Christian LTTTC group - 1yr+ Praying for all who join

I have a question for you. How do you reconcile being content with your current circumstances (no children) with the desire to have children? I was doing fine with feeling content until recently here. Im starting to feel really anxious about the whole thing. I want to learn to be content in all things like the Bible says but when I start praying for a child I feel like that's a sign that I'm not really content. I'm so confused right now.
Hello lovely ladies! How is everyone? I hope you are all keeping well, I prayed for you all again this week and I hope you are finding many seasons of laughter, happiness and love whilst on that journey towards your season of motherhood.

Dh and I had a tough day yesterday. I managed to get a cancellation for my FS, so instead of having to wait until aug 28th for my HSG review, we went yesterday. We thought at best she would offer Clomid, and at worst she would send us off to keep trying. Well it was worse than the 'at worst'. She explained to me that one of my tubes wasn't totally blocked as it filled, but didn't 'overspill', so that means there is a higher risk of ectopic pregnancy which she had to emphasise to me. She went on to remind me I was too old to qualify for NHS funded IVF or IUI. She said if we could afford it we should try naturally for another 6 months then go straight to IVF as time was of the essence at my age - she said IUI is MUCH cheaper, but with the added risk of ectopic with that I'd be safer with IVF and I would be more likely to succeed in IVF due to my good overall fertility (A small victory!).
The toughie is we, like so many others, don't have £3500 put aside to try, it would take around 18-24 months of very lean living to get close to that, and time is of the essence.

So now, dear Father, it's up to YOU! I believe in miracles. I know He sometimes waits til the doctors say 'nope' so He can say 'Eh....YES!'.

Huge hugs and love to you all.

Just_married i am sorry :( why did the Dr not recommend clomid at the very least? could you ask to take it while you try for the next 6mths?

I was in the same position as you last month, I went to the Specialist recently as it was my last month taking clomid (cycle #6) before going down the IVF route. It wasn’t long sitting in the clinic room before my hubby and I realized IVF was harder then we thought, not just the money side of things but the time spent waiting for it! It was going to cost us $9,000 in the public system and only $2,000 in the private system (!) and a 12mths wait to gain any benefits of using the treatment! So we left the clinic and that was that. The only option given was to try and conceive naturally for 12mths before attempting IUI/IVF treatment.

So we went and saw our final specialist, we were so terribly desperate for some hope, for any sort of treatment to help us conceive once again. To our amazement he’s the cheapest Specialist we’ve ever seen! He charges $0.00 for his time, $0.00 for his treatments, $0.00 for his testimonies and even handles our pain and health history with compassion and total sincerity. When we asked if there was anything we could do for him in return for his kind gestures, all that he asked is that we come to him for advice for any concerns that we have, emotionally, physically & spiritually. He had a deal!! Is this man for real I asked? To be available to see us when others are booked up with other appointments, to say YES when all other Dr’s say no, to answers our questions when we call upon him ALWAYS. Yes there is no other than, Specialist Jesus. hehehehe.:kiss:

Have a lovely weekend girls!! xoxox

That was good sis...crazy how we are seeing the same Specialist:hugs:
Hope nobody minds me reiterating our group ethos.

"I thought it would be a good idea to begin a Christian ltttc thread specifically for Christian ladies to support & encourage each other, a safe place where no symptom spotting or random bfp announcements take place.

Please feel free to join & share your story. I aim to show all here compassion, respect and faith & I would ask that all who join should share this ethos"

Thanks! X
I have a question for you. How do you reconcile being content with your current circumstances (no children) with the desire to have children? I was doing fine with feeling content until recently here. Im starting to feel really anxious about the whole thing. I want to learn to be content in all things like the Bible says but when I start praying for a child I feel like that's a sign that I'm not really content. I'm so confused right now.

It's a difficult balance, trying to keep a strong belief in your dreams through God but also being content where you are.

It can be challenging to hear of others starting a new journey and wonder why it isn't you yet.

I think contentment only begins when we choose to be thankful and grateful for everything we currently have.

