child benifits UK girls....not good news

i'll be honest, i am purely on income support and housing benefit for 4/5s of my rent right now and i genuinely feel like if i couldn't get the grant, i'd be alright. i mean it's GREAT that i'll have some money to buy a few additional things for my LO and to put away as savings for him too but in my experience being on JSA for most of my pregnancy i've been able to get all the baby essentials i need - if you're not naturally thrifty then yeah it would be a struggle but there's freecycle, ebay, friends, nearly new sales to help people out. barely anything i have is new but it's more than enough for a happy baby.

obviously it's different for everyone, i'm sure people really do struggle for the real essentials for all sorts of reasons - but if you don't have the income originally then you can't expect an amount of money that will pay for brand new stuff for your baby without some controversy. i sound like a hypocrite because i would be upset if someone took away my grant but i can't claim that i wouldn't be able to afford my baby without it as that would be a lie. i really hate the fact that the conservative party are taking away from people like us first who never have spare money in the first place ofcourse and i'm sure it's going to get harder for us until they're voted out. but if your baby gets a bed, and the basics be happy you have that because it could be a lot worse...if you can't then feel free to rant and complain as much as you want aha.

everyone has a different lifestyle though, people who find out they're pregnant five or six months in for example are in a much worse position, but people do play the benefit system and because of that we're getting penalized.

it would be totally ideal if we all got a benefit quote thats induvidual with each person so we wouldnt have to be worse off by other peoples conduct, but that wont happen anytime soon. sorry, these are my two cents :shrug:. i'm just saying as unfair as it feels we're still pretty lucky to get the benefits that we do, although not denying it's a VERY flawed system that needs a complete re-work eventually.
also i think it's unfair to say about benefeits because even if the countrys in debt there is still poor people which need help as there are in america and they get help mith medical bills and i've hear americans say they get free formula ect so isnt that exactly the same kinda thing ?
In April this year is when they change the sure start maternity grant for just your first child and hip stopping in January I think it's good keeping into one baby as all the big furniture like cots unisex prams blankets and such can be used again I'm pregnant with my second child which will get the cot I bought with the grant aswell as pushchair and clothing the reason y they stop giving it to every kid you have is that they can't afford to as more people getting pregnant 20% more teenagers or 12 year olds ending up pregnant excpecting these grants and think they can get a house off the council hence why it's harder to get a house now Note: not saying you or anyone Here is like that I know a few teenagers that got pregnant excpecting theses thing, I agree with o e person though if yu know that your on a low income knowing it's going to be hard to support a child why get pregnant why does half the uk that gets pregnant rely on these benefits instead of thinking it thru first plan on having a family use protection till the can people say babies are expensive but I say depending on what brands you buy why go out and buy designer labels when you can get clothes for cheaper than the price you pay for a Nike tracksuit for a baby you cud possibly get about 4 pairs of trousers 3 tops for the price you pay for a tracksuit naapies why pay 6 quid for pampers when you can buy asda brand for about 3 quid morrisons do wipes for 18 p a pack you can get cots from 25 quid think I kea was the cheapest for a cot the cot I oft was from argos 50 quid nursery furniture ie wardrobes you can buy second hand puschairs can arrage in price I don't think they cost a fortune they can work out quite cheap when you budget plus asda and most shops have a baby week where the sell things off cheaper than the rrp sorry about he rant but I see dome complan that it's not fair on people on low incomes or young mothers not being able to afford a baby all I say is why get pregnant if you know your situation you hink people here n low incomes got it bad look at the 3rd world they don't get any benifits or handout off there government there left to fend for themselves they learn to survive on what they've got they go with out so they can feed there young they do go out like young girls and parents do hear you've all go it lucky really
Ok I'll respond to what I got from that.
Not all contraception is 100%, what are you supposed to do if your baby was a surprise give it up for adoption?

