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Christmas (December) Babies 2018!

Chimichangas sound awesome! covered in salsa and cheese .... \\:D/

Baby keeps pushing their little butt up right in the middle... It's been wiggling back and forth, and shakes when they have the hiccups.
I'm still amazed at watching the movements. I keep telling Hubby: "My belly is moving!" :lol:
Right? I could totally eat like two or three right now, haha.

Movements are so fun to watch, and now baby turns his/her head back and forth I get to feel that too. They're starting to put lots of pressure down low though, and it's a little uncomfortable. I think this baby is long! I had my youngest ds feel the lumps and bumps the other day, he was quite interested. I noticed ankles/heels as well when I was feeling around the other day. Still seems early, but I guess since technically I'm due next month it really isn't that early!
OH wow ... Next Month O_O It's so hard to think that we only have 2 left!!!

I think i made a bad decision this morning. I forgot my usual pop tarts....so i had to stop and get food. I'm starving by 8a but i have to test my morning blood.
I got McD's pancakes and a sausage egg bis. ... tossing the bis and eating the sausage and egg with the pancakes. but .... i think it was a bad move for my glucose.... but I was HUNGRY!!!
Yeah .... breakfast was a bad choice .... Luckily my lunch is gonna be better for me!

Little Wiggles is moving their little butt all around this morning. Felt a leg pressing out while i was driving this morning.
Ugh, hope you can get some decent food in you soon, lol.

I'm happy tomorrow is Friday.

My baby is moving around quite a bit already this morning, usually when dd is nearby.
I brought salmon (left over from the other night / but it went cold quick so i only ate a little of it and was done) green beans and ramen (from another night)
I feel that should bring down my numbers significantly!

Baby is wiggling a ton. They like it when I stand (or am up) but I don't have a desk or the stuff to accommodate standing while working.
I'll probably buy some more salmon when I go to Costco this weekend, but I also try and eat tuna regularly. I guess I'm one of those rare ones that likes canned tuna? I remember when my dh worked on a reservation one summer the lovely people that lived on the road he was working on gave him some tuna they had caught and canned themselves and it was soooo good. Watch for the ramen, though, but you don't seem to have too bad of an issue with most stuff you've been eating.

I'm supposed to get my results for my iron levels today, really hoping they have come up so I don't have to take higher levels of iron, which will back up my system for sure -.-
I made 2 packs and seasoned it with 1 and a half packs. Hubby ate the rest. scooped out what looked like half a package for myself and didn't even eat all of it that night, so i brought what i had left. The package's' nutrients are associated with you adding the whole package of seasoning too. So I was no where near any of the serving size or that stuff. But even if i ate the whole package, I still probably would have been fine i'm thinking, cause it would be like the ONLY starch i would have ate all day.
Yeah the only issue i had was this mornings rushed "starving" breakfast choice.... not doing that again >_< - And that also means my weekend breakfast has to change :( Either i'm gonna have to put a jacked up load of peanut butter on my waffles and cut down on the syrup or choose something else to eat. It's usually the only day or two that I can even sit down and eat breakfast at home, that's the only reason that I've been eating them. So maybe i'll go find something else.

I like canned tuna. I was actually talking about tuna earlier with a friend. Tuna snack packs. I'll have to see how much crap is added to them. If too much i'll go buy myself the stuff separately and make something healthier.

I cleared out the fridge last night of all the stuff that we haven't ate... it's amazing how empty the fridge is. You can see the lack of substance now.

Oh i have to go get my invites printed and buy envelopes, and probably stamps.I'm running behind getting my invites physically sent out. I hate being late. I wanted more than a month's notice for the people and the RSVP date is in 20 days.
Can't wait to hear how your shower goes!!

Yeah, servings size can totally be misleading for some stuff, like if you eat chips, a serving is like 14 chips for some, 14!!!! I rarely eat chips, but it's amazing how the servings can vary so much lol. I imagine your numbers will be just fine. As for breakfast, I live for oatmeal, but not a lot of people care for it either. If dh has to get up super early for something I will make him overnight oats and he usually likes those, but he is just not a morning person and has a really hard time doing anything other than coffee until he has one of his sandwiches. Eggs are a good one too, but they never last me long, I like to have a little avocado, tomato, ham/bacon, and swiss cheese cooked up with my eggs and a piece of whole wheat toast or seeded bread with.

