Clomid Buddies - 18 BFPs!

Thank-you ladies for your support! SO helpful when you get a BFN!

I just started a journal - please check it out when you have a chance, let me know how you like it! just wrote part 1, more to come!
RD--that picture is hilarious! Sorry about your bfn. I got one today too. I am only 9DPO and according to fertility friend, only 14% of people got a BFP with that kind of test at 9DPO so I guess there is still home. Just feeling very AF-like.

I just feel like this should be easier :dohh:

Went to church this am and upon reading the bulletin in Sunday School, saw that today was "baby dedication" Sunday. That is where all of the new babies born in the church in the last 3 months come up and get shown on camera and the parents vow to bring them up properly. I told DH that I needed to leave. I wouldn't have made it through.

Happy for all BFPs and all babies, but sometimes it is just too much to watch. :cry:

My DH found that picture, and he's so happy I'm using it on here! He says now HE feels more connected to this board; he laughed at me for being on this board at first, and now he loves it b/c it's been such an outlet for me!

I hope you get your BFP this cycle, girl! And I would have left church early, too!
Hi ladies! It's been a while since I posted, but I've been keeping up with everything. Hannah - congrats, Bump - welcome, Ipen - totally agree, rdleela's pic literally made me LOL. My dog looked at me kinda funny when I did!

I felt like I didn't really have much to contribute until the last few days. Had my first appt with fertility specialist Wed. She said my gyn was pretty much doing everything right, but I just needed some reassurance. Fri was CD #15 and I still hadn't had a :) on my opk so I went in for blood work and U/S. First of all, I guess I never really thought about the fact that these U/S you all kept talking about were transvag! A little weird, huh? Anyway, 2 mature follicles - 19 and 24mm, 9mm endometrial lining, LH = 25 (nurse who called said usually opk is + at 10, but didn't get :) until Sat), and estrogen = 1100! Just like last month (50mg CD 3-7) got my +opk on CD 16, which was yesterday, no temp rise today (same as last month), and BD'ing Thurs/Fri/Sat and hopefully later tonight (hehe).

Wow, I guess I shouldn't have waited so long to post, sorry so long! ToBeFruitful, we're nearly in sync, so I will be thinking of you especially during this TWW. I will be thinking of you all, though, and hoping that we all get our BFPs this go-round!!!!
Hi All - Can I join the Clomid club? :)

CD2 today - trying to decide between 50mg & 100mg for this cycle. What dose are y'all on? And why do you need it? And what cycle number is this?

I feel so lost, sorry for all the questions!

So excited at the thought that I might actually ovulate in a timely manner this cycle! Anyone else starting their Clomid today or tomorrow?

I'm glad I have so many TTC #1 cycle buddies over here!

Welcome again! Just wanted to add another tidbit from the specialist. It looks like I O'ed fine last month w/ 50mg, but my gyn increased my dose to 100mg just to "make sure." When I told the RE she said if I don't get pregnant this month (fx) that she will decrease me again to 50mg. She says the higher dose doesn't make your chances of conceiving any better, but can increase side effects, including things like decreasing your CM. I don't like the idea of going backward, but if I really don't need it and it might actually make some things worse, I guess she's probably right.

I started Clomid last month after 10 months of "trying" during which time I had crazy weird cycle lengths and no symptoms of ovulation. The RE says my hormone levels tend toward PCOS ratios, though I do not meet criteria for diagnosis. I don't have any of the typical physical signs of high testosterone or of PCOS in general, but I guess you don't have to.

Hope your first round of Clomid does the trick! Check out some of the posts of the originator of this thread, she is preggo with twins, conceived on her first round!!!!! I will have fx for you!
Oh, I'm sorry, Mrsjennyg!


Well, perhaps we'll all be lucky on clomid cycle 2...I'm in the 2ww, but not holding out a lot of hope that my first cycle was a success.
Hi ladies! It's been a while since I posted, but I've been keeping up with everything. Hannah - congrats, Bump - welcome, Ipen - totally agree, rdleela's pic literally made me LOL. My dog looked at me kinda funny when I did!

I felt like I didn't really have much to contribute until the last few days. Had my first appt with fertility specialist Wed. She said my gyn was pretty much doing everything right, but I just needed some reassurance. Fri was CD #15 and I still hadn't had a :) on my opk so I went in for blood work and U/S. First of all, I guess I never really thought about the fact that these U/S you all kept talking about were transvag! A little weird, huh? Anyway, 2 mature follicles - 19 and 24mm, 9mm endometrial lining, LH = 25 (nurse who called said usually opk is + at 10, but didn't get :) until Sat), and estrogen = 1100! Just like last month (50mg CD 3-7) got my +opk on CD 16, which was yesterday, no temp rise today (same as last month), and BD'ing Thurs/Fri/Sat and hopefully later tonight (hehe).

