Okay here we go, first of all heres a little background info: My boss is a friend of my familys and we used to do business together, she just had a baby girl. Also, the girl who works here as the sales/admin, is my next door neighbor, I am the one who refered her to this job. So she just had a baby too, and I am filling in for her as my boss asked me too, not my neighbor.
Its the end of her 8 weeks off and she is coming back next week. First of all she is dumb as rocks, has no common sense and I constantly get irritated with her bc she has no idea how to train someone, teach someone, or comprehend basic info. How she has kept this job so long, I have no idea? So she is coming back and I have to teach her some things, which I will do my best, but since she does not retain common sense information this might be challenging for her. The plan is for me to work Mon-Tues from here on out and her to work Wed, Thur, and Fri. Well, my boss asked me if I could train her to be a little more organized bc she liked the way I was doing things here. So I sit here thinking. She is not going to like that I came in filled in for her and now I am teaching her how to do her job all over again. Of course I cant tell her that shes not doing a good job. But I dont want her to hate me or trash talk me since we are next door neighbors. It puts me in a bad spot, bc she does not take direction very well, esp from me. This morning she asked me to check her email, when she has a computer at home to check her own damn email. She also asked me what I was up to the other day and I told her I had just re organized our desk and she said OH THANK YOU SO MUCH!
Wtf?!?!?! Why am I feeling like this is not going to turn out good?