As for tuna, I try to buy the canned stuff in water, stuff with as little additives as possible, but they always add salt. I think you might benefit from doing a little meal prep. My fridge is half full of vegetables lol, I have a huge bag of broccoli I need to do something with soon.

Just got done with my workout and my stomach is growling, trying to think of what I'll eat for lunch but I think I want some chili!
I made 2 packs and seasoned it with 1 and a half packs. Hubby ate the rest. scooped out what looked like half a package for myself and didn't even eat all of it that night, so i brought what i had left. The package's' nutrients are associated with you adding the whole package of seasoning too. So I was no where near any of the serving size or that stuff. But even if i ate the whole package, I still probably would have been fine i'm thinking, cause it would be like the ONLY starch i would have ate all day.
Yeah the only issue i had was this mornings rushed "starving" breakfast choice.... not doing that again >_< - And that also means my weekend breakfast has to change :( Either i'm gonna have to put a jacked up load of peanut butter on my waffles and cut down on the syrup or choose something else to eat. It's usually the only day or two that I can even sit down and eat breakfast at home, that's the only reason that I've been eating them. So maybe i'll go find something else.

I like canned tuna. I was actually talking about tuna earlier with a friend. Tuna snack packs. I'll have to see how much crap is added to them. If too much i'll go buy myself the stuff separately and make something healthier.

I cleared out the fridge last night of all the stuff that we haven't ate... it's amazing how empty the fridge is. You can see the lack of substance now.

Oh i have to go get my invites printed and buy envelopes, and probably stamps.I'm running behind getting my invites physically sent out. I hate being late. I wanted more than a month's notice for the people and the RSVP date is in 20 days.

Veggie omelette, since you have more time on the week-ends :)

Waffles, unless they are whole grain, are a no no, as is syrup, which is basically liquid sugar :s
This thread always makes me hungry, all the chat about food does give me some dinner ideas though

Star can you not prep some lunches in advance in one batch and put portions ready to take to work such as rice or grains or wheat pasta and then add things like chicken or tuna and vegetables, nuts or fruit etc then all the prep has been done in one go when you have a bit of time and you can just grab and go? I get the feeling that each day you are struggling with time so you end up grabbing something unhealthy to just fill the gap

Jessica I hope your levels come back ok today and glad you got to hear baby’s hb at your appointment but sorry it was all stressful for you with your family’s jabs. Oh and next month!!!!! Omg it’s all getting sooooo close and scary now our babies will all start making an appearance very soon
I need a rant......

I’ve got a sick dd she has a fever, a very mucusy cough and she has been vomiting so she’s been off school yesterday and today. The poor thing hasn’t wanted me to leave her bedroom so at 7 months pregnant I’ve now spent 2 nights sleeping on her floor (she is still in a cotbed so no room for me) and I haven’t even showered because she starts crying if I leave the room (I think she’s scared of being sick when she’s on her own) and I woke dh up this morning and all he could moan about was how tired HE is OMFG I could have hit him. There are 3 doors that close between dds room and ours and he’s had a comfy bed while I’ve had the floor, not to mention restless legs and leg cramps plus dd coughing every 10 seconds!!!! This morning I asked him to sit with her as she was calling out for me while I was trying to poo and he just said I’ve looked in on her and she’s fine. And yesterday he came home lunchtime and made a loaf of bread instead of giving me 5 mins respite, then when he came home from work said how long have I got until dinner and was about to bugger off out to his workshop. I told him if he wants to eat then he will have to put on hold the things he WANTS to do and sit with his sick dd while I make something. So he did sit in her room, on his phone, while I cooked. But jeez he wonders why dd always pushes him away and wants me, it’s because he will never put her first, he only gives her attention when there is nothing else he could be doing......

Sorry rant over, I’m running on very little sleep and I just needed to get it off my chest
I'm about to hit the store up, so I'll probably buy a ton of stuff. I know my levels have been decent lately (minus breakfast)... and dinner was a little high cause we had grilled cheese -- as that's like the only thing in the house that doesn't require "cooking".
So i'll go and spend time looking at packages and nutrients, googling ideas and such. As long as I have decent time I can meal prep.
I need to find a way to increase the amount of protein... so i might buy some beans and whatever else was on that list ...(i wrote it down and put it in my wallet)
Tried to find something quick to bring today, and everything had like over 20 carbs but only 6 protein ... like dude i can't eat that :(
Plus i'm noticing how little people highlight carbs. Everyone is so concerned about calories, but never highlight the carbs. [ I mean it's good to watch your calories ... but they aren't my concern with this diet ]

I used to eat oatmeal as a kid...I really can't remember much except I didn't like the added fruits. Now I don't like soggy foods, so maybe that's why I stopped eating it. I don't even eat cereal with milk. ( I drink milk on the side but not poured on my cereal)

Ye-eah we talk food a lot ...

