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CD 1 :( Anyone with me ? Plans for the next cycle ?

Robin to bad we couldn't freeze some man juice and use it when we need it. Would be so much easier! Now my DH is sick so I'm glad I made him BD CD13 :winkwink:
Tell me about it corn. We got more bd in today. That's great news for you that totally increases your chances. Sorry your dh isn't feeling well.
I got my peak ! I got my peak !
Woohoo ! I'm on cd 15, not I know why me and DH kept missing because I dont ovulate on cd 13/14 like I really thought!!


How are you ladies doing ? Anyone testing soon ?
Awe Ttcmera that's great! Catch that egg mama, dang doesn't it feel so good to catch that peak!? No more waiting around on pins and needles for you.
Tww girls I believe are you, corn, and JD. Lucky ladies! Happy tww!
Yay for peak time! Yeehaa...gitty up!
This is really my first month actually ever "trying" with tracking CM and OPKS. In my 20s I never gave it a thought. So we shall see. According to online info I have only a 10% chance of conceiving every cycle since I'm over 35..well doesn't that make you want to dive into a bottle of wine. But statistics can kiss my a$$ haha. Got BFP on a one time oppsie at 37, unlikely...had a MMC after seeing baby at 8wks..unlikely..but it happened, so who knows. Come on egg! Fertilize, implant and do your thang!
Awe Ttcmera that's great! Catch that egg mama, dang doesn't it feel so good to catch that peak!? No more waiting around on pins and needles for you.
Tww girls I believe are you, corn, and JD. Lucky ladies! Happy tww!

I loved seeing that little egg come up! Especially since last month i didnt get a peak at all , then with this cycle cd 14 came and i was still at high which normally i though i would get a peak ( since thats usually get a positive opk)

DH is away for a little for the day ( he coaches basketball for a middle school team ) hopefully he gets home soon! Im so excited. This month I feel really excited and positive , I hope I am not getting my hopes up.

My primary doctor also order a hcg blood testt when i had the appointment friday ( just to make sure I wasn't already pregnant which i told her i wasnt) but I think Im going to wait until around when af is do to have the blood work done. If we do get our bfp , little bean would be due on DH 's bday. :happydance:

Sorry for the rambling, the peak has really gotten to me lol

What cd are you on now?
CD11 here, expected O on CD23. I've got a few days before I even start looking for that surge yet!
ttc_Mera- glad to hear you got the referral! My husband and I got the referral to our fertility specialist from my OBGYN when I was about 23... and im sure glad I did, because it still took another 2 years, 2 surgeries and a 3rd specialist before I got pregnant! Always advocate for yourself... if they won't refer, find someone that will!

As for me! Cd 14 over here, definitely ovulated yesterday... so am now in the dreaded 2ww yet again! 1 dpo and have decided absolutely no pregnancy tests this cycle unless I happen to be late!
Temp rise this morning! Im cd 15 ladies pray for me that this is my O rise. Pray it stays high rest of the week.
Cornfieldland- I love the way you think ! F statistics !! You will get your BFP !

Cherr- I'm so glad I stuck around to get the referral, I just couldnt allow myself to leave the doctor office with nothing. I felt like I made no progress. Yes I'm young and my periods are regular but it's been a year , I want some answers !! Sending baby dust your way ! Praying this is your "it" cycle !

Robinsonmom - woohoo for your temp rise! It's so cool how close our cycles are ! Hopefully we all get our BFPs !

DH is finally home , have to make sure he doesn't fall asleep so we can bd!!
He wants to watch freakin Game of Thrones first :wacko: but he looks like he wants to fall asleep lol I will not take no for an answer !!
Well, now I'm totally confused!

This morning's temp is a whole 0.2 higher than yesterday and well into my usual post-O range, and that prompted me to do an opk (even though it was 5:30am and I've been doing those in the afternoon) and the line I got is slightly lighter than Thurs/Fri... But my temps haven't gone below my usual cover line yet, I'm not expecting O for 11 days yet, and I haven't had any fertile CM recently.

*pulls out hair*

If I ignore what the temps are and only look at the trend, it's not unusual for this week in my cycle. I've seen my temps jump around like this around now many times. It's just that they're usually jumping from 35.9/36.0 to 36.1/36.2, not 36.22 to 36.41!

Normally I can call 36.2 my cover line, and 1dpo will be 36.3-36.4, but then again that's normally from an O-day temp of 36.0ish.

* impatiently waiting to temp again tomorrow *
ttc-Mera - YAY! So awesome to see that peak!! Get to it girl! I love GOT too, but it can wait lol, it's time to catch that egg!

Cherr - I love what you said about advocating for yourself, I totally agree. That's my philosophy too. I also believe that if your doctor doesn't listen and respect your view, then find a new one. Doctors are advisors, not gods! I'm also not going to test until I'm late, I'm going to try my hardest!

Orglethorp - I'm so sorry you're dealing with this! Honestly, that's the reason I stopped temping when I was ttc#1, it was just too confusing and stressful. Not to say that's what you should do, but just wanted to tell you I've been there. I wish our bodies would just like light up when we ovulate and again when we become pregnant! :haha:

robin - Praying!! I hope that was O for you!

For me, I'm CD10 and still waiting on O. OPks aren't getting significantly darker or lighter, I'm going for my ultrasound on Wednesday. Hoping for a nice big follie (or two!)
Lol, lighting up for O & BFP would be great!

Here's hoping my temp drops off tomorrow so I can call today a fluke. I'd be okay with all my temps running higher this cycle (and just in general from here on out) because that would indicate that something's changed for the better in here! My temps are low enough to say I should suspect thyroid issues, yet I've been tested and told I'm still in the normal range :shrug:

I just asked my spreadsheet to calculate my average pre-O & post-O temps from my cycle averages, and I got 36.09 for pre-O and 36.50 for post-O.

So far this cycle I'm averaging 36.31, which is 0.22 higher, so maybe now my post-O temps will average 36.72? That would be nice!
:dust:Go TTC Go!!
Make that man do his thang before his show... Mines the same, TV=sleepy
Robin :dust:
Lol let us know how it goes ttcmera! This is the only place we can talk about privates and dtd and its not inappropriate. Awesome!!
Temp dip so that was NOT O, but I am cool with it. Starting a new summer job and got a couple projects going on that's keeping my mind super busy. My dh isn't very happy that I am working during the summer so I gotta do a lot of "sucking up" to get my bding on eod until O. I knew this was going to happen!! Lol
Lol, lighting up for O & BFP would be great!

Here's hoping my temp drops off tomorrow so I can call today a fluke. I'd be okay with all my temps running higher this cycle (and just in general from here on out) because that would indicate that something's changed for the better in here! My temps are low enough to say I should suspect thyroid issues, yet I've been tested and told I'm still in the normal range :shrug:

I just asked my spreadsheet to calculate my average pre-O & post-O temps from my cycle averages, and I got 36.09 for pre-O and 36.50 for post-O.

So far this cycle I'm averaging 36.31, which is 0.22 higher, so maybe now my post-O temps will average 36.72? That would be nice!

Yes!! Temping can be very stressful exactly why I threw out my chart last cycle and only pay attention to my daily number!
Awe Ttcmera that's great! Catch that egg mama, dang doesn't it feel so good to catch that peak!? No more waiting around on pins and needles for you.
Tww girls I believe are you, corn, and JD. Lucky ladies! Happy tww!

Hi ladies, I got my :bfp: on Mother's Day!!! I'm so excited and praying so hard for healthy and sticky bean. Here's a link to my journal if anyone is interested in details:


I am now firm supporter of vitex :) :happydance:

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