CD1 Starting clomid in 3 days... Let's Chat


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2010
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Hello Everyone,

Well, the :witch: got me again. I am going to take that broom stick of hers is everyone doing? I am sorry for those of you who recently got ambushed by the :witch:. Day 1 is a very sad day for us all. :sad2:

So, this month I am going to be trying:
1) Clomid :happydance:
2) Prenatal
3) Instead Cup
4) Preseed
5) OPK
6) Temping
7) Lots and lots of :sex::sex::sex::sex::sex:

I am not going to let the witch drag me down this month! I am going to try to stay positive and not stress (easier said than done). I am trying to talk my DH into planning a little get-a-way around OV so we can do lots of seducing. :blush:

What are you trying different this month? Are you trying the natural way with nothing but your OH and you having lots of :sex: whenever you want? Did anything NOT work well last month that you are eliminating this month?

Hey I am also on clomid! I am currently 5dpo and keeping my fingers crossed! This is my first medicated cycle on 50mg clomid cd 5-9 and 1500mg metformin a day. What dose of clomid are you taking? My Dr told me to eat sweet potatoes, but I just cant stomach them! I guess if it doesn't work this month I may give them a try! I also use opk, but i never seem to get a dark enough line to consider it positive...

Fingers crossed!
Yay! My first Clomid buddy!! First of all GOOD LUCK!!!! Second, I am taking 50mg clomid cd 3-7. Why sweet potatoes? I will try anything too. lol. I had that problem two months ago. The line got darker, but not dark enough, then it just faded away. Are you testing once or twice a day? I was testing once and I think I missed it. So, now I test twice. I am going to keep track of how much $$ I spend on TTC and I am making my child pay me back when they become successful adults. lol.
Thank you! Guck luck to you as well! Maybe this will be both of our month!!! I think the sweet potatoes help with ovulation... so not only increases fertility but also your chance of twins, which would be perfectly fine with me! I was testing once a day but was never seeing a dark line, sometimes i would see a faint line, the next test no line and then i would test again and see a faint line... i was so confused so i've started testing twice a day, but still no dark line! I do drink tons of water so i am wondering if my urine is diluted?? Haha I agree it all adds up quick!
Hopefully it is just diluted. Just keep doing lots of :sex: so you can catch the eggy. :) Looks like I am going to be eating lots of sweet potatoes. lol. Do you have to eat them a certain way or would my prefered butter and brown sugar work? lol. I would also greatly appreciate twins.

I know how frustrating not getting a positive is. I am sorry it's hiding from you. I hope this is our month too!! :happydance:.
Hi you two!
I just finished my first round of clomid 50mg days 3-7 this past Monday. Im cycle day 11 right now. We got in a BD cycle day the 25th and then tonight as well. I use both preseed and softcups, dont temp or do OPKs but am hoping for the best!! So tired of long cycles and getting excited only to have AF come around. Good luck to us all!!! And I think twins would be amazing too...but will take whatever I can get lol!!
Welcome MrsJerome!!

You are in the fun time of the month where you get lots of :sex:. lol. That is my favorite part except for having to lay there for an hour with my legs up against the wall. lol. Good luck to you!!!!

Did either of you have any side effects from the clomid? I heard it could make you dizzy or give you hot flashes. What time of day did you take it? I am taking mine before bed to avoid anything. lol.
Im on my second cycle of clomid at 50 mg. Right now its cd 6 for me and tomorrow i take my last clomid pill. Im still disappointed that my first cycle didnt work, but im hopeful for my next. I just want to have a baby already.
I am starting my first round of clomid this month too!!! Starting tomorrow (Sunday) cycle days 5-9 and I am taking 50 mg. Then I have to go in for an ultrasound on cd15 to see if I ovulated. Do you girls ovulate regularly? I do, so I'm hoping the clomid can still help me. Good luck this month!!
Welcome everyone!

My OV dates keep adjusting themselves. The first month I OVed CD 19, then the next month not at all, the third month cd 22, and last month cd 17. Last month was the first month that my ovulation was confirmed through my doctor, so I am hoping that clomid will give me the extra boost needed. I have heard of it not working on the first try, so I am not putting all of my eggs in the basket this month, but I am still hopeful. :) Good luck to everyone!

