted to start ttc #1 3 years ago (I was 22 at the time) my OBGYN didn't give me that run around. He got straight to it with us and started me on Provera/Clomid. Then after 6 months of failed attempts with him he handed us off to our RE. We got pregnant our first cycle with him. After looking at both my husband's issues and mine, the fertility doctor told us we only had a 1-3% chance of ever getting pregnant on our own with zero help! Do you know how mad I would have been if my doctor had insisted that we just keep trying because I'm young!

I'm super grateful that my doctor listened to me. He knew that I knew my body better (I've always had extremely irregular cycles) and he trusted me when I said I knew we would need help. We had only been NTNP for 1.5 months before that, so it's not like we'd been trying long at all!

I have a friend that had a simple progesterone deficiency and after a few months of trying she went to her doctor who gave her the whole "you're young, come back and see me in a year" talk and didn't listen to her when she said she wanted some tests done. Anyway, a year later, they still weren't pregnant and she went back to the doctor. Sure enough, they did a simple progesterone blood draw after O and found out that she was deficient and she was getting preg nant, but couldn't keep the pregnancies because of that issue. It was such an easy fix and the next month she got pregnant and STAYED pregnant because she was put on progesterone after O. She called me in tears, happy she was finally pregnant, but so sad that her doctor pushed her off and made her go through like 5 CPs and early miscarriages because "she's young"

Not to say anything against your doctor ttc_Mera! Just when I hear doctors say that kind of stuff it really annoys me. I'd still be ttc #1 if my doctor didn't listen. End rant :haha:

Everything cycle thing you said is spot on !!! I mean she is a really nice doctor , she's nice and patient but when I went to her a year ago to tel her we were ttc she told me to come back in a year and if I'm still not pregnant we will take the next steps. That's exactly what I did and she wanted me to wait even more ! Like wth !!! She said I'm young and my periods are like clock work so I should be able to get pregnant , well hello it's not happening ! Especially with me having a miscarriage I thought she would be ready to take the next steps.

I was about to check out of the office and I got so upset because I felt like I got no where I pratically started crying in front of the nurse and she was able to talk to the doctor to get me the referral for the gyno. I didn't mean to rush her but I know I would have been so stressed if I went home without that referral. She ordered me an ultrasound check as well ( more for the miscarriage that I had in sept, they noticed a very small cyst at the ER) . So I'm happy I got where I wanted but I just pray and pray that they didn't refer me to a gyno that won't help much.
Cd14 temp still low no sign of O ... Booo.. Hoping I o this coming week. Doesn't look like its going to happen over the weekend.. Ughh.. Lot of work getting dh to dtd eod he is so busy.
Cd14 temp still low no sign of O ... Booo.. Hoping I o this coming week. Doesn't look like its going to happen over the weekend.. Ughh.. Lot of work getting dh to dtd eod he is so busy.

My dh is really busy this weekend as well and it's a struggle trying to bd. I'm also cd 14 which is when I usually ovulate . I tried temping this cycle but DS kept waking up in the middle of the night so that didn't work much :wacko: I hope you guys catch that egg !

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