Champions League Fantasy Football



League Code is 31257-15328

Because we're to late for a premiership fantasy football league i've set up a champions league fantasy football league instead and because its really short notice so i've set the start date to miss the first match so the first deadline is the 26th September, anyone feel free to sign up its free
Originally posted by Original_G
I usually play the official premier league fantasy football

I've set up the a league and posted the info in mens chatter and general chatter, enjoy losing ladies

COME ON LADIES...................ROLL UP, ROLL UP, LET'S SHOW 'EM!!!!! :gun::gun::gun::gun::gun::gun::gun::gun::gun::gun::gun::gun:
Your sure you dont want me to set up another league just for the girls, i'd hate to see you all crying when i win :happydance:

I guess thats why theres only 1 girl signed up so far :lol:
Deadline is tonight at 1930 so come on ladies get you OH's out there armchairs and get your teams together!

If you miss tonights deadline you can still join, just will be a week behind!
I'm gonna have to be in from next week.....webpage wont load up?!?! :roll:
Baby and Bump Group stage
#............................Team Manager............Matchday..Total
1 Charleys Angels..........HayleyB....................38..........38
2 The Toyboy's..............I'm The Daddy..........24..........24
3 Northern Pies FC..........Original G................19..........19
4 Liverpool Wannabe's... Imi-maddies-mum.....17..........17
5 4evabarnet.................Jase........................11..........11

New players
...................................Team Manager
Tam's Tots............................Tam

Hope I got your names right!!!
Original_G said:
Your sure you dont want me to set up another league just for the girls, i'd hate to see you all crying when i win :happydance:

I guess thats why theres only 1 girl signed up so far :lol:

Fancy starting off behind a girl

Wanna set one up just for you men? :wink:

I don't care about time.....

I have bragging rights now!!!!

Mwah haha!!!

It IS the here and now that counts Hayles!

Well done you!!!

*dances around bragging some more*

Just a shame he's gone back to work so can't rub it in anymore than i did earlier!
Damn!!! *slaps thigh*

You'll have to get him later :wink:

Keep up the good work!! I am gutted I missed the 1st game :sad1:
I feel like it is my fault....
cos i discussed with G that the 1st Gameweek started last night and the boys were already signed up and that unlikely that many more people would sign up.....
So he changed it...

On the positive though... I joined the league at work 3 weeks late last season and came 2nd!! :wink:
It can be done! lol!!

Bloody women!!!!

Trust you to be behind it :evil:

**does innocent face**


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