Christian LTTTC group - 1yr+ Praying for all who join

Hi ladies, thinking of you all today.

I went to a church group meeting last night which myself and my husband run and he was talking to the group about being slaves vs being sons. It really spoke to me in a way I didn't expect and I felt like a wall had been broken down.

I was sitting in a smaller group of girls ready to pray for each other about what we had been discussing, each person was asking for prayer for a certain thing in their life which made them feel and act like slaves and not sons. I didn't think I had anything in my life to pray for when God opened my eyes and made me see that I was becoming a slave to TTC and not living like a daughter of God. I was shocked as it played in my head all the things I do on a daily basis for TTC yet spend little time on my relationship with my Father. I wanted to cry!

I ended up telling my prayer group about my slavery to TTC, how I spend each day researching things to try, symptoms, success stories, ovulation kits, ovulation symptoms, browsing ttc forums and trying "remedies" for my cysts and then trying another when one failed. I told them how I was so focussed on becoming a mother that I was looking for ways to make it happen and not even realising that I was practically ignoring the one true way that it would happen. Through my Father God.

I say so many times that I'm praying really hard for my situation. But am I really? I don't spend hours in prayer and maybe I should. I don't sit and devote time to reading God's word. I should!

I've been leaning on the things of the world and all the time wondering why I don't feel close to God. It's because I've allowed myself to drift away.

I'm praying that each of us judges ourselves soberly. Are we slaves to TTC or are we daughters of the Highest of the High, Holiest of the Holy, Almighty God? I know what I want to be! I'm praying that each of us can break the chains that are binding us! We are not called to be slaves, but to be adopted sons and daughters of God!

Father I pray that each of us will find You. Seek You and call on Your name. Lord I don't want to be a slave to TTC any longer. I rebuke and break those chains that bind me! Father set me free from negative emotion that drags me down. I pray that each of us will be uplifted in Your love and joy. I pray that we would recognise the signs of becoming slaves and that we would FLEE from them! Lord You created us in Your image to be like You. Help us to become more Christlike! Father I want to be like the woman in Mark 5:25 who was DESPERATE for healing, who made a move of such faith that she was healed instantly. She had spent all that she had on doctors and treatments and was not cured. She came to Jesus and just touched the hem of His coat and believed she would be healed. Lord help me have faith like hers. I thank You Father that You are Healer. Lord be sovereign in our lives!

A clear example of how God protects our finances, quite literally, happened today.

My dh walked our dog at 5pm, uneventful.

About 6:15pm I popped out to local shop & noticed four £10 notes & one £5 note blowing across our shared gardens at the front. Beside it was a receipt of things dh had bought today. When I went back to the flat he was distraught at losing £45!

We live on one of the busiest roads in our town, next to 2 bus stops & a pedestrian crossing, 2 chemists, a doctors surgery, 2 mini markets, a vets & a petrol station. At least 50-100 people would have walked past at that time, but the money was still there!

Thank you God!
A clear example of how God protects our finances, quite literally, happened today.

My dh walked our dog at 5pm, uneventful.

About 6:15pm I popped out to local shop & noticed four £10 notes & one £5 note blowing across our shared gardens at the front. Beside it was a receipt of things dh had bought today. When I went back to the flat he was distraught at losing £45!

We live on one of the busiest roads in our town, next to 2 bus stops & a pedestrian crossing, 2 chemists, a doctors surgery, 2 mini markets, a vets & a petrol station. At least 50-100 people would have walked past at that time, but the money was still there!

Thank you God!

Fantastic! :happydance:
Not feeling too good today. AF got me yesterday, but with it being 4th of July I stayed busy and didn't get down about it. Today on the other hand, I've felt depressed and sad all day. I feel like my turn will never come. I'm already 31 and not getting any younger. Sorry for such negativity in such a positive thread, but could really use some prayer right now. Thanks ladies.
Not feeling too good today. AF got me yesterday, but with it being 4th of July I stayed busy and didn't get down about it. Today on the other hand, I've felt depressed and sad all day. I feel like my turn will never come. I'm already 31 and not getting any younger. Sorry for such negativity in such a positive thread, but could really use some prayer right now. Thanks ladies.

Course we will pray!

But also remember 31 isn't old at all. heck, don't say it's old please, I am almost 41!!! You are just a child, you have many child-bearing days ahead. I'm convinced one day you will look back and actually LAUGH at this post whilst your toddlers run you off your feet.