Some days it's easy as we are blessed and happy, but Some days when barriers come between us and our dreams, when we are weary, emotional and frustrated, it's so hard.

I struggle to remember God is constant, faithful and for me, thank goodness these things are true whether I feel them or not!
I have a question for you. How do you reconcile being content with your current circumstances (no children) with the desire to have children? I was doing fine with feeling content until recently here. Im starting to feel really anxious about the whole thing. I want to learn to be content in all things like the Bible says but when I start praying for a child I feel like that's a sign that I'm not really content. I'm so confused right now.

It's a difficult balance, trying to keep a strong belief in your dreams through God but also being content where you are.

It can be challenging to hear of others starting a new journey and wonder why it isn't you yet.

I think contentment only begins when we choose to be thankful and grateful for everything we currently have.

Some days it's easy as we are blessed and happy, but Some days when barriers come between us and our dreams, when we are weary, emotional and frustrated, it's so hard.

I struggle to remember God is constant, faithful and for me, thank goodness these things are true whether I feel them or not!

Perfectly said! :thumbup:
Thanks just_married. It is definitely a delicate balance. I am grateful for all I have right now and I find that I am most at peace with where I am when I'm not praying for a baby because praying for it just makes me think that I am not as content as I think I am because if I was really content then I wouldn't be asking for more. It makes me anxious to say the least because I want to please God. It's hard to reconcile but I pray that God gives me wisdom on this. I truly believe this desire for children is a godly desire and faith is about believing in what you can't see. If you can't see it then you don't have it. The Bible tells us to have faith so it's obviously okay to pray for something you don't have. I think I'm just over thinking it.
Thanks just_married. It is definitely a delicate balance. I am grateful for all I have right now and I find that I am most at peace with where I am when I'm not praying for a baby because praying for it just makes me think that I am not as content as I think I am because if I was really content then I wouldn't be asking for more. It makes me anxious to say the least because I want to please God. It's hard to reconcile but I pray that God gives me wisdom on this. I truly believe this desire for children is a godly desire and faith is about believing in what you can't see. If you can't see it then you don't have it. The Bible tells us to have faith so it's obviously okay to pray for something you don't have. I think I'm just over thinking it.

Lol I think we are all guilty of overthinking it most days!

The bible says God loves giving gifts to His children. And if you ever doubt you should ask God for things remember:

Ask. A
Seek. S
Knock K

ASK ASK ASK! lol!!

Think of the persistent widow too, the judge gave in to her because she was so insistent and he know he wouldn't get peace from her!

It pleases God that you are looking to Him for this! Your faith pleases Him!
Hi ladies please keep me in your prayers tonight. I thought for sure this was my month even had "symptoms" but i can feel af is on her way. Trying to keep my head up but starting to feel down. We go on a family vacation next month and was looking forward to sharing good news with dh grandmother and sister. I am trusting in The Lord with all my heart and soul, but it is so hard to keep a smile on my face month after month. Friends and family are always posting baby pics on facebook and celebrating their bundle of joys but I find it hard to not ask, when will it be my turn? When will I hold my baby in my arms?

Sorry to run on but just feeling overwhelmed like my head is going to explode.

Lord please continue to carry me through...I know he will never put more on me than I can bear and everything in HIS time!!
Thanks just_married. It is definitely a delicate balance. I am grateful for all I have right now and I find that I am most at peace with where I am when I'm not praying for a baby because praying for it just makes me think that I am not as content as I think I am because if I was really content then I wouldn't be asking for more. It makes me anxious to say the least because I want to please God. It's hard to reconcile but I pray that God gives me wisdom on this. I truly believe this desire for children is a godly desire and faith is about believing in what you can't see. If you can't see it then you don't have it. The Bible tells us to have faith so it's obviously okay to pray for something you don't have. I think I'm just over thinking it.

Lol I think we are all guilty of overthinking it most days!

The bible says God loves giving gifts to His children. And if you ever doubt you should ask God for things remember:

Ask. A
Seek. S
Knock K

ASK ASK ASK! lol!!