Also the argument here was about the grants not the benefits. I've not bought nappies or anything like that with my grant. It went towards a pram, which I put MY OWN money towards which I EARNT so I could buy a brand new one. A lot of the clothes I have for LO are second hand. But I'm trying to buy all new, I've not gone and bought designer labels for my baby except one Ralph Lauren romper which was second hand! I'm not prepared to buy cheaper baby cleaning products such as wipes as I've read the ingredients labels and done my research on what wipes are the most gentle for my LO, although that is O/T as I haven't used my grant money for that.

Also you have no room whatsoever to spout on about the average teen mum stereotype! I've tried my hardest to not fit that description, I don't think you understand what you are saying could offend some. And this has nothing to do with age! It's happening for EVERYONE not just young mums! And with the amount of money we pay in tax and national insurance I think we're entitled to a little bit of help when its needed!

Also a little irrelevant but a lot of US mums have 'baby showers' and have a lot of baby products bought for them..just a point.
And you can't compare to a third world country, this is about the UK nowhere else.
The £190 grant really helped me towards things for LO. You cannot comment on our society and living costs if you don't live in the UK, sometimes I sense a hint of jealousy and childishness with things like this and a lot of people take a 'it's not fair' attitude. I'm sure if you were entitled to it you would take it.

Just wondering about the surestart grant though, are you still entitled if you're due in January, like I am? I'll only be entitled once LOs here so would like to know?

I absolutely agree with you. :thumbup:
I live in the US and we have a lot of programs for housing, like low income and section 8, I've applied for both but the waiting lists are ridiculously long! I really don't know the difference between the housing between US and UK, but from what I've heard you all are extremely lucky compared to what we can get over here. I don't care who is asked here, if you could get your housing, bills, free money or anything, you would take it in a heartbeat I'm sure. Well, I know I would.... a lot of people frown down upon these types of things because I'm sure they are just jealous that they can't have them.

We don't get any help financially here (or any that I can find anyways) but I am sooo jealous of you all for getting the money you get, because I'm sure it helps tremendously. I'm not going to hate on you all though because of the fact that you get something that I can't! :hugs:
I think its redicolous there taking things away! I fell pregnant on the pill and didnt find out till I was 5 months gone! So the I really needed the grants to get the essentials! I stayed in college right till the day before lily and I went back for my exams when she was eight weeks old! I needed the money to get started but im working for a better future fo us both but when the decide to raise tuition fees etc there going to make people more dependent on welfare because the working class are not going to be able to afford it! Its. Justg increasing the gap between rich and poor and stopping helping the people who need it!
That's really true about them getting baby showers, the amount of times I've heard 'Oh I got a cot/bouncer/highchair/nappies/etc from my baby shower.' MASSIVE BIG EXPENSIVE STUFF for FREE.
We don't have baby showers. Also I'm sure the Americans have their own waiting list for housing etc.

The only grant that everyone was entitled too was the £190 grant, with the £500 grant you had to be on the highest tax credits or on income support already so really you can't say everyone got a free £500 because I certainty didn't.
If American's paid as higher taxes as us and high national insurance and DIDN'T get what we're getting then fair enough you can complain but since me and OH pay out like £350 on tax a month & over £100 on national insurance I don't think you can say much. I'd rather pay my taxes & NI and get 'free' healthcare & these grants, but there not free because we do pay for them out of our own pockets. So really the so called 'free' £190 & £500... we've already paid for it just in a different way!
The £190 grant really helped me towards things for LO. You cannot comment on our society and living costs if you don't live in the UK, sometimes I sense a hint of jealousy and childishness with things like this and a lot of people take a 'it's not fair' attitude. I'm sure if you were entitled to it you would take it.

Just wondering about the surestart grant though, are you still entitled if you're due in January, like I am? I'll only be entitled once LOs here so would like to know?