Remember, every AF is one AF closer to the season of motherhood when God has ordained it for you. One month closer now! xxx
Not feeling too good today. AF got me yesterday, but with it being 4th of July I stayed busy and didn't get down about it. Today on the other hand, I've felt depressed and sad all day. I feel like my turn will never come. I'm already 31 and not getting any younger. Sorry for such negativity in such a positive thread, but could really use some prayer right now. Thanks ladies.

Course we will pray!

But also remember 31 isn't old at all. heck, don't say it's old please, I am almost 41!!! You are just a child, you have many child-bearing days ahead. I'm convinced one day you will look back and actually LAUGH at this post whilst your toddlers run you off your feet.

Remember, every AF is one AF closer to the season of motherhood when God has ordained it for you. One month closer now! xxx

Thank you so much for the encouraging words. I know it's my crazy hormones, but it made me cry. Just to know someone understands what I'm going through and cares, it means alot. I sure hope you're right about looking back and laughing.

ETA* I'm feeling better now. After thinking more on the situation I realize I should just be thankful that I'm even ovulating regularly now without medication. Sorry for the pity party earlier. I guess sometimes my emotions get the best of me.
Not feeling too good today. AF got me yesterday, but with it being 4th of July I stayed busy and didn't get down about it. Today on the other hand, I've felt depressed and sad all day. I feel like my turn will never come. I'm already 31 and not getting any younger. Sorry for such negativity in such a positive thread, but could really use some prayer right now. Thanks ladies.

Course we will pray!

But also remember 31 isn't old at all. heck, don't say it's old please, I am almost 41!!! You are just a child, you have many child-bearing days ahead. I'm convinced one day you will look back and actually LAUGH at this post whilst your toddlers run you off your feet.

Remember, every AF is one AF closer to the season of motherhood when God has ordained it for you. One month closer now! xxx

Thank you so much for the encouraging words. I know it's my crazy hormones, but it made me cry. Just to know someone understands what I'm going through and cares, it means alot. I sure hope you're right about looking back and laughing.

ETA* I'm feeling better now. After thinking more on the situation I realize I should just be thankful that I'm even ovulating regularly now without medication. Sorry for the pity party earlier. I guess sometimes my emotions get the best of me.

srj1214 :hugs:

Don't be sorry, we are all hear to support and encourage and not to be fake with each other about our feelings. You are allowed to be upset, 31 is not young or old. Fertility goes beyond age and down to the grace of God blessing us dispite statistics, Dr's opinions and negativity of the world. My 39 yr old sister in law fell pregnant this time last year and bore a baby girl in which she had 1% chance of conceiving naturally. She was told by every Dr she could not conceive. She tried clomid, she tried IUI, she was attempting IVF and all this for 4 yrs, but she had not tried Jesus. She tried Jesus and fell pregnant naturally against all odds.
We don't need anyone in our lives saying, 'We can not', we only need one person, one God, to say, 'We can'. All because.. 'He can'.

Ladies, how are we all feeling today? What has God showed in your lives lately?

I just want to say I really love you ladies on here. What an awesome support group this is! God's love shines through you all. As common as infertility is according to statistics, I have yet to find another woman that has faced it (in my everyday life). So you ladies on here are priceless to me. No one else could possibly understand all of the emotions, challenges, etc that we deal with. Thank you all for just being you. It really helps to not feel so alone in this journey.

