I'm so glad to hear about all the good scans lately!!
Mattsgirl...how are you? Did you spotting stop?
As for me, I had a scary couple of days. Sunday evening I was downstairs folding laundry and felt a sudden wetness that stopped me in my tracks. I ran upstairs to the bathroom and had (sorry, tmi) what I would consider a gush of dark dark dark red blood. A little made it to my panties, but it seemed like a lot of blood as I was wiping. After I cleaned myself up, I put a pad on to monitor the bleeding and planned to call my doctor first thing yesterday morning. Fortunately, I didn't bleed anymore, not even spotting, over night and yesterday morning. I couldn't get in with my regular doctor so I had to see someone else. I waited an hour and half past my scheduled time for my appointment and the wait was absolutely agonizing. She did an exam and then an ultrasound and everything was a-okay. We saw and heard the heartbeat, my cervix was hard and closed, etc etc. She looked around my uterus for any sign as to what may have caused the bleed and she saw one spot that might be a small subchorionic hematoma (sp?) but wasn't concerned with it and wasn't even really convinced that was it. She said she didn't really have an explanation for the bleed, but thought maybe I had some blood trapped after my pap smear last week that just worked itself out. I have an appointment with my regular doctor next week so I'm hoping things stay uneventful this week and everything looks great next week as well. I didn't have any bleeding with my daughter so this was definitely a huge shock. She told me bright red blood and cramping is the scariest type of issues to be having and I didn't have any cramping or clots so she felt everything was okay. Sorry for the book, lol