I'm very curious how things will go when i'm not at home and leaving baby with Hubby. He's gonna have to learn to do dishes and laundry and clean up stuff... Cause if i have to come home to a pile of dirty clothes/rags to do every night and bottles to wash .... I'm not going to be a happy mommy!
Good morning ladies!

MrsDuck - sorry your dd is feeling so poorly and that you're not getting the rest you need! I hope things will be on the mend soon. Sometimes I think it is hard for our dh to understand just how we feel, and they get snappy as well. I would go nuts in your situation! As for food, haha, always hungry but always lazy :haha:.

Star - I agree with what dove is saying, you should really watch the sugars in the morning because they can spike after going all night without food. Hope you can get some decent foods from the stores, I find it best to avoid the inner isles of packaged stuff, it's all so full of junk. There's protein in so many things, but like I was saying earlier you really have to balance out carbs with proteins. Macros are pretty important and I agree packaging takes practice to find what you're looking for.

Afm - well, my numbers came back and they're lower than they were a month ago -.- So now my mw is asking me to take six pills a day and that I need to get my numbers up over 10.5 or insurance is going to have a fit about me having an out of hospital birth. I'm certainly not happy about this, but I'll try it and if they back me up I'll be pretty angry. It's funny that I google the side affects of low hemoglobin anemia and the only thing I'm really having on the huge list are the heart palpitations. My iron levels are generally lower when not preg anyway so I'm frustrated overall about it. When my mw texted me last night and asked me to call her and told me the news I just laughed because I was not even surprised. I asked dh to get me some orange juice to help with absorption so we'll see.

And I'm 32 weeks today (woohoo)! Baby has been squirming so much lately it's hard to get rest. I ended up having tuna casserole for dinner last night and it was so tasty. We talk about food a lot, gives me lots of ideas haha. I'm still planning on having chimichangas this weekend!
I spaced out and didn't leave for lunch til after 12... so i didn't hit to store for stuff at work. ... It's not a big deal, it being Friday things would sit an extra two days they don't need to. I'll just hit up the store near home and lug all of it here if need be.
So I went to subway -- after discovering that a wrap has MORE Carbs than their Wheat bread... I got my usual wheat 6in BMT (3 meats help add up protein) And according to their calculator i'm only off by 10g between carbs and proteins. Sadly I wanted a drink and got lemonade, so i'm sure that will screw everything up.
I'm starving and totally ate half of it without breathing.... LOL (it felt that way) So i'm needing to let it settle before finishing.

Baby is still active today. Not nearly as much as yesterday (but... it's still early) Their activeness is also why i need to let my food settle a bit, cause with them moving around, filling my tummy quickly is going to end badly...and i'm trying to avoid that.

Oh i feel insensitive... I meant to comment on MrsDuck DD ... I really hope she gets better soon and you get some sleep. From my experience, men just don't get it.
The thing with the wrap is you have to check how much fat and protein it has as well, and it can balance out the carbs. I always get the same thing when I go to Subway, lol. Hope you have some time to get a few good things this weekend at least.
Well I failed the 3 hour test by 1 point. I was only 1 point over on one of my failed readings and only 3 over on my other, so I have no doubt it can be easily diet controlled. I've tested for a day and a half so far and have yet to get a high reading. I'm keeping tabs on my carbs and sugars, though, so I'm sure that helps (I'm no stranger to low carb eating since my husband and I did low carb at the beginning of the year (lost weight), which is probably why I was finally able to get pregnant after 3.5 years and multiple failed fertility treatments). My doctors don't seem concerned too much since my numbers were barely over, but they still want me to monitor 4x a day.

On a positive note, I get to see baby boy again next week (perk of the GD diagnosis I guess lol). I'm excited to see him :) I'm not worried about a big baby though, since (A. I am having a c-section due to the fact that they had to do a vertical incision with DD and natural would be dangerous, (B. DD was WAY smaller than she should have been even at her gestation (so no history of big babies so far), and (C. I've been measuring spot on to even a tiny bit smaller the whole time (I was measuring between 29 and 30 weeks at my last appointment on Wednesday at 30w1d). Plus my numbers were barely even over the limit and have been perfect so far at home (fasting this morning was 85, after eating a protein bar my number was 91-which is still in the fasting range lol).