Wow, I guess I shouldn't have waited so long to post, sorry so long! ToBeFruitful, we're nearly in sync, so I will be thinking of you especially during this TWW. I will be thinking of you all, though, and hoping that we all get our BFPs this go-round!!!!

waiting is the worst :( i am glad somebody else is in my boat...i will be thinking of you too!!
RD--that picture is hilarious! Sorry about your bfn. I got one today too. I am only 9DPO and according to fertility friend, only 14% of people got a BFP with that kind of test at 9DPO so I guess there is still home. Just feeling very AF-like.

I just feel like this should be easier :dohh:

Went to church this am and upon reading the bulletin in Sunday School, saw that today was "baby dedication" Sunday. That is where all of the new babies born in the church in the last 3 months come up and get shown on camera and the parents vow to bring them up properly. I told DH that I needed to leave. I wouldn't have made it through.

Happy for all BFPs and all babies, but sometimes it is just too much to watch. :cry:

i know how you feel....i can't long on to facebook anymore without seeing what feels like a million sonograms or baby photos. don't get me wrong, i am happy for my friends and is simply bittersweet. but like i said earlier 2012 is OUR year ladies! :)
JennyG, my LP was lengthened on Clomid by a lot. I had a 13 day LP typically (I really only have had 2 LP since coming off birth control, so i use the term typical loosely). But on Clomid, my LP was 17 days! I also had a lot of heavy spotting for a week before AF. Ugh. I thought for sure AF would be light due to how much blood i lost, during the spotting, but no, AF is here in full force! I

I am starting round 2 of clomid tomorrow evening, on CD4. Upping the dose from 50 to 100mg, hoping to bring O forward, and also hoping that the side effects are not too horrible. I had no side effects aside from some extra acne. I am now armed with Proactive, so hopefully I can fight off the monster zits i know will come with increased Clomid dose!

Steelergirl, do you know if both of your follicles will produce eggs this cycle? I know its common for people to produce multiple eggs on clomid, but I'm wondering if the doctors can tell if this will happen or not with the u/s?

Sorry about the bfn, Rdleela. I was told to take Clomid on CD5-9, but since I take it at night, I figured I'd try CD4-8 this time around. I dont think there really is a best time to take it, just whatever works for your body to give you a strong O at the right time. Since I didn't O until CD32, I feel like 50mg at CD5-9 wasn't quite right, although I dont know if it was the day or the dose. Doc then said to take 150mg at CD5-9, but I don't want to go up that much without first trying 100mg.
Sorry about the bfn, Rdleela. I was told to take Clomid on CD5-9, but since I take it at night, I figured I'd try CD4-8 this time around. I dont think there really is a best time to take it, just whatever works for your body to give you a strong O at the right time. Since I didn't O until CD32, I feel like 50mg at CD5-9 wasn't quite right, although I dont know if it was the day or the dose. Doc then said to take 150mg at CD5-9, but I don't want to go up that much without first trying 100mg.

Thanks, Chloe! Well, my instructions were to take it cd3-7, but I decided to take cd5-9 with all the info I read on it, and the fact that I O pretty regular on cd 15 on my own. I O'd cd16 when I took it 5-9. So I'm pretty sure I'm going to go with cd3-7 now, and see what happens!

Also thinking of ordering some PreSeed since clomid did dry up my CM quite a bit - have any of you girls used it? Best place to order PreSeed in Canada?
I have used Pre-Seed, but i don't use it with the applicators, just externally mostly. I got mine on amazon, so I would imagine that could work for canada too? It has been helpful for those times when the BD is forced due to schedule and its a little hard to get in the mood! I have heard if you take robitussin (the kind where the only active ingredient is Guaifenesin) it will help with CM production. I am going to take Mucinex since that is only Guaifenesin as well, and comes in pill form. You are supposed to take it 5 days before you expect to O. Unfortunately, I have no idea when I am going to O, so i'll probably start a couple days after my last Clomid dose.

Good luck with the new clomid dates! I have heard CD3-7 increases your chance for multiples, but I don't know how true that is.
Hey ladies! I have not used preseed but have definately thought about it. It's just too expensive at our local CVS and Walmart does not have it.

My first round of Clomid I took it CD 3-7. My doctor has switched mine everytime to see what would work best for me. Anywho, He told me that by taking it early it just increased the chance of having a muture follicle. Hope that helps!
hey ladies, i have some mild cramping right now. is that about normal after an iui?
Hi ladies! It's been a while since I posted, but I've been keeping up with everything. Hannah - congrats, Bump - welcome, Ipen - totally agree, rdleela's pic literally made me LOL. My dog looked at me kinda funny when I did!