Think of the persistent widow too, the judge gave in to her because she was so insistent and he know he wouldn't get peace from her!

It pleases God that you are looking to Him for this! Your faith pleases Him!

Thank you so much! :hugs: I could cry (happy tears) right now. Thank you!
Hello lovely ladies! How is everyone? I hope you are all keeping well, I prayed for you all again this week and I hope you are finding many seasons of laughter, happiness and love whilst on that journey towards your season of motherhood.

Dh and I had a tough day yesterday. I managed to get a cancellation for my FS, so instead of having to wait until aug 28th for my HSG review, we went yesterday. We thought at best she would offer Clomid, and at worst she would send us off to keep trying. Well it was worse than the 'at worst'. She explained to me that one of my tubes wasn't totally blocked as it filled, but didn't 'overspill', so that means there is a higher risk of ectopic pregnancy which she had to emphasise to me. She went on to remind me I was too old to qualify for NHS funded IVF or IUI. She said if we could afford it we should try naturally for another 6 months then go straight to IVF as time was of the essence at my age - she said IUI is MUCH cheaper, but with the added risk of ectopic with that I'd be safer with IVF and I would be more likely to succeed in IVF due to my good overall fertility (A small victory!).
The toughie is we, like so many others, don't have £3500 put aside to try, it would take around 18-24 months of very lean living to get close to that, and time is of the essence.

So now, dear Father, it's up to YOU! I believe in miracles. I know He sometimes waits til the doctors say 'nope' so He can say 'Eh....YES!'.

Huge hugs and love to you all.

Just_married i am sorry :( why did the Dr not recommend clomid at the very least? could you ask to take it while you try for the next 6mths?

I was in the same position as you last month, I went to the Specialist recently as it was my last month taking clomid (cycle #6) before going down the IVF route. It wasn’t long sitting in the clinic room before my hubby and I realized IVF was harder then we thought, not just the money side of things but the time spent waiting for it! It was going to cost us $9,000 in the public system and only $2,000 in the private system (!) and a 12mths wait to gain any benefits of using the treatment! So we left the clinic and that was that. The only option given was to try and conceive naturally for 12mths before attempting IUI/IVF treatment.

So we went and saw our final specialist, we were so terribly desperate for some hope, for any sort of treatment to help us conceive once again. To our amazement he’s the cheapest Specialist we’ve ever seen! He charges $0.00 for his time, $0.00 for his treatments, $0.00 for his testimonies and even handles our pain and health history with compassion and total sincerity. When we asked if there was anything we could do for him in return for his kind gestures, all that he asked is that we come to him for advice for any concerns that we have, emotionally, physically & spiritually. He had a deal!! Is this man for real I asked? To be available to see us when others are booked up with other appointments, to say YES when all other Dr’s say no, to answers our questions when we call upon him ALWAYS. Yes there is no other than, Specialist Jesus. hehehehe.:kiss:

Have a lovely weekend girls!! xoxox

Because I ovulate unaided.

Consider yourself lucky! haha mines all over the boat normally. Just_married how are you going in your cycle?

Praying for you. :flower:

Hi ladies, hope you're all well. I've been away but just popping in to post a quick update. I'm now on to round 3 of Clomid as AF decided to show up bang on time on my wedding anniversary *grumble grumble* but I'm determined to be positive this cycle and to stick close to God. I've got lots coming up this month so plenty to keep me busy!