Here's something I came across online that I wanted to share:
I recently heard a teaching in which the teacher declared "You are the apple of God's eye." I thought to myself "That's nice." It made me feel good. But then my next thought was "What does that mean anyway?" I'm sure you may have heard the saying and may possibly have understood it, but if you haven't please bear with me as I explore this coined phrase.
In Psalm 17, David cries out to the Lord and asks to be kept as the apple of His eye. David thought that must be a significant place to be, but why? There are 5 pieces of scripture that I found that referenced this saying.
In Deuteronomy 32:10 we find Moses speaking of how the Lord cared for Jacob. He says "In a desert land He found him, in a barren and howling waste. He shielded him and cared for him; He guarded him as the apple of His eye," The definition of apple used here found in the original Hebrew means "pupil of the eye" 1. Ok this makes a little more sense. Apple in this scripture is not used in the form of a fruit.
As I continued, I came across a scripture found in Zechariah. Chapter 2 verse 8 and 9 reads "8 For this is what the Lord Almighty says: "After he has honored me and has sent me against the nations that have plundered you--for whoever touches you touches the apple of his eye-- 9 I will surely raise my hand against them so that their slaves will plunder them. Then you will know that the Lord Almighty has sent me."
A commentary related to verse 8 stated "You are so dear to God, that he can no more allow your enemies to hurt you, than a man can endure to be thrust in the eye;"2 I can appreciate that type of love. If someone was attacking me and trying to poke me in the eye, I'm sure I would protect my eye to the best of my ability.
There is another place where this phrase is found. Proverbs 7:2 says "Keep my commands and you will live; guard my teachings as the apple of your eye."
The word of God is so cool isn't it? After further examination we find that we are the pupil of God's eye, or the center of His eye or vision. Could we say we are the center of His attention? He loves us so much He protects us as He would someone trying to poke His eye out, with fervent passion! The Lord in return asks us to think the same of His word. I think we owe Him that at the very least, don't you?
Thank you so much for bearing with me as I explore these verses. I hope you've gained insight and a deeper love for the Lord like I have. I pray today that you will "guard (His) teachings as the apple of your eye".
Praise You O Lord! Keep us as the apple of your eye!
Hi ladies, hope you're all well. I've been away but just popping in to post a quick update. I'm now on to round 3 of Clomid as AF decided to show up bang on time on my wedding anniversary *grumble grumble* but I'm determined to be positive this cycle and to stick close to God. I've got lots coming up this month so plenty to keep me busy!

Hi ladies, hope you're all well. I've been away but just popping in to post a quick update. I'm now on to round 3 of Clomid as AF decided to show up bang on time on my wedding anniversary *grumble grumble* but I'm determined to be positive this cycle and to stick close to God. I've got lots coming up this month so plenty to keep me busy!


Oh my, why does that nasty witch have to show up at so many special moments?!!!! This year alone she showed up at my dh b'day overnight in Edinburgh & on our 1st wedding anniversary weekend away....and now she is due on monday, right when we are due to travel to Edinburgh for another overnight (using concert tickets I bought dh for his b'day). you say, let's stay positive! One step closer to that BFP. I'm believing for you!
Hello lovely ladies! How is everyone? I hope you are all keeping well, I prayed for you all again this week and I hope you are finding many seasons of laughter, happiness and love whilst on that journey towards your season of motherhood.

Dh and I had a tough day yesterday. I managed to get a cancellation for my FS, so instead of having to wait until aug 28th for my HSG review, we went yesterday. We thought at best she would offer Clomid, and at worst she would send us off to keep trying. Well it was worse than the 'at worst'. She explained to me that one of my tubes wasn't totally blocked as it filled, but didn't 'overspill', so that means there is a higher risk of ectopic pregnancy which she had to emphasise to me. She went on to remind me I was too old to qualify for NHS funded IVF or IUI. She said if we could afford it we should try naturally for another 6 months then go straight to IVF as time was of the essence at my age - she said IUI is MUCH cheaper, but with the added risk of ectopic with that I'd be safer with IVF and I would be more likely to succeed in IVF due to my good overall fertility (A small victory!).
The toughie is we, like so many others, don't have £3500 put aside to try, it would take around 18-24 months of very lean living to get close to that, and time is of the essence.

So now, dear Father, it's up to YOU! I believe in miracles. I know He sometimes waits til the doctors say 'nope' so He can say 'Eh....YES!'.

Huge hugs and love to you all.
Im praying for you just_married. God's timing is perfect. Time may be of the essence for the doctors but not God (He works on His own timing). Sarah was in her 70s when she got pregnant with Isaac. You've got plenty of time. :hugs:
Hi ladies, hope you're all well. I've been away but just popping in to post a quick update. I'm now on to round 3 of Clomid as AF decided to show up bang on time on my wedding anniversary *grumble grumble* but I'm determined to be positive this cycle and to stick close to God. I've got lots coming up this month so plenty to keep me busy!


Stevens2010 i just really feel the need to encourage you right now. You will be alright with clomid :happydance: I have had great success with clomid after a long time trying! I have fallen pregnant 3x out of 5x cycles so... so far so good! I am now 7wks pregnant.. it was infact my last cycle on clomid before trying IVF. One of the reasons it worked this time round was because my cortisol levels were low enough for implantation to occur, previously I was too stressed and caught up taking my temps etc and putting pressure on myself, which caused my cortisol levels to be too high for any implantation to occur. I'm not suggesting you to not stress, as I know all too well how frustrating that can be to hear! But I do suggest you to research clomid to gain more insight into the success rates (I always found it encouraging) and research God’s success rates (never short on miracles!!) and have faith in both that he can do the same for you

Hello lovely ladies! How is everyone? I hope you are all keeping well, I prayed for you all again this week and I hope you are finding many seasons of laughter, happiness and love whilst on that journey towards your season of motherhood.

