CD 2-- Join for July BFPs for little easter bunnies here!

I had my 3rd bloods taken this morning, will find out results around 7pm tonight.
The Dr this morning said that hopefully my levels will have increased again.
He was still bracing me for the worst that I may have miscarried though... said that the hormone levels can stay in the body for weeks. But surely my levels wouldnt have increased from Friday to Sunday if I miscarried?
I'm kind of confused now... hoping for another increase in the levels from todays bloods. Then 2nd internal scan a week Friday. My poor arms are black and blue from all the blood being taken.
Stick little bean stick..[-o<

I wouldn't think it would be possible for your levels to increase if you had miscarried. Mine were out of my system within a week.

I am praying for you! Seems like they are inching up closer and closer to a sticky little bean! [-o<
I am dreeeeeading POAS today. Uck. I am certainly not a POAS addict, because I get too nervous to test test test. I'm on CD10 today though, and last month I got a + on CD11. ](*,) I am worried bc the OH is off traveling either this evening or tomorrow through Friday evening, and most likely can't hop home for a quick :sex: until then. I am SOOOOOOO nervous that I will get my +OPK right away. I would just die.

Please [-o< we catch our eggy this time girls. I am hoping for a +OPK on Thursday or Friday so we have the weekend to :sex: our little hearts out!! Come on little bean! Mama and daddy are waiting as patiently as possible for you!
Gd luck holdon2hope.
Hopin u get ur +opk when you want it.
I dont mind gettin mines anyday as long as i get it lol
two faint lines today and yesterday and pinching pains on the right today xxx
I'm having OPs today too. I don't really check CM but just can tell that I'm entering my fertile period. I should be excited but I'm a bit upset. I found out this morning that one of my friends has cancer and then another friend's cousin was killed yesterday.

Grif...It might take a few days to determine if that is your baseline. I don't have a thermometer that goes out to the hundreths. You have a sophisticated one!
Hey Overcomer79
Sorry to hear ur news, kinda puts u off ttc when you get news like that.
Chin up, just think you could bring some happy news in a few wks
would i be having o pains if my sticks have gone from white (stark blank) neg, to two faint sticks but not matching the control line?xxx

ps so so sorry about ur friends xxxx
I wouldn't think it would be possible for your levels to increase if you had miscarried. Mine were out of my system within a week.

I am praying for you! Seems like they are inching up closer and closer to a sticky little bean! [-o<

Thanks... I really hope so. I'm just so confused. I'm really emotional and weepy from it all now too. I feel pregnant... I just wish I wasnt getting mixed messages from all the drs and nurses. I just want someone to say no, I'm not pregnant or yes I am and I'm so far along.
I've got another cbdigital test left, so planning on using that on Thursday so it should be a week after doing the first which said 1-2 weeks, and hopefully it will say 2-3weeks...
I'm just so frustrated, worried, stressed and confused... and scared :cry:

Grif sorry hun I have no experience with OPKs
Hang in there Elle! You'll have the answer soon enough! Try to keep yourself busy until 7 tonight! FXD! :hugs:

:dust: to everyone. Sticky beans Come on!!!!
Thanks for everyone's support..
But I heard from the dr this afternoon and the news isn't good.
My levels from 3rd blood test have only had a slight increase so waiting until my 2nd internal scan on the 15th to find out whats happening.
It looks more likely that its a miscarriage or ectopic rather than a progressing pregnancy.
Thanks for all the support. I don't think I'm going to be on much now until after the scan.
I've been upset since finding out and now I need to try and relax until the scan. I can't do anything now...
Oh, Elle! :hug:

Take care of you and rest. Don't give up hope. You never know. And in any case I'll be praying and thinking for you. xo
I don't know what to say Elle! Expect as PP said, don't give up hope BIG :hugs: !! <3<3 Keeping you in my thoughts today!
just got :) on opk wohoo. Anyway getting donation tomorrow about 1-2pm and then another one on thursday and friday if still getting smiley faces. I'm exited!!!!!!!!
Fx for everyone
I'm excited because I haven't gotten a +OPK at 2 or at 9:30! Woohoo! :) Hubbalove left around 6:30 tonight. He won't be back until Friday. Fingers crossed for a Friday +OPK and some major Friday/Saturday :sex:

Here's to a beautiful :bfp: in a couple of weeks! :happydance:
another faint line on opk yesterday (dont think ive ov'd yet.) my temp yesterday at 7.20am was 97.18, this morning at same time was 97.05. so its dropped a little. no idea what it means lol xx
Im on a 32 day cycle. Today is cd13. I hope i, along with you gals, O soon!!! SO and i have DTD the last four days. TWICE day before yesterday. He is wearing me out. "I will plant thy seed" :rofl: FXD for all you gals! <3<3

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