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CD1 August 31 anyone?

hi all - well was :bfn: for me this morning!! I hate :bfn:s!!! Oh well - will try and hold out to test on Thursday at 11DPO... bbs less sore today but have cramps...

Everhopeful hope :witch: stays away!! good luck all...:hug:
Hi Tanya,

Sorry to hear you got a BFN but perhaps it is too early to tell??

Trying again on Thursday sounds good!! Good luck!!

hello chicks!

sorry Tanya you had to look at a stupid, stupid BFN! they are so annoying!

everhopefull how many DPO are you and how long are your cycles? hope:witch: stays away!

I am 6 DPO and have resisted to poas! wow! :rofl::rofl:
Hello all,

Hope you are all well today!!

Hekate - My cycles are 28 days and I am currently 11dpo!! Really really hoping that the :witch: satys away this month!!
I am waiting until Saturday to POAS!! Fingers crossed!!

:hi:Hi everyone
I was CD 1 on 31st August & currently 11dpo so can I join you girls? x

Have a few symptoms but dont know if its just bcus I'm looking for them :dohh:
Hello and welcome Reedy!

know what you mean about symptoms...can be hard to tell...
I was almost sure I was pregnant last month...I even had "morning sickness"....
I am trying not to think too much about any possible symptoms this months....

good luck! hope you get your BFP!
Thanks Hekate

Its so hard not to think about symptoms I'm doing my best not to but everytime I get something new I imediatly think 'ooh is that a symptom' :rofl:

Hope you get your :bfp: soon x
Hi Everyone

Reedy - Welcome!! Hope you get your :bfp: soon!!! When are you going to test? I am going to try and hold out until Saturday!

Hi all - had a lovely dream last night that I had a lovely baby boy and when I woke up I was sooo sad.. and now I am sad cause I feel it will never happen... sorry for the :cry:
Hi Tanya,

Sorry you are feeling down but perhaps the dream is a sign of things to come!!

I have days when I feel crappy. I have been trying for over a year now and each month seems to be a big slap in the face!!

Have you tried things like, finding a route that you would walk baby and buggy down? Or made a wish list of baby furniture? Sometimes I do that just to convince myself that one of these days it WILL happen!!

Really hope that you get your :bfp: this month!!

Lots of baby dust to you..:dust::dust::dust:
oh I am sorry you are feeling sad...:hugs::hugs::hugs:

Sorry to hear your feeling sad Tanya :hugs: you'll get your :bfp: soon x

Everhopeful - Its our 1st month trying so wont be testing until I'm late x
Welcome Reedy!!!

Tanya, I have had those dreams before :hugs: You will get pregnant!! We ALL will get pregnant one of these days!!!

I am headed into 6 DPO so I am getting closer! :happydance: Hope everyone is doing okay!!! ARe we just about ready to dance in circles and scream over our :bfp:???

Does anyone have any plans on how they are going to tell DH?? I read a really cute one the other day (might have even been on here) When you have your time that you talk about the day, to refer to everything that happened that day as "we" example: "Oh today we woke up feeling a little gross, we ate a banana for breakfast, we were a little late for work, then at work we got so upset.. lalala.. now we are so glad to be home and we would really like a chocolate!!" OR I was thinking of getting a build-a-bear and recording my voice into it of "Your going to be a Daddy, we are pregnant!!"
Hi all,

Like you Tiffers, I had been thinking about how to tell my DH the news! trying to think of cute romantic ways that he would remember forever but I am sure when it happens I will just burst out the loo with a stick in my hand saying "Its positive, its positive, its bloody positive!!!"

Still, I would love to have the composure to plan something lovely!!

2 more days to go until I can test! Lets hope that we are all screaming out good news soon with our :bfp:

Hi Tiffers
I was planning on looking at the test with DH I'd be too excited to plan something cool I'd just mess it up :rofl:
Welcome Reedy :)

SO exciting that people are getting close to testing time....

Tiffers - I just love the whole "We" idea. That is so cute and I think it's a really good idea to visualise the results we want to see. Oh, and it turns out that I actually didn't ovulate while DH was away as I had my CD21 progesterone on Monday :( I got my pos OPK on Sat (CD19) but had a stomach bug the sane day and was really sick, so may be that's it or my body went on strike as there wasn't much point this month! He's back tomorow so you never know, there could be a little egg waiting for a second chance!

:hug: to all
Thanks Sarah & good Luck hope you still manage to catch the egg x
Hi all,

Sorry to hear that you have not been very well Sarah but good luck with catching that egg!!

Hi everyone,
Hope you are well! Welcome Reedy!

Sorry, I haven't posted in a couple of days as I have been all over the place!

Tiffers, that is so cute about 'how to tell DH'. My DH asks me every couple of days if it is time to test yet :rofl: so I'm not sure I would get a chance to surprise him! :rofl:

Sarah, sorry you are ill. I hope you are feeling better soon!

I'm 11dpo today, same as Tanya and hoping to test at the weekend. Anyone else testing this weekend?
Munchy x

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