Dh and I had a tough day yesterday. I managed to get a cancellation for my FS, so instead of having to wait until aug 28th for my HSG review, we went yesterday. We thought at best she would offer Clomid, and at worst she would send us off to keep trying. Well it was worse than the 'at worst'. She explained to me that one of my tubes wasn't totally blocked as it filled, but didn't 'overspill', so that means there is a higher risk of ectopic pregnancy which she had to emphasise to me. She went on to remind me I was too old to qualify for NHS funded IVF or IUI. She said if we could afford it we should try naturally for another 6 months then go straight to IVF as time was of the essence at my age - she said IUI is MUCH cheaper, but with the added risk of ectopic with that I'd be safer with IVF and I would be more likely to succeed in IVF due to my good overall fertility (A small victory!).
The toughie is we, like so many others, don't have £3500 put aside to try, it would take around 18-24 months of very lean living to get close to that, and time is of the essence.

So now, dear Father, it's up to YOU! I believe in miracles. I know He sometimes waits til the doctors say 'nope' so He can say 'Eh....YES!'.

Huge hugs and love to you all.

Just_married i am sorry :( why did the Dr not recommend clomid at the very least? could you ask to take it while you try for the next 6mths?

I was in the same position as you last month, I went to the Specialist recently as it was my last month taking clomid (cycle #6) before going down the IVF route. It wasn’t long sitting in the clinic room before my hubby and I realized IVF was harder then we thought, not just the money side of things but the time spent waiting for it! It was going to cost us $9,000 in the public system and only $2,000 in the private system (!) and a 12mths wait to gain any benefits of using the treatment! So we left the clinic and that was that. The only option given was to try and conceive naturally for 12mths before attempting IUI/IVF treatment.

So we went and saw our final specialist, we were so terribly desperate for some hope, for any sort of treatment to help us conceive once again. To our amazement he’s the cheapest Specialist we’ve ever seen! He charges $0.00 for his time, $0.00 for his treatments, $0.00 for his testimonies and even handles our pain and health history with compassion and total sincerity. When we asked if there was anything we could do for him in return for his kind gestures, all that he asked is that we come to him for advice for any concerns that we have, emotionally, physically & spiritually. He had a deal!! Is this man for real I asked? To be available to see us when others are booked up with other appointments, to say YES when all other Dr’s say no, to answers our questions when we call upon him ALWAYS. Yes there is no other than, Specialist Jesus. hehehehe.:kiss:

Have a lovely weekend girls!! xoxox
Hi ladies, hope you're all well. I've been away but just popping in to post a quick update. I'm now on to round 3 of Clomid as AF decided to show up bang on time on my wedding anniversary *grumble grumble* but I'm determined to be positive this cycle and to stick close to God. I've got lots coming up this month so plenty to keep me busy!


Stevens2010 i just really feel the need to encourage you right now. You will be alright with clomid :happydance: I have had great success with clomid after a long time trying! I have fallen pregnant 3x out of 5x cycles so... so far so good! I am now 7wks pregnant.. it was infact my last cycle on clomid before trying IVF. One of the reasons it worked this time round was because my cortisol levels were low enough for implantation to occur, previously I was too stressed and caught up taking my temps etc and putting pressure on myself, which caused my cortisol levels to be too high for any implantation to occur. I'm not suggesting you to not stress, as I know all too well how frustrating that can be to hear! But I do suggest you to research clomid to gain more insight into the success rates (I always found it encouraging) and research God’s success rates (never short on miracles!!) and have faith in both that he can do the same for you


Thank you hun. :flower:

I suppose with Clomid I know when I'm ovulating cos I get severe pains so I guess I don't really need the ovulation tests cos my body tells me by itself. I could probably do away with the opks but I guess it's whether I want to give up that little piece of control. :blush:

I feel pretty laid back about this cycle, I'm not expecting anything and we're so busy over my ov period that I will probably forget and lose track! Then after my ov period, I'm away on a mini break with hubby and family so no way of being able to poas. Eeek! Maybe this cycle I should try praying at each time I would be doing my ov test... Hmmmm....
Hello lovely ladies! How is everyone? I hope you are all keeping well, I prayed for you all again this week and I hope you are finding many seasons of laughter, happiness and love whilst on that journey towards your season of motherhood.