Other than that not a lot going on. Baby boy is active as always. I LOVE watching my belly move haha. I feel like we hit a huge milestone this week getting to 30 weeks! They did pencil us in for a c-section date though! So if all continues to progress perfectly baby boy will be here December 6th! It's getting SO real here ladies! We are getting SO close!
I think my issue shopping with last week was I was rushing to meet up with my friends at the party. So i hit my list and had just enough time. But i didn't even think about looking at anything else.
This weeks grocery list will be smack full of stuff to get.

I could really go for a nap right now. But the time i would normally spend taking my cat nap was spent driving :(
And i'd love to go take a walk to work off this Lemonade.... but it's over 90 degrees outside! S I'm not doing that!

I have to drop off my files at the store to get them printed. I'll pick them up tomorrow. I'm hoping to have them out and in the mail on Monday! Gotta swing by my MIL to get addresses (she's not good with computers, so she wrote all the addresses down) And I have to get them to my mom... This weekend is going to be busy!

My belly seems tight today, maybe cause baby is constantly pushing out that it feels more so than usual?? They are moving so much that once i figure out what i feel, they have already moved again.
I'm trying to identify a few "feelings" --- one is still the bubble sensation, a rubbing or maybe scratching?, and then a "panting" where it feels like they are taking quick deep breaths (i've felt that twice...right in the middle of my belly)
MarksWife -- 1 point O_O that's crazy. I don't see why they fail people with such close numbers. Mine were off by 10-15 points :( But to be honest ... now that i realllly think about it. I was told i was insulin resistant years back, so it's no surprise to me that my numbers were high. I'm trying to watch almost everything -- mainly the carbs and protein, sugar just cause I've still been craving sweets.
I love that I get to see Baby -- so i am taking that as a perk! I want to see what this contortionist is doing in my belly! I hope they aren't using their umbilical cord as a bungee!
I have no real instructions at the moment, so I'm just trying to get used to doing the tests and tracking the numbers and what i ate. Today started higher than my past few days have. I'm thinking cause i'm eating a sweet snack before bed... so I might stop doing that. (They aren't bad numbers, just higher than when I don't eat) I have my diabetes class next Wednesday and my ultrasound a week later.
My fundal height has been measuring a week ahead the entire time they've been measuring. But Baby also measured 5 days over when we first saw them.
I have no clue about baby weight. I've only gained 7-9 lbs alllll in my belly. Hubby weighed a little more than me i think as babies, so i'm hoping I can maintain and have nothing go wrong.
I"m sure I'll learn more when I meet with the Doctor in 2 weeks.
markswife - I am so happy you're still cooking your ds (okay that sounds pretty bad, but I think you understand what I meant :haha:). Sorry about the failed gtt, but you're probably going to be just fine! And December 6 is just a little over two months from now, woohoo. I am actually betting I'll go on the 7th, so it would be crazy if we went in on the same day. I agree with watching belly move, so fun and exciting. Yaay for scans :D

Star - sounds so exciting, can't wait to hear about your shower and how it goes! I also was told I am IR well over ten years ago, it really sucks. As for your umbilical cord, yeah all of mine have had their cord wrapped around them, it's funny how they move that much in there.
90 degrees sounds crappy. It's only mid 50s and rainy here, typical fall weather for this area. I always forget stuff on my list, and pregnancy brain doesn't help. Luckily dh expects it when he's getting groceries for us and I tell him what to add. I am a bit concerned about my own fundal height measuring a little ahead, as I never had it before. I gained about 50 lbs on both my second ds and dd and this one I'm sure I will as well. I think my body holds onto everything I eat.

So I googled my pelvic pain yesterday and it sounds a lot of SPD, which apparently something like 25% of women experience it??? We'll see how it feels when I get into the last stretch. So far today I am trying to eat less calcium to see if that helps with the iron absorption, and if nothing else I still get backed up I'll start taking stool softeners. Dh just shook his head when I told him what my midwife said, as she's just as frustrated with the insurance as we are, but if it helps for them to pay for my water birth, I'll do it. I'm also going to look into buying some vitamin c to take with it, since I am not much of a juice drinker.

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