Im not sure how you are supposed to prepare the sweet potatoes im sure any way would be fine!! Im not sure If I had any side effects from the clomid since i am also on metformin, which i know for sure gives me side effects... stomach cramps, diarrhea, gas, decreased appetite, overall feeling of blah! I was nauseas yesterday, but not sure if it was from the metformin or not... I am cd 20 so I don't want to start over analyzing my symptoms yet... haha i drive myself crazy every month, it becomes obsessive as i am sure most of you know! As for ovulating... I have a very regular cycle.. 28 days so even though I am not seeing a positive on my opk's I am assuming i ovulate somewhere around cd14. I work radiology so I had a coworker scan me on cd 12 and I had 3 large follicles on my right side and it looked like a few on the left (my left ovary lies very midline and is hard to see) so i am hoping that meant the clomid and metformin were doing their job! Also have you girls heard about clomid making you dry? I noticed that this month so I think next month I may try taking robitussin as i've heard it can help with cm! Also just wondering what tests did you guys have done before being prescribed clomid?
Good morning hking,

I am sorry that the metformin goves you so many side effects. My husband was taking it for his diabetes and it made him feel so bad that he stopped taking it and switched to something else, but I know that is not an option for most. Symptom spotting got the better of me this month and I had convinced myself that I was gonna get a bfp. So, when AF showed up yesterday, I cried for the first time since TTC.

That is cool that you work radiology and was able to get a scan. I hope that those follicles were a result of the clomid and metformin. Good luck this month :hugs:

I have no heard of clomid making you dry, but I am keeping an open mind to anything it brings. I am a bit nervous, but ready to go. lol. I am always worried about not have enough ewcm, so we use preseed around OV. It is about 20 dollars at CVS. One tube lasts the whole cycle. Last cycle I used preseed and mucinex, but which do you think woud work better? mucinex or robitussin? or might they both work?

Before being prescribed clomid I had the basic blood check for my hormone levels like fsh, lh, progesterone, estrogen, pcos, thyroid, blood sugar... My husband had his sperm checked. All was well, so we got the clomid. I hope it works! Good luck again!
Ya metformin can cause some bad side effects, mine were annoying but not bad enough for me to stop taking them! I have never used the preseed... I will definitely look into it! Thank you, I need all the luck i can get! Im not sure what the difference would be between mucinex and robitussin, im guessing they probably both do about the same thing! Im sorry you had a hard month, I know exactly how you feel, its like being crushed every months... You dont want to get your hopes up, but its so hard not to! My best friend found out she was pregnant a few months ago and I was so so happy for her but at the same time I was jelous beyond words! I think that was my hardest day... Our time will come though, I truly believe that! About the tests... my dr did NONE before she gave me clomid.. not blood work, no sperm analysis for my husband.. nothting! Its a little frustrating... I am thinking about going to the dr and just getting blood work done on my own!

Good luck this month!! And keep me updated on how the clomid is going for you once you begin!
I will definitely keep you updated. That is odd that he did not do blood work. My doctor said they wanted to get the basic and easy stuff out of the way before going further into the fertility treatment. I would definitely pressure him to do that. Sometimes I think the doctors do not really understand (or care) about what we go through month after month, so they do not do everything possible to help. Put your foot down!! lol Good luck. :)
I'd love to have some clomid buddies. I just started my first round on Friday. I take it days 5-9. I normally ovulate but I'm hoping this will really help release a nice mature eggy! We've been ttc for 10 months. :wacko:
welcome iprayforbump! Ill take all the buddies I can get! Its crazy, i've been on this site for a day and already feel like i've gotten more support and understanding than i have in the last year! Not that my family and friends don't support me, they just don't understand! Good luck on the clomid, hopefully it will be the answer for all of us!
Hey ladies. I started taking clomid this cycle 50mg cd 5-9 and I had minimal side effects until ovulation time. I only had 2 5min freakouts (cried for no reason) and other then those 2 times I had nothing really notable until Ovulation day. On ovulation day (cd18) I woke up bloated with constant crampin my lower stomache region/ ovulation pains but it lasted until cd20 and even with that I will do clomid again even at a stronger dose if I don't get my BFP this cycle.

Did anyone else get the same bad cramps too?
So, it seems that most of you are taking clomid on CD 5-9 and I am taking it CD3-7. Why do you think my doctor is making me use it so early? I thought that the later you ovulate, the later you should take it? I OV between 17-22.
I'm not really sure I think it may be preference... My Dr. gave me a printed out paper "fertility instruction" with what days i needed to take each med. It almost made me think they tell everyone the same thing! Most website that I have looked at about clomid state that it can be taken cd3-7 or cd5-9, none seem to suggest one is better than the other. haha that probably didn't help any! When is your next appointment?
lol Thank you anyway. I am supposed to see him 3 days after I start my period next month to make sure the clomid didn't cause any problems. So, I really don't have a next appointment until next month.

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