Christmas (December) Babies 2018!

Buttercup I hadn’t felt sick for over a week then Monday and Tuesday I felt so sick all day but yesterday and today I feel fine again, in fact I’ve actually now got some energy back yay. I hope you feel better soon
Good morning, ladies.

MrsDuck - I noticed some foods are easier to stomach, but that's about it. I can tolerate avocado again, after spending a few weeks not really wanting to even look at it. I hope you feel better soon!

Buttercup - I would like to have a second girl, but I'm talking myself up for enjoying another boy, as well. I know my younger son would most likely enjoy having a younger brother. I can never come up with names until the last couple months. My husband always picks the same name just to mess with me, lol.

AFM - I make blankets for all my kids so I'm trying to figure out some colors to pick for this one. Since we do team yellow I generally put in all kinds of colors. I haven't even gone to the craft store to look at yarns yet, but I had a dream one of the colors would be like pumpkin orange lol.
I'm sorry you ladies are still struggling with nausea. At night is when I seem to have the most discomfort. It's like my body stops digesting food past 7pm so anything I eat beyond that point stays in my throat. On the plus side it's preventing me from unnecessary snacking.

Re names- We are set on our boy name. If this baby ends up being a girl we will truly have to start from ground zero. We have tossed around some girl names and there are some that we like but nothing that screams, "this is the one". DH really liked one name in particular, but it's a good friend of mine's daughter's name, so I wouldn't feel right using it.

I was able to find the baby's heart beat last night! Turns out he is sitting much higher than I expected. I was still checking halfway between my belly button and pubic bone but he's way up by my belly button now. I was feeling him flutter about while doing so :cloud9: It's the most pronounced I've ever felt him move and it was a totally different sensation to the popping that I thought was him a couple weeks back, so now I'm thinking that previous movement wasn't him after all.
I guess this week my body doesn't know that i should start to feel better.
I think I've dozed off at my desk every day this week for multiple hours, and I could easily slip away at any moment.

I suggested ordering out last night, and i picked it up on the way home. Was something I hadn't had in a long time and sounds amazing. (Broccoli Cheddar Chicken) Got home and barely touched the sides (veggies). I stuck my fork into the main course and licked it off, and that was the end of eating that. Ended up putting it in the fridge.
The fridge is getting full of all the things I wanted but cant manage to eat.

Today started weird. I coughed all morning (thinking that my thoughts about getting a cold were actually coming around) but my reflux attacked me instead. I sort of was running late (i'm supposed to leave my house before 6:20, and left at 35) But I also ran back inside for pop tarts, stopped by McDonald's for a sausage biscuit and sprite.
Managed the sausage biscuit and slowly sipping the sprite.
Now ... thinking about food is making me ill. I'm managing some Ritz crackers, but still don't want them.

Hubby is being a trouper. He's trying real hard to give me space but still wants a hug here and there. I try to have him hug me sideways, so i can breathe and he doesn't touch my stomach.
He's also being super sweet giving the baby hugs (he hugs me around my hips) And kisses my tummy and tells baby to be "good for mommy"
I get so teary when he does that. He's going to be such a good dad :)
bdb - yaay for finding the hb and feeling movement! I plan on trying when I have some free time today. I'm glad you've got some names, it's seriously the most difficult part for me lol. DH has already suggested a couple and I said no. I won't get too serious about it until after all my scans come back okay! I usually just get super hungry at night and it really sucks because it makes my blood sugar tank first thing in the morning after I eat. I just try to eat a piece of cheese during the night and I'm usually okay with that.

