Checking in with my midwest girls!

Peanut I will be thinking of you too!

I had an appointment yesterday and due to my previous pregnancy (not this one, this pregnancy has been excellent) the doctor wants ultrasounds before the next two appointments to check growth and fluid levels. She's measuring about a week behind (32nd percentile for weight at 3lbs 12oz) but so far looks good as well as my fluid levels are looking good. So we'll see how her growth is over the next 2 weeks.

Insomnia, absolutely. I just plain can't sleep. No reason I can come up with though, lol. My brain just won't settle.
Good luck adopim! Baby could have a bit of a growth spurt between now and then! Hopefully fluid will be a-plenty as well.

My doctor told me yesterday I need to check with my insurance as to whether they cover out of state visits, given my history of preterm labor. Just in case I end up having issues during our trip to Seattle. Things I didn't think about.... I'm starting to dread this trip. And I also didn't realize pregnant women are at risk for blood clots when flying? She told me to ensure I get up and walk frequently to minimize the risk. So now all I've thought about was blood clots in my legs. Last night I laid awake thinking about that and going into labor across the country.. Part of me wants to ask her to check me at my appointment the week before, just to see as I never had symptoms when the preterm labor first started other than lower back pain..but being that I wear a DD bra I ALWAYS have had lower back pain so it's tough to distinguish the difference. At the same time...I don't want $2000 in plane tickets going to waste....
Good luck adopim! Baby could have a bit of a growth spurt between now and then! Hopefully fluid will be a-plenty as well.

My doctor told me yesterday I need to check with my insurance as to whether they cover out of state visits, given my history of preterm labor. Just in case I end up having issues during our trip to Seattle. Things I didn't think about.... I'm starting to dread this trip. And I also didn't realize pregnant women are at risk for blood clots when flying? She told me to ensure I get up and walk frequently to minimize the risk. So now all I've thought about was blood clots in my legs. Last night I laid awake thinking about that and going into labor across the country.. Part of me wants to ask her to check me at my appointment the week before, just to see as I never had symptoms when the preterm labor first started other than lower back pain..but being that I wear a DD bra I ALWAYS have had lower back pain so it's tough to distinguish the difference. At the same time...I don't want $2000 in plane tickets going to waste....

Hoping you had a fun trip and that you made it back okay and still pregnant? Let us know how you are
Hi there :) I did indeed make it back still pregnant. The trip was ok, I hate flying with a passion, I had a hard time relaxing on the flight. There was quite a bit of turbulence on the return flight so I felt like my nerves were shot by the time we landed. We didn't do much that didn't involve wedding stuff really. Brother-in-law turned into groomzilla. His bride to be was already a bridezilla so no surprise there lol. The kids and I spent a lot of the time alone the days leading up to and the day of the wedding since DH and my in-laws were so busy with my brother-in-law. And I watched my brother-in-law's 3 kids pretty much the whole time we were out there(5 days). This left me sitting at the rental house we were staying in by myself with 5 kids with little to no cell service and no vehicle, so if I HAD started having issues I'd have been in a whole heap of trouble. The day of the wedding they all left that morning-wedding was at 5 and they wanted everyone who was in the wedding at the ceremony site by 11:30am(original time was 3pm, that changed the night before to 1 pm, then the morning of they called and told everyone to get over there by 11:30am) for pictures. They said they'd come back and get me and the kids in a little while so "be ready". DH came back to get me and the kids around 4pm. I desperately wanted to take a picture of the 4 of us dressed up before the kids got dirty, and I didn't expect to be left sitting alone the entire day until right up to the wedding time and I got the kids dressed in their dress clothes around 1pm, so I was pretty mad by the time he got back. By the time the day was over they'd taken around 7 1/2 hours of pictures counting the pictures before the wedding and then between the ceremony's end and the reception then at the reception site as well. I don't think I've seen a wedding where they took so many hours worth of pictures. I felt like an outsider a the whole time I guess. I didn't talk to many adults. Then the evening was topped off by my son falling asleep in my lap and peeing all over me about an hour after the reception dinner ended. So I had to go back to the rental house anyway. I could have just stayed there and skipped the wedding for all the time I actually spent with everyone else. It didn't help that I had originally wanted to stay home in the first place, I wasn't comfortable with flying and I knew it wasn't that important for me to be there, knew that they'd all be busy anyway, and who wants to fly across the country when they're 31 weeks pregnant? Brother-in-law and I have never had much of a relationship, and when they first started planning this we weren't sure if we could make it work for all of us to go out there, so he asked DH why he couldn't just come alone. I could hear him say it as I was sitting right next to DH when he was on the phone, and to say I was hurt was a big understatement. I told DH to go alone after that, and only just got roped into going by my mother-in-law a month and a half ago.

