I would never have the guts to get a tattoo. I can barley keep earrings in my ears without them closing up. I have had them peirced like 5 times, and they always close up bc I forget to put earrings in!
It seems intense! LOL! Plus you cant get it off, well you can if you pay to have it removed, which I saw that done on TV and it didnt look like it worked all that well. What do I know? LOL
Hello all! So, I have one tiny tattoo on my lower back... Its the size of a may be two quarters...Its a butterfly. Ones enough for me
Okay...so I saw the most beautiful sight ever today. A little tiny blinking heart on a pea sized white speck. I cried my eyes out!!!!
Really, I feel so much better. He/she is measuring the exact right size. I go back in 2 weeks but now that I am passed where I miscarried last time, I feel so much better. I really feel pregnant now, and not afraid to celebrate.
Keep faith that this is all happening for a reason, and that God will give you the EXACT baby he has planned for you.
So I have been running to the bathroom all day expecting the to be here full force!!! Well either this is good or my body is mean.....Af is no where in sight now, no cramps or "pink" tint.....Still waiting on the Dr. to call back....so tired of this waiting game....
Congrats amber I know that dr's appt was so relieving!!
Amy has the doc called you back? mine always tells me to wait till its full red flow before I call. Your not out at all! i've heard it takes some ladies a week after their missed period to get a bfp! hopefully thats your case!!!
Yes he called back...said he was going to call my meds in just incase i need them....basically that if I didn't start by sunday take a test and if negative then start my next round of femara and he set up the cd14 scan....
That almost happened to me last cycle because AF didnt show he told me to go ahead with the clomid but I was uncomfortable with that because you never know you could have ovulated later. but luckily she showed the next day! that dern AF likes to control everything!! I wonder what the big difference is between clomid and femera?
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