StarGazer - I hope you're not getting sick, but if you do I wish you a speedy recovery. If the nausea is that bad you should definitely talk to your doctor about it. Sorry you're so tired! It's good that your dh is enjoying your pregnancy. Mine tends to get "sympathetic pregnancy" and has some of my symptoms with me, it's really strange. I hope you can stomach some decent food soon!
Star, I feel you! I don't want to be touched either. Also, I'm soooo tired. I spend my days off sleeping. (I'm off Wed/Thurs). I drop the kids off at school and sleep until it's time to get them. This is on top of at least 9 hours of sleep at night. Anti-nausea pills are making the sleepiness worse. But I'm thankful for the bit of relief they give me, even though I still feel sick 24/7, it's not as bad. I really hope there is some relief in the 2nd tri. I'm 10 weeks, 4 days today. My bump is getting harder to hide by the day.
Bdb you are so organised thinking of names already, we will be lucky if we’ve decided on a name by the time he/she arrives haha
Yay for finding the heartbeat and feeling movement

Star, just a thought but have they checked your thyroid at all? I have thyroid issues and the coldness and falling asleep is how I am when I’m not on enough meds.

So sorry so many of you are still feeling so bad, I hope it doesn’t last too much longer for you and you can feel a bit more ‘normal’

AFm I finally had my scan, all the right bits in all the right places kicking away and they’ve even brought forward my due date by a couple of days, although I know that can change again. So now I’m considering starting to tell people yay
MrsDuck -- I had it check years ago because i thought I had an issue. My neck was swelling. After 10 vials of blood, 2 urine samples and a month later, everything came back normal "range" (which means nothing from what I've been told). I came back with some insulin resistance and low vitamin D. That was years ago.
My recent tests all came back normal. Even the iron i thought would be low was near high (but in good range according to the chart).
So honestly I don't know what's wrong with me. I was just chalking it up to I wasn't getting enough sleep anyways, plus my job is boring right now and the wrapping up in blankets just makes me sleepy anyways.

I'm feeling decent this morning. (I hope I don't jinx myself).
I brought the space heater my dad loaned me to see if I can heat up this room some in a different way. Honestly I'll take a sauna right now if it will heat this room up! -- I carried this thing up stairs (that's how good i felt -- even though it was two small flights of stairs, still)

I felt i ate a little more last night, but idk how much it really was. I ate half a serving of mac n cheese, and a few spoonfulls of corn. My tummy was grumbling but I honestly couldn't eat another bite.

My friends wedding is next week, so i'm hoping that I feel somewhat better by next Friday. I'm already kinda anxious because they are all smokers.....BUT it is an outside thing at a park. So I'm gonna be seeking a spot of fresh air somewhere.
Good morning, ladies!

dove- I really hope it lets up for you soon, you're so close to second tri, I can't imagine feeling that tired and the meds making you more tired, ugh. And yaay for showing, always so fun when you actually start to look pregnant and not just extra helping of dinner fluff lol.

MrsDuck - woo, a scan! Sounds like everything is going well for you, woohoo!!

StarGazer - I hope the space heater helps you feel a bit more comfortable. And I hope your appetite continues to be better than just bleh. Mac and cheese sounds good right now, maybe I'll buy some specialty cheeses and make myself some this weekend :haha:. As for being around smokers, I hope it's not too close range and you can have some space there.

afm, it's Friday, and today I am 15 weeks (yippee). It's supposed to be very rainy this weekend and cooler, with snow levels dropping to 4500 feet. I'll likely be stuck in the house doing house work. I'm feeling hungry a lot lately, really thinking this must be a boy!
Jessi -- Yey for 15 weeks!!! I'm 2 behind you. Ew snow ... I've got enough of this cold office, I don't think i could handle snow right now.

Dove -- Awe i wish i had two days off to just sleep (not that's what you really wanna be doing i'm sure) I get 1 day off and it's spent doing chores that I neglect during the week. I'm debating how long I'll stay at my part time job after baby is born. I only work 1 day for 8-9 hours, but it's another day at home if i don't work. I've been there for over 8 years and am in good standing with everyone there. I just don't think i can keep up until the kid is older.
(And i just took a snooze for almost 2 hours sitting at my desk -- mind you i was waiting on the database to refresh and I can't do anything in the system til thats done -- but i have things I can do but i'm kinda bored of them lol)

I just got high praise from my boss! Apparently no one else has managed to be able to post product as quickly as me. [I find it funny cause i'm sleeping and being all slow about stuff, and yet i'm the fastest] It's good to know that pregnant me can be productive :haha:
Lets hope that non-pregnant me can hold up the bargain. :blush:
Star- I hate that you are still feeling so bad. Do you think some anti-nausea meds might help?