The bright spot was that the kids got to spend time with their cousins, whom they've met only once before almost 4 years ago, but neither of them remembers that because they were so little. The last day was the only day we really did anything that didn't pertain to the wedding. Where we stayed there weren't any "nice" beaches really, we were on Whidbey Island which is in what they call "the sound"(apparently it's ocean water, but not really the ocean?) and most of the beaches are littered with driftwood and smell atrocious. I was pretty down most of the trip and couldn't wait to get back home. I put on a smile and stuck it out and got through it. But I won't be going back. I made that very clear to DH when we came home. Mother-in-law has other plans of course, she's already got the kids talking about the next time they get to go out there. Sorry this was so long :( It was a long 5 days. How is everyone else??? Adopim how is baby growing?
well I am glad you are home now and can be more comfy at least. Sorry your in laws left you all alone and luckily you didn't need help in any way. Not to much longer now til you meet your LO woo-hoo!!
craftymama: I'm sorry the trip wasn't all that great. But at least it's over now and like peanut said, you can relax :thumbup:
I had an ultrasound and prenatal today (well technically yesterday... Darn this insomnia!). My fluid is still alright. Baby is measuring slightly small. They weren't going to monitor growth, but they may continue to watch that now too. My first stopped any real growth at 37 weeks, so we'll see over the next couple weeks what happens. I have weekly appointments now, so I'll also have weekly ultrasounds.
I had my first cervix check today too. Zero progression. Boo. Lol.
I have 2x weekly BPP scans as Baby has IUGR and two weeks ago was only 2lbs. 4oz. I got the steroid shots last Monday and was in the hospital til Thursday afternoon. BOO!!
My BP and Blood Sugars were high. They finally released me and my BP came back down to normal. But 2x weekly scans continue as my cervix last Monday when we last checked was 1.09cm and the week prior was 1,45. They didn't check it Friday last week or Yesterday as we know it is short. But we will have another growth scan on Friday this week to see how much baby has grown. They said if I can get to 32 weeks it is a major accomplishment. I think we will make it til 35 weeks easily after that who knows. They won't let me go over 37 weeks.
Thanks ladies, being home is good :) Adopim I will keep my fingers crossed that the fluid stays good and baby gets a growth spurt! It stinks having to see your doctor's face every week, even more it stinks twice a week like you're doing peanut! Also crossing my fingers for you that your baby grows a bunch! I hope you're still getting to enjoy being pregnant a little even though you've been having all these issues. I know it's hard when you're busy spending all your time with doctor visits and worrying about having baby too early.

I too had my first cervical check last Friday at my 32 week appointment, I have been having a lot more pressure during my contractions and that cramping back pain has started so she got worried that something may be starting again, however she said I'm still long and closed! Victory :) I was dilating with both my first two by this time, so I'm really happy to hear that. I've taken extra care to take breaks when I'm on my feet a lot and drink plenty of fluids, and it seems to be paying off. It helped dropping my hours at work down by half. Money stinks, but at least my baby's staying put.

As for insomnia, I'm going crazy with all these dreams at night. When I do fall asleep I am dreaming about all these bad things happening to my husband. It's been this way the entire pregnancy. I've either dreamed that he cheated, left me, or something happened to him while I watch. I'm not sure why I'm dreaming about losing him, we have a great relationship and I truly don't worry about him ever cheating or leaving me, and I don't FEEL like I have an intense fear something will happen to him. But I'm starting to with all these bizarre dreams. Last night I dreamed I watched him drown while we were in Seattle. The night before, I watched him stand in front of a large window with both our kids-one in his arms and one holding his hand- watching as a huge tornado came directly at them. I kept screaming for him to move and he wouldn't. I don't even want to sleep at night anymore and once I have the dream sleep is impossible. I wish I could relieve whatever it is that seems to be bothering me, I truly can't figure out what the deal is and I just want some sleep!
Hey ladies, glad to hear that so far everyones babies are staying put!! I've been having quite a few contractions lately as well, its been freaking me out a little, went in yesterday for my 32 week appt and was hoping they would check my cervix, but they basically just brushed off my worries and said not to worry about it. Was NOT a happy camper at all!

