i've also been mia! i live out in the country and can't get any type of internet so i just hit and miss getting on here. sounds like everybodys a little discouraged right now wish I had apositive and upbeat spirit to add........but i dont. i had my appt with my RE yesterday or should I say nurse thats the second time i've been and havn't seem him. ( he has 2 practices) so im really aggravated because i want to discuss my options with him not his nurse. I totally didn't respond to the clomid again only one 8 mm follicle. but ive read where some are just slow growers and they want to see you back in 5 or so days.. well they say no way clomid doesn't do that if its not big by day 14 it won't grow. I just don't think they are very accurate. my nurse says its time to move on to injections.. after only 2 rounds with clomid. I really think this is wayyy too soon. but once again I would have liked to discuss it with my RE who i pay but he was not even in the building. I'm changing fertility clinics to the one my friends recommended for me to go to in the first place.. but its like 2 hours away. but thats the price I will pay it will be worth it. sorry for such a long rant I'm just sooo aggravated!!!!!!!
Oh Jenn....yes today seems like a bummer kinda day....I would deffinatly get a second opinion.....I think DH and I have worked things out FX!!!! The men just think it's so flipping easy and don't understand there is a small window to catch that egg!!!
Awe Jenn, hopefully you can get a Dr who will actually see you soon That sucks that the nurse is such a __insert word here__.
Amy, I am serious thats the only reason I still have any hope or even come back here. You guys are so great! I am so lucky to have you as my TTC buddy!! I know how you feel about DH not wanting to DTD. I get REALLY mad, and last time my DH KNEW I was mad. I told him exactly what I thought too. I said, "I do all this crap to make sure that we have a chance this month, preseed, clomid, worrying, researching, and alot of thought and time goes into this. So when you decide that you are not in the mood, I feel like i have wasted an entire month. And I think we are doing it on the wrong day, we need to do it that third day, but you are never in the mood." He said, Hmmmmm, well I think that the :sperm: that was from the night before is still in there. He does not get it that it hs to be strong sperm to last and since he wont get the SA then we dont know where we stand. I told him that too. Then he said well what about injectables!!! LOL!!! This is someone who was scared to death of twins or multiples.
Katie you girls keep me going too!!! I just did an OPK for today and it's +++++so for the next 3 day's i'll be pulling out all the tricks!!!! But I'm crampy today and we BD 2 nights ago so maybe I still have a chance what do you think???
Men are so insensitive!!! I go through the same thing. we can cry and they tell us your worrying way too much quit the crying stuff it will happen. Makes me want to not do anything for him!! no cooking no laundry and see how he likes it!!!
Mine might have said just let it go and it will happen....HELLO im taking fertility pills we kind of need to BD when we need to not just when you feel like it!!!!
Bulldawg, what if you TOLD him you were ovulating earlier than you were. Then "after ovulation" he would want to BD and it would be actual OV time. Trick him. lol. Maybe it gets mentally hard for him to BD on command when he knows it's so important, so if he thinks it's not OV time, he will be in the mood and want to BD.
How is everyone else doing? I had a big temp rise today which is making me angry because I don't want to get my hopes up. My temp yesterday was 97.62 and this morning it was 98.11. This happens to line up perfectly with a 7dpo implantation. Stupid body. lol.
Oh mercy I'm nervous.....DH and I BDed on 3/26 and 3/29.....got my first ++++OPK on 3/29 and today it's back negative....I can feel O cramps and we will BD for the next few day's as well....do y'all think we are still in this???
I go for a CD14 scan tomorrow to see how big my eggs are but if O is early they may not be there.....hum
Amy - Just do it tonight - and then see if they egg is still there tomorrow. Make sure the dr knows you had a positive opk. The more spermys the better for when it releases! Cant wait to hear about your scan!!!
Angela - SOUNDS PROMISING!!!!! Praying this is your month!
Haha Amber we already bd this afternoon lol!!!! Didn't want to waste any time. Since it will be 48 hours since my +opk if my eggs are still there I may ask for a trigger shot what do you think??
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