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CD6...Okay...here we go again...lol..!!

Thanks Charmed...I appreciate it!!! I just wish it wasn't so hard this time around...my other girls took no effort!!!!
well best things come to them who wait, just been readin my old blog on here n reminssing, i loved te short time i wa preg n doing the tests etc, cant wait to try after my wedding :) xxx
I can't wait for that either hun...look forward to seeing you on your journey to Motherhood....and I hope to see pics of your wedding!!!!!
Have u tried conceive plus lubricant? I used that too, its really good, the only one that mimics ur fertile cm. Also, i used instead softcups. I know that prob sounds really ott as we were only ttc for 3 months, but after the mc the first month i was just desperate to be pregnant again asap. Anyhow,given what long and irregular cycles i had before,i cant help but think something we did helped it happen so quickly, or maybe we were just lucky, either way it obv didnt hurt. Just wanted to pass on what we used, though im sure uv done tonnes of research into all that already. Sending u so much:dust: hun, i can tell how much u want this, and i hope so much u get that bfp soon xx
Pcake - Are you in the U.S. or UK??? I've never seen conceive plus here. We have PreSeed. Which mimics fertile cm and provides an "optimal sperm environment". So, same thing Im guessing.

I'll have to try and look that one up and see what I find. I wonder if we can get it here. I just used PreSeed for the first time this month. So, keeping FX it helped something.

Pam....any news??? Have you tested today???
FX for you hun :hugs:
Oh Pcake, I used the softcups this month for the first time too and LOVED them!!! If I don't get BFP this cycle I will continue to use them each month until I do. :happydance:
Thanks Pcake.....I have been using Preseed....hubby doesn't like it all that much as it's to "slippery" even if I just use a tiny dot of it...lol....but I use it anyway....For now I'm just gonna wait and see what happens and let my Doc take care of the rest....I'm hoping I won't need Clomid but if I do I pray it happens in the first month!!!
RN...I tested with a $ test which was faulty...and an Answer test which was a BFN...I have some more IC's coming my way though!!!
LOL!! You sound like me. I've got a few ICs and an Answer test left over from last month. Just waiting a couple more days as Im only 6DPO and Im scared of the blank white test area. :rofl:

Im hoping to hold out until at least 9DPO but I know I won't. Im surprised I didn't test this morning when I got up. My mind just wasn't awake even though I was. LOL!!!

FX for you!!!!
i am really thinking about using preseed but not sure and pam i am praying really hard that you get your bfp
i thought you might want to read this
She seems to really like these tests....it's her review you wanted me to see right?

So you think I still have a chance then?
Still nothing to report...I haven't tested in a few says....my IC's have finally shipped so I am eagerly waiting for them! LOL!

I've been having some pressure type cramps lately....some in my back as well....my CM is extra thick and creamy...I honestly don't feel like AF is coming...but HEY...you never know....I'm hoping she stays away though...lol...
totally stalking you..hope you find something out soon!!!...its driving me crazy..I cant imagine how you must feel lol lol...
Well I appreciate the stalking...lol....makes me feel good to know people are rooting for me and supporting me!!!!! I'm actually pretty calm about this whole thing....I don't wanna rush bad news...lol....but seriously, I have to be patient, cause this is one thing I have no control over and I am trying my best not to stress about it....stress does not help...lol....But I tell you what, the second those IC's are in my hands I'm gonna be POAS like a maniac!!!! I've been temped to use some CB ovulation tests just to see what it would show....but since it's for the monitor I thought best not to waste them...lol...

I'll definately keep updating!!!
hey hun im supporting u n lookin forward to one day hopefully soon seeing that postive test :) gd sign so far, when u due on xx
I have no idea when I'm due hun...I'm never regular!!!

My IC's should be here by tomorrow or the 6th and you can bet I'll be POAS ASAP...lol....

Thanks so much for looking in on me and being so supportive...I really appreciate it!!! I'll update as soon as I test (whether it's good or bad)!!!!
aww excited for you :) its my birthday tomorrow wooop 23!! eeek last one as a fiancee lol. really hope is good news babe x
How exciting! Happy Early Birthday!!! My bday was back in January so I am now officially 29 for the rest of my life...LMAO!!!!
My IC's should be here by tomorrow...I really hope so!!:mail: I can't wait!!! Or can I? LOL! I don't wanna rush bad news you know?:shrug: I feel like my patience to test is a bad sign....I don't know why...and I can't explain it...I just feel like if I was anxious to test I would end up with great results....It's one thing to try and put yourself in someone else's shoes and understand what they are going through...and it's another when it's you and in your OWN shoes and you still don't understand what your going through....:wacko:

I just don't know anymore....:nope:

Maybe AF will come and that's my I'm an emotinal nutcase!!!:argh:

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