My son turned 2 a couple of days ago. So crazy to realize how fast time goes!

Still have quite a bit to do to prepare for little Sophia and she'll be here before I know it!
Hey girls!!! I feel like I am never on here any more!! Pregnancy is going great here. I will be 35 weeks in a couple days, YEA!!!! As soon as I hit 37 weeks I am bouncing on that yoga ball, walking and doing whatever I can to have this baby. I want to meet her so bad. I am not having any pain or discomfort, however, I have been nauseous for the last few days, not sure why?? I think she dropped too. My tummy feels lower and I feel like my lungs are better now, but my husband and mom said that they think my belly is the same. So I am not sure. I have my ob appt. tomorrow so I will ask her what she thinks. I am already for baby though. I got everything for her, oh, just need my hospital bag packed, that is it. I am glad Peanuts baby is still in there! I think about that baby and you and keep crossing my fingers she stays put!!!!!
Peanut: hopefully baby stays put!

Crafty: I am having terrible insomnia too. But baby is still small enough that my sleep really depends on her position. I still have issues sleeping but I can sleep better when she isn't pushing on my bladder.

Jocelyn: They wouldn't do an internal check until this week for me (36 weeks). I had no concerns, but I figured they would start that sooner. I have a lot to do yet in preparation too! 37 weeks on Sunday means any day now could be it... I did get all the baby clothes washed today :)

Liz: I'm not terribly uncomfortable either, but so wanting to be done and meet the little girl on the outside!
My dr. is starting to do the internal checks next week at 36 weeks. I have an appointment today and I am looking forward to see if my baby dropped cuz she sure feels like it:)
Yeah, I remember not getting them until later with my first, but I wasn't concerned with him coming early either. I am just worried that all these contractions are doing something to my cervix and I don't want that quite yet!!

Other than the contractions I'm not very uncomfortable either. Even in this heat I haven't had any swelling in my ankles or feet so I'm very thankful for that! With Aidan I had so much swelling it was horrible! The belly is big and makes getting up a chore, and I so badly want to sleep on my stomach! lol, but obviously that can't happen.
Adopim and Liz how exciting that you ladies are just about done! Hard to believe it went this fast!

Yes my doctor didn't check with my first until 35weeks when I was having symptoms of preterm labor, then I had it again with my son even earlier. She checked me because I had several contractions with a lot of pressure, she wanted to be on the safe side because ofour history she said. Having contractions again today with tons of pressure, this time its lasted longer. I'm pretty sure its because I'm dehydrated so chugging the water down. If that doesn't help I'm off to l&d. Our air went out earlier this week, they JUST got here this morning to look at it, its been a miserable several days, and they weren't able to fix it today so the weekend is sure to be yuck. I have tried to stay hydrated but can't seem to keep up in this heat. I'm ready for fall!
Its been awful. Luckily the basement was mostly cool the first couple nights, its noy anymore though. It will be at least a week before it is fixed, by then I'm sure its going to be nice out lol. Doesn't it figure? My kids have tolerated the heat well luckily, me not so much. I've been super crabby and testy, especially today after finding out it was not an easy fix...
Luckily I think we're in for a bit of a cool down... I think the high for Monday is like 75, so that should help cool your basement down again!
well Zaya weighed in at 2lbs. 15 1/4oz. today she is still 6% and probably will remain. I have to start thinking of a date to induce at 37 weeks as they don't want me past that since she has growth restriction. She is growing steadily just very small. I will no longer worry after I hit 32 week mark. As if she is born before then she will not stay in the same hospital as I am at. She will go down to the NICU down the street. But, i think we will make it to well past 32 weeks
well Zaya weighed in at 2lbs. 15 1/4oz. today she is still 6% and probably will remain. I have to start thinking of a date to induce at 37 weeks as they don't want me past that since she has growth restriction. She is growing steadily just very small. I will no longer worry after I hit 32 week mark. As if she is born before then she will not stay in the same hospital as I am at. She will go down to the NICU down the street. But, i think we will make it to well past 32 weeks

I am crossing my fingers she stays in there!!!

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