Dove- I've heard the meds make you drowsy. Would there be any benefit to taking them at night?

MrsDuck- In all fairness, I have 0 names if this baby ends up being a girl. I think my biggest worry in having a girl is ending up just picking a name so we have one instead of actually finding "The Name". :lol:

Yay for a great scan, too!

Jessica- Yay for 15 weeks! And for cool weather. Think of all of us suffering in triple digit heat this weekend while you're enjoying your amazing weather. :happydance:

3 more days until my scan! Here's to hoping Baby cooperates. S/he wanted nothing to do with cooperation at my 12 week scan.
DBD -- Hubby told me to try taking a tums every day. But eh ... I mean besides the calcium I really don't wanna take anything else. I have a prescription to take before I eat dinner, but when i get home, if I have to wait then i feel/get sick anyways. The only "anti-nausea" the doc told me about was a vitamin combination between B6 and a sleeping pill. I haven't been able to manage taking that, so i have no clue is it would work or not.
If things aren't getting better I'll look at the list of meds they gave me that are pregnancy safe and see if something works. And if nothing gets better by my next appointment then i'll let them know. Since my next appt is with a real doc and not just a NP.
Dove- I've heard the meds make you drowsy. Would there be any benefit to taking them at night?

I take 4 a day; one in the morning, one late afternoon and 2 at bedtime. A few times I forgot to take the afternoon one and was amazed at how awake I felt....but then I ended up paying for it with worse nausea..I can't win at this point.
StarGazer - yaay for getting praise from your boss, always nice to know you're still doing okay lol. It will snow up in the mountain pass but I'm a few thousand feet below it, still high up but not enough that it'll get too bad here, I am supposed to get a loooot of rain, which is nothing new around here.

bdb - I really can't wait for your scan, sounds like you've got quite the active little one. I imagine I'll have my 20 week scan around my birthday in July so I've got awhile. I really hope you get some good pics and maybe some good enough to do a gender guess! EEee, can't wait!
Jessi -- I live mid NC. The only time we'll get snow is if it's from the south or super bad/big storm to make it over the mountains. We probably won't get anything til mid/late Jan - Feb. Most of the time we end up with ice or rain. I'm in favor of rain at that point.
I'm ready for fall weather, where it's mid to low 70's with a few colder days mixed in. I'm hoping summer won't kick my butt.
Jessica yay for 15 weeks and I hope your weather doesn’t get too bad

Bdb yay for your scan coming up, I hope baby cooperates

Star that’s funny that you’ve spent so much time asleep yet you are still the fastest

Below is a little pic from my scan today, it all feels a bit more real now


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MrsDuck - woo, lovely scan pic! Glad you're having reassurance and things are feeling more real :D

StarGazer - PNW weather is generally like this, and we usually don't get a lot of heat in the summer, maybe a few triple digit days here and there, thankfully I have my a/c to live under :haha: I also prefer the fall, but mainly because I love the colors of all the trees around here and the smell of the decaying leaves.

Getting lots of round ligament pain and stretching cramp like feelings today, following by some kicks and movement, so I'm trying to drink more water to see if that helps -.-
Mrs Duck - lovely scan pic :)
Will you be finding out the gender?
I never understand the gender predictions, I just guess for fun and I'm always wrong haha

Jess - I bet Oregon is so lovely in fall, my cousin lives there in Talent I think its called, would love to go visit her (live in the UK)

AFM, nausea only really happened in the evening and has now crept in at lunch time too! Last night I had to go bed and lay down hoping it would settle down! Which it has but I never get it in the morning - ironically!!
I was really bloated under my chest, was hard and high - im guessing maybe this is the cause? Fatigue isnt as bad anymore though... however still really gassy haha!!
Thanks Buttercup, yes I’ll definitely be finding out the gender, as ling as baby cooperates. Hopefully it’s a girl so I won’t have to buy anything haha
Glad you’ve got some energy back (me too) but sorry the ms is getting worse not better

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