I absolutely agree with you. :thumbup:
I live in the US and we have a lot of programs for housing, like low income and section 8, I've applied for both but the waiting lists are ridiculously long! I really don't know the difference between the housing between US and UK, but from what I've heard you all are extremely lucky compared to what we can get over here. I don't care who is asked here, if you could get your housing, bills, free money or anything, you would take it in a heartbeat I'm sure. Well, I know I would.... a lot of people frown down upon these types of things because I'm sure they are just jealous that they can't have them.

We don't get any help financially here (or any that I can find anyways) but I am sooo jealous of you all for getting the money you get, because I'm sure it helps tremendously. I'm not going to hate on you all though because of the fact that you get something that I can't! :hugs:

Write to Barrack Obama and say that you'll pay higher taxes & National insurance for 'free' healthcare then. ;)

(Meant in a nice way since your the only non-American who hasn't whined that 'it's not fairrrrr!')
In April this year is when they change the sure start maternity grant for just your first child and hip stopping in January I think it's good keeping into one baby as all the big furniture like cots unisex prams blankets and such can be used again I'm pregnant with my second child which will get the cot I bought with the grant aswell as pushchair and clothing the reason y they stop giving it to every kid you have is that they can't afford to as more people getting pregnant 20% more teenagers or 12 year olds ending up pregnant excpecting these grants and think they can get a house off the council hence why it's harder to get a house now Note: not saying you or anyone Here is like that I know a few teenagers that got pregnant excpecting theses thing, I agree with o e person though if yu know that your on a low income knowing it's going to be hard to support a child why get pregnant why does half the uk that gets pregnant rely on these benefits instead of thinking it thru first plan on having a family use protection till the can people say babies are expensive but I say depending on what brands you buy why go out and buy designer labels when you can get clothes for cheaper than the price you pay for a Nike tracksuit for a baby you cud possibly get about 4 pairs of trousers 3 tops for the price you pay for a tracksuit naapies why pay 6 quid for pampers when you can buy asda brand for about 3 quid morrisons do wipes for 18 p a pack you can get cots from 25 quid think I kea was the cheapest for a cot the cot I oft was from argos 50 quid nursery furniture ie wardrobes you can buy second hand puschairs can arrage in price I don't think they cost a fortune they can work out quite cheap when you budget plus asda and most shops have a baby week where the sell things off cheaper than the rrp sorry about he rant but I see dome complan that it's not fair on people on low incomes or young mothers not being able to afford a baby all I say is why get pregnant if you know your situation you hink people here n low incomes got it bad look at the 3rd world they don't get any benifits or handout off there government there left to fend for themselves they learn to survive on what they've got they go with out so they can feed there young they do go out like young girls and parents do hear you've all go it lucky really

I do think you have a point. Most girls here though aren't the sterotypical chavvy teenage mums though.
I agree me and my OH have scrapped together enough to get things for OH nearly all what I have is 2nd hand and nappies and things I just got the cheap Asda/Tesco brand because there actually decent.
But the grants have helped a lot, I managed to get my LOs bouncer/rest of his clothing/some more nappies & some extra toys for him to grow into. So yeah you have a point if you budget you can afford a baby damn right but still the grants really did help and no I'm not some lazy sterotypical teenage mum as I've worked from the age of 14 and had a full time job when I turned 16 and now I'm 19, so I'm bloody entitled to get something back from the goverment after paying taxes for all these years.
I dunno why everyones picking on AOB, the system is completely wrong. When you've worked since 16 and paid your taxes into the pot, and then see someone who hasn't worked a day in their lives enjoy benefits and pregnancy grants, spending it on designer jackets knowing that the government wont let you go without, when you've got a baby, then it makes you quite mad. Cash on tap really.

The £190 grant wasn't for everyone. If you had your baby at 24 weeks but before the midwife gave you the form, you could forget about getting that money. Bit cruel huh? so some mums have been suffering all along.

