CD 2-- Join for July BFPs for little easter bunnies here!

lol mer!!! have you posted a full birth story anywhere??x

Nope...I am not sure if I will or not...unless it is here. For some reason my telling of it online or IRL seems to miff a few people...:wacko: Or I feel like I have to explain to everyone that I did not stop mid labor and apply my makeup...But I would like to sit down for a minute and post it here with a few pictures. I just might need both hands. :winkwink:
Mer, OWN your birth story girl! LOL It's your experience and your's alone, so if people get miff, tell them to miff off! :winkwink:

AMBER!!! Good luck today. Thinking of you and sending you love. :baby:
lol hope you soon!
baby girl keeps punching or kicking my cervix lol feels like shes tryna push her feet out of me lol!

i think shes doing roly polys cos i felt kicks at belly button then her roll and now really low!
I certainly hope so! Last one standing for the spring babies. :wacko: LOL

Hayley, I felt cervix kicks and punches too! It was seriously like he was punching his way out! It would stop me in my tracks too. Peter would say, "What? kicked in the vajay again?" lol
We were worried we would get told she wasn't a girl but she's definitely a little twinkler!

Punched, kicked and played peek a boo during the scan. Kept covering and uncovering her face and opening her mouth.

Baby measured all perfect. No abnormalities detected. Placenta laying low so extra scans at 32 & 36 weeks - not quite previa but has the potential to be so.

I'm now living appointment to appointment... 24 week midwife, 28 week GD test, 32 week growth scan, 36 week second growth scan .... then baby!!!! XOMG
:happydance::happydance::happydance: Hayley!

So exciting. That's how I was, living appointment to appointment. I was so worried in the beginning that that is what got me through. Then it just got super exciting! I'm so thrilled for you. :flower:

In other news, my doctor did a sweep. :thumbup: So, we will see what happens. He actually asked me if I wanted to come in for an induction on Friday. I said that I didn't (I'm too scared it will be too painful and I'll need to get an epi) :wacko: But he said he'd still put me in the book and I could decide on Friday morning. Holy crap! What a decision! Peter said, well that would really work for me since it's a weekend and all. LOL jerk.
So Penny had her first appointment today and she weighed in at 6 pounds 10 ounces. Just one ounce down from her birth weight! Everything else looked good and we go back on the 5th for her 2 week appointment. I do believe that we will be getting some shots then. Keith and I were a bit terrified thinking that we were gonna have to do that today. It's been awhile since we have done the newborn thing. We would have been screwed though cause Keith is the one that takes the kids for their shots and such...but there is NO WAY that he would be able to handle holding his princess while they gave her shots. I guess I would have to man up and do it even though it would kill me. :(
Penny is doing so well...nursing on demand like a champ. She sleeps alot but when she isn't sleeping she is nursing. The only issue that we have ran into was that she wasn't pooping like she should and wasn't peeing alot either. So yesterday we did the whole thermometer/vaseline thing and she pooped enough for 5 diapers (no joke) and has been peeing good ever since. Only pooped once since then but they said after a week is when you should worry. She is extremely gassy and I think it has to do with her being backed up cause it isn't so bad now. Well that is it for now...sorry it's so drawn out...just thought that I would update.
Oh Mer! I'm so excited for the update. :happydance: She is a little champ! I'm so glad to hear breastfeeding is going so well. I don't knwo why I get nervous that it won't go well or I'll run into problems or something, so it's nice to hear things are going smoothly for you! :thumbup:

I'll have to find more about this vasoline/thermometer thing if our baby boy gets backed up! lol Hope she's feeling better. Hope too that YOU are feeling good! Big hugs to you and Penny! :hugs:
hope! do the induction! its so much better! its alot faster and u know whats coming & what to expect! i had 2 and i love love love them! i actually slept for 3hrs during labor giving birth to my daughter, its alot more relaxing. i had 6hrs of labor and about 6 pushes! =] dont be scared or worried!! and as far as the epidural, it doesnt hurt at all, and it never had any bad effects on my babies if your worried about that =]
Nothing! I don't think I've had this much sex since TTC! I've been seeing an acupuncturist too who is a neighborhood friend. We'll see. I was crying for the past few days, and Peter finally sat down with me last night and said that I need to let go and just realize whatever needs to happen is not in my control and we'll make the right decisions as they come up. One step at a time! Just like TTC. We've come this far, there is no need to get worked up now.

I will probably decide on the induction next week if he hasn't arrived. We have ultrasounds and tests scheduled to assure we can wait it out. I'll keep you all posted! :flower:
oooo yay ok - yeah dont cry hun, its now just a waiting game, youve made it so nice for him in there that he just doesnt wanna leave :D xxx

oh i think i must have missed this, but does your little man have a name yet?!x
Hope everyone is doing well! Any updated pics to share? Hayley? Any new bump pics?
Here is my girl...out to lunch the other day..I cannot believe that she is over a week old!
She is so pretty!! no new bump pics cos i have no bump lol

she haabt kicked much last two days. think she's ether tired from all the kicking on Friday or growing lol

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