Dh and I had a tough day yesterday. I managed to get a cancellation for my FS, so instead of having to wait until aug 28th for my HSG review, we went yesterday. We thought at best she would offer Clomid, and at worst she would send us off to keep trying. Well it was worse than the 'at worst'. She explained to me that one of my tubes wasn't totally blocked as it filled, but didn't 'overspill', so that means there is a higher risk of ectopic pregnancy which she had to emphasise to me. She went on to remind me I was too old to qualify for NHS funded IVF or IUI. She said if we could afford it we should try naturally for another 6 months then go straight to IVF as time was of the essence at my age - she said IUI is MUCH cheaper, but with the added risk of ectopic with that I'd be safer with IVF and I would be more likely to succeed in IVF due to my good overall fertility (A small victory!).
The toughie is we, like so many others, don't have £3500 put aside to try, it would take around 18-24 months of very lean living to get close to that, and time is of the essence.

So now, dear Father, it's up to YOU! I believe in miracles. I know He sometimes waits til the doctors say 'nope' so He can say 'Eh....YES!'.

Huge hugs and love to you all.

Just_married i am sorry :( why did the Dr not recommend clomid at the very least? could you ask to take it while you try for the next 6mths?

I was in the same position as you last month, I went to the Specialist recently as it was my last month taking clomid (cycle #6) before going down the IVF route. It wasn’t long sitting in the clinic room before my hubby and I realized IVF was harder then we thought, not just the money side of things but the time spent waiting for it! It was going to cost us $9,000 in the public system and only $2,000 in the private system (!) and a 12mths wait to gain any benefits of using the treatment! So we left the clinic and that was that. The only option given was to try and conceive naturally for 12mths before attempting IUI/IVF treatment.

So we went and saw our final specialist, we were so terribly desperate for some hope, for any sort of treatment to help us conceive once again. To our amazement he’s the cheapest Specialist we’ve ever seen! He charges $0.00 for his time, $0.00 for his treatments, $0.00 for his testimonies and even handles our pain and health history with compassion and total sincerity. When we asked if there was anything we could do for him in return for his kind gestures, all that he asked is that we come to him for advice for any concerns that we have, emotionally, physically & spiritually. He had a deal!! Is this man for real I asked? To be available to see us when others are booked up with other appointments, to say YES when all other Dr’s say no, to answers our questions when we call upon him ALWAYS. Yes there is no other than, Specialist Jesus. hehehehe.:kiss:

Have a lovely weekend girls!! xoxox

Because I ovulate unaided.
Just wanted to pass on something that I found encouraging yesterday while at my weekly women's group at church.

The pastor's wife led the group and she was talking about the previous Sunday's service and was actually talking to another lady in the group about a situation she was in when I really felt that part of what she said, was talking to me.

She was discussing Job and how Satan told God that he was only faithful because everything in his life was going well, and that if things went wrong, Job would curse God to His face. So God allowed Satan to take away everything he had and yet still Job was faithful. Then Satan told God that Job was faithful still because he had his health. God allowed Satan to strike him with illness and pain and yet still Job did not curse God. Even Job's wife told him.. .9 His wife said to him, "Are you still holding on to your integrity? Curse God and die!"10 He replied, "You are talking like a foolish woman. Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?" In all this, Job did not sin in what he said.

What the Pastor's wife was saying to the other lady was that in all his suffering and trials, Job could not see nor did he know that God was protecting him. God speaks to Job in chapter 38 yet doesn't tell Job about His conversation with Satan and how God didn't allow Satan to touch Job beyond the boundaries. Satan could not inflict anything on Job that God did not allow. **That's not to say suffering, trials etc are allowed by God, I'm just talking in Job's case**

Instead, God reminds Job of His awesome power. Have a read of Job 38 onwards - it blew me away!

The point I'm trying to make is that in everything we go through, God is always watching and protecting us. Even when it doesn't feel like it!

When you feel low and in pain, read God's reply to Job and be reminded of Almighty Father God.. I can't even think of a word to describe Him properly! He is awesome!

I pray you will be uplifted in Jesus name, commit your situation to Him and trust that He is in control. Jesus is Lord!

Thanks Stevens2010 God's powers are amazing!!! Sometimes we do need to be reminded thanks Hun

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