Like someone says, the system needs reworked, because the current one was so open to abuse. Theres nothing wrong with people needing help when required but the 190 grant was pathetic to give to almost every other pregnant woman, when some needed it, some not so much.
I am not a teenager.............I am 39 next year when I have my 3rd eldest is 15! My husband has had major cancer surgery last year and they thought it had come back......luckily he has just been given the all clear! I sold all my baby stuff a long while ago so I have got to start from scratch. Not only am I not getting this help in pregnancy , my husbands long term sickness is going down too. I am hoping to set up a business from home as I make cushions , soft furnishings for a hobby. I was told I was too old for help with a college course I wanted to do. I have to find the money to set up my website etc.....but I am determined to do it, in the long run there will be no childcare fees as I can work around the baby. They are freezing child benefit for the next 3 years and have also scrapped the higher rate of tax credit for the baby in the first year of its life. You used to get a higher rate of tax credit until the baby was 1 years old. I know we need to make some cuts, but I think they are making some of them too will just all stop around April!!!! It is the children that will suffer at the end of the day. I dont care about luxuries, its the day to day living. When my husband is fit enough to work he will work again!
^^^^^^forgot to mention....we dont drive and the hospital is 38 miles away. When my husband has an appointment there.....and he has a lot , he can claim back his travel.....but he needs me to go with him as he has problems travelling at the moment. I cant claim back my travel though which is £7.00 for me. This has to come out of our food money and if he has 2 appointments in 1 week and another the next week it adds up
We put our 190 into a bank account and use it when we need nappies/formula formax. we found by the time i got the money we had most of the stuff we needed. apart from some clothes from primark and our carseat/pram everything we got was 2nd hand!
the money helps out alot because we are trying to put money by for when me and OH go back to uni next year and we dont get any benefit help
Sure start grant is not going!! And the uk is not in debt because of benefits its because of banks!!
Why post a thread full of rubbish.
Sure start isn't going, no, but it's for first child only from April 2011

Anyone who didn't reach 24+1 before the end of 2010 cannot get the HIP grant. Those who did can still apply (so that means anyone who is due before April 15th) as long as it's before baby is born.

Why post a thread full of rubbish.
Some members are only looking for clarification and don't know the status of these grants. How is it rubbish, it's answering questions?
Sure start grant is not going!! And the uk is not in debt because of benefits its because of banks!!
Why post a thread full of rubbish.

Sure start grant is changing to first child only from April 2011. HIP grant has already stopped.
It's not rubbish at all, it was a member of the forum posting to get information about this. So no it's not rubbish. :dohh:
I'm at University and at the moment the only money i have coming in is my maintenance grant, which when i take away the cost of my board at home, train tickets too and from the uni i have about £40 a week to live off.

Because i'm living with my dad (who's just been made redundant) and the financial information goes off LAST years paycheck i'm not entitled to government help financially because he 'earns too much'. That's not my money - yet i'm being judged on it.

That 190 went a long way for me. I bought quite a lot of nappies with that money and stocked up enough that at least for a few months i wont have to worry about spending the 40 on nappies but on saving that up to pay for a deposit on a flat, since my dads actually moving away in July and i need to stay close to York for my education.

The baby stuff i have now (cot, pushchair, car seat etc) is on loan from my dads friends who kept all their baby stuff (their kids have grown up now). It's second hand but it gives me the chance to save up to be able to buy my own in the meantime, and without their kindness god knows what i'd do, since i'm not entitled to the £500 xD

On the plus side! Asda is having a baby and toddler sale DX everything's so cheap!!
You don't get £190 if you werent at 25 weeks in your pregnancy by the first of this year. People are still entitled to the £500 grant if you are having your FIRST child and you are on low income.

This has been said a million times, oops! haha.

I can see why people don't see it as wrong, because there are a LOT of people who get pregnant purely because of the benefits they get from it. But if you get pregnant, and like me think oh fuck what am I supposed to do about money, it's SUCH a relief to know there's help financially for us.

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