Stevens2010 i just really feel the need to encourage you right now. You will be alright with clomid :happydance: I have had great success with clomid after a long time trying! I have fallen pregnant 3x out of 5x cycles so... so far so good! I am now 7wks pregnant.. it was infact my last cycle on clomid before trying IVF. One of the reasons it worked this time round was because my cortisol levels were low enough for implantation to occur, previously I was too stressed and caught up taking my temps etc and putting pressure on myself, which caused my cortisol levels to be too high for any implantation to occur. I'm not suggesting you to not stress, as I know all too well how frustrating that can be to hear! But I do suggest you to research clomid to gain more insight into the success rates (I always found it encouraging) and research God’s success rates (never short on miracles!!) and have faith in both that he can do the same for you


Thank you hun. :flower:

I suppose with Clomid I know when I'm ovulating cos I get severe pains so I guess I don't really need the ovulation tests cos my body tells me by itself. I could probably do away with the opks but I guess it's whether I want to give up that little piece of control. :blush:

I feel pretty laid back about this cycle, I'm not expecting anything and we're so busy over my ov period that I will probably forget and lose track! Then after my ov period, I'm away on a mini break with hubby and family so no way of being able to poas. Eeek! Maybe this cycle I should try praying at each time I would be doing my ov test... Hmmmm....

stevens2010, greatttt your going on a mini break woohoo just what you need love. Dont forget to have some fun in the mornings and hang upside down afterwards like a monkey! hahah the things we do to get preggers hehe. Where abouts are you going away?

B xx
We're going to CentreParcs at the end of the month with family. I've been working out dates and I should be ovulating before we go but while we're away I'll be in my 12day wait (as my luteal phase is not 14 days - yay for a shorter 2ww!) so I'll probably be super careful about what activities we do although I can't do a lot as my mobility is limited so I should be alright... I was going to take a test with me as I think I'll be able to test while we're away but I don't want to get bummed out so unsure at the moment!
Aw Stevens, hopefully you will be far too busy to think about it all! Hope you have a great time! I've driven past centreparcs so many times and wondered what it's like, hope you get great weather.

Afm, I'm flagging a bit today. Af came a day early yesterday (my cycles are already short at 26days anyway). I have also pulled a muscle in my back between my shoulders whilst helping move furniture. So this months disappointment + hormones + sore back + fs prophecy of doom on Wednesday adds up to me struggling to be positive.
Hello ladies,hope you don't mind me joining you all,I have been stalking this thread for a while and just wanted to say hello and hoping you all find the support that you need here xx :hugs: xx
Welcome Bree. I'm so very glad you feel ready to join. Huge hugs & welcome :)
Hello ladies,hope you don't mind me joining you all,I have been stalking this thread for a while and just wanted to say hello and hoping you all find the support that you need here xx :hugs: xx

Why dont you come on in PrincessBree and make yourself feel comfortable :happydance: How are you enjoying your Break from TTC? is it refreshing as it sounds? hehe.
Hello ladies,hope you don't mind me joining you all,I have been stalking this thread for a while and just wanted to say hello and hoping you all find the support that you need here xx :hugs: xx

Why dont you come on in PrincessBree and make yourself feel comfortable :happydance: How are you enjoying your Break from TTC? is it refreshing as it sounds? hehe.

:hugs:Thanx for the warm welcome-break has been great God has had me in school teaching me about making my waiting purposeful instead of allowing not having a baby feel like a burden-the way I see it is we who are here are all mothers because what we have is a God given desire to conceive,kinda like Hannah in the Bible for example.

But now we just have to wait to step into all that being a mother entails.Until then there is something that He has given us,to occupy ourselves with so that we can learn to be wonderful mothers when time comes.

It may be visiting this group to encourage others, or some other group, or it may be taking time to put romance back into marriage that has been overshadowed by ttc.Or even being used by God at work,I dunno I just know He has given us something so that we are not eaten up with sorrow while we wait.Things feel so different to how I felt before,I am happy to wait for God and not rush Him along.

Sorry bout the rant lol I dont know where that came from?! lol xx
Hello ladies,hope you don't mind me joining you all,I have been stalking this thread for a while and just wanted to say hello and hoping you all find the support that you need here xx :hugs: xx

Why dont you come on in PrincessBree and make yourself feel comfortable :happydance: How are you enjoying your Break from TTC? is it refreshing as it sounds? hehe.

:hugs:Thanx for the warm welcome-break has been great God has had me in school teaching me about making my waiting purposeful instead of allowing not having a baby feel like a burden-the way I see it is we who are here are all mothers because what we have is a God given desire to conceive,kinda like Hannah in the Bible for example.

But now we just have to wait to step into all that being a mother entails.Until then there is something that He has given us,to occupy ourselves with so that we can learn to be wonderful mothers when time comes.

It may be visiting this group to encourage others, or some other group, or it may be taking time to put romance back into marriage that has been overshadowed by ttc.Or even being used by God at work,I dunno I just know He has given us something so that we are not eaten up with sorrow while we wait.Things feel so different to how I felt before,I am happy to wait for God and not rush Him along.

Sorry bout the rant lol I dont know where that came from?! lol xx

Hi Princessbree, no not a rant at all i can very much relate with you. I infact admire you for your honesty and being noble enough to refocus your attention to areas that have been neglected i.e. romance back into marriage. As i've recently said to you, my apologises for not realising what you have been through recently, and sincerely hope nothing of what i have said has come across as being insensitive. :hugs:

May we remember to encourage others as we refocus our attention back to the things that once mattered in our lives, before TTC consumed us.
I am first to acknowledge my weakness for giving too much attention to where it is simply not needed or necessary. PrincessBree you are a real example of being all that you have been called to be in the eyes of God, not stopping life for a moment but keeping busy in your walk of faith until the day comes for the next season of life to bless you.

:flower: luv luv to you all
Hello ladies,hope you don't mind me joining you all,I have been stalking this thread for a while and just wanted to say hello and hoping you all find the support that you need here xx :hugs: xx

Why dont you come on in PrincessBree and make yourself feel comfortable :happydance: How are you enjoying your Break from TTC? is it refreshing as it sounds? hehe.

:hugs:Thanx for the warm welcome-break has been great God has had me in school teaching me about making my waiting purposeful instead of allowing not having a baby feel like a burden-the way I see it is we who are here are all mothers because what we have is a God given desire to conceive,kinda like Hannah in the Bible for example.

But now we just have to wait to step into all that being a mother entails.Until then there is something that He has given us,to occupy ourselves with so that we can learn to be wonderful mothers when time comes.

It may be visiting this group to encourage others, or some other group, or it may be taking time to put romance back into marriage that has been overshadowed by ttc.Or even being used by God at work,I dunno I just know He has given us something so that we are not eaten up with sorrow while we wait.Things feel so different to how I felt before,I am happy to wait for God and not rush Him along.

Sorry bout the rant lol I dont know where that came from?! lol xx

Hi Princessbree, no not a rant at all i can very much relate with you. I infact admire you for your honesty and being noble enough to refocus your attention to areas that have been neglected i.e. romance back into marriage. As i've recently said to you, my apologises for not realising what you have been through recently, and sincerely hope nothing of what i have said has come across as being insensitive. :hugs:

May we remember to encourage others as we refocus our attention back to the things that once mattered in our lives, before TTC consumed us.
I am first to acknowledge my weakness for giving too much attention to where it is simply not needed or necessary. PrincessBree you are a real example of being all that you have been called to be in the eyes of God, not stopping life for a moment but keeping busy in your walk of faith until the day comes for the next season of life to bless you.

:flower: luv luv to you all[/QUOT

Thanx for saying that Faithful,that means alot to me-I guess I am just like you all just trying to live a life that pleases God xx:hugs:xx anything that I do is only cos of His grace guess we all in the same boat lol love you ladies truely!!:hugs:
Just like the vows I wrote to the man you made for me, as are the vows I make to the children you have planted in me.

I vow to teach them the qualities of your nature and the whispers of your heart. To show them a world without greed, a universe of contentment.

I vow to show them what it is to follow you each day, to never jump ahead, and to never fall behind.*

I vow to remember during days of exhaustion and sleep deprived nights, to remember it is nothing compared to*the days of longing for a child and the agony that would consume me.

I vow to give them to you each day, as they are not my own but a temporary gift on earth for me and my husband.

Lastly I vow to take a moment each day knowing that you Lord have remembered me. You have answered my deepest desire, when I was tired, you gave me breath.


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