I felt like I didn't really have much to contribute until the last few days. Had my first appt with fertility specialist Wed. She said my gyn was pretty much doing everything right, but I just needed some reassurance. Fri was CD #15 and I still hadn't had a :) on my opk so I went in for blood work and U/S. First of all, I guess I never really thought about the fact that these U/S you all kept talking about were transvag! A little weird, huh? Anyway, 2 mature follicles - 19 and 24mm, 9mm endometrial lining, LH = 25 (nurse who called said usually opk is + at 10, but didn't get :) until Sat), and estrogen = 1100! Just like last month (50mg CD 3-7) got my +opk on CD 16, which was yesterday, no temp rise today (same as last month), and BD'ing Thurs/Fri/Sat and hopefully later tonight (hehe).

Wow, I guess I shouldn't have waited so long to post, sorry so long! ToBeFruitful, we're nearly in sync, so I will be thinking of you especially during this TWW. I will be thinking of you all, though, and hoping that we all get our BFPs this go-round!!!!

Steelergirl - LOL I was a little thrown off too when I had the transvaginal ultrasound at my second RE appointment. The whole week before I'd been assuming I'd get the kind you normally see on TV (gel on the belly and wand ultrasound). LOL -- it was definitely a surprise!

hey ladies, i have some mild cramping right now. is that about normal after an iui?

ToBeFruitful -- I just had my first IUI today. I've been having mild cramping on and off, but only when I laugh or cough, and it's gotten better since the appointment. I'm hoping I won't notice anything by tomorrow, but then again, I'll be starting Prometrium tomorrow, and last month either that or the Clomid made me cramp for nearly two weeks straight. But I think I've read that a little cramping afterwards is normal (similar to the mild cramping you'd get after an HSG procedure).

Hello to everyone else, and especially all the new people (and congrats on the TWINS to the OP! :happydance:) I decided to take a board break for a couple weeks to help distract myself before my first IUI, which was this morning! I not sure how I feel about it, but I'm hoping I can get through the next two weeks without going absolutely insane. And, of course, I'm hoping for great news at the end of it all (test date is Feb. 6).
Is it ok if I join you lovely ladies? I just started clomid last Friday and go this Friday for an ultrasound and it is very overwhelming and reading these posts gave me hope and encouragement! :)
hey ladies, i have some mild cramping right now. is that about normal after an iui?

They told me it was normal. The cervix doe not like to be opened like that. I have had strange cramps since I had the procedure off and on. Really sharp isolated cramps about 4-5 DPO, then they were gone. I started getting AF like cramps 4 days ago and now they are back to the stabbing isolated cramps :shrug:

Why do the symptoms of pregnancy have to be so close to the symptoms of periods???:dohh:
Welcome new ladies. Good luck to those in the 2ww! Better luck to those in the 1ww!

The good ol transvaginal ultrasound. Has anyone had one on CD3?? I was like, "you want to what?" I had to have 2 this month. I don't know why they only check for multiple follicles using t/v u/s if you dont ovulate by CD14. Isn't the risk of multiples a risk for all clomid users and not just that that O a bit later??
JennyG, my LP was lengthened on Clomid by a lot. I had a 13 day LP typically (I really only have had 2 LP since coming off birth control, so i use the term typical loosely). But on Clomid, my LP was 17 days! I also had a lot of heavy spotting for a week before AF. Ugh. I thought for sure AF would be light due to how much blood i lost, during the spotting, but no, AF is here in full force! I

I am starting round 2 of clomid tomorrow evening, on CD4. Upping the dose from 50 to 100mg, hoping to bring O forward, and also hoping that the side effects are not too horrible. I had no side effects aside from some extra acne. I am now armed with Proactive, so hopefully I can fight off the monster zits i know will come with increased Clomid dose!

Steelergirl, do you know if both of your follicles will produce eggs this cycle? I know its common for people to produce multiple eggs on clomid, but I'm wondering if the doctors can tell if this will happen or not with the u/s?

Sorry about the bfn, Rdleela. I was told to take Clomid on CD5-9, but since I take it at night, I figured I'd try CD4-8 this time around. I dont think there really is a best time to take it, just whatever works for your body to give you a strong O at the right time. Since I didn't O until CD32, I feel like 50mg at CD5-9 wasn't quite right, although I dont know if it was the day or the dose. Doc then said to take 150mg at CD5-9, but I don't want to go up that much without first trying 100mg.

I didn't actually talk to the doc, but I don't think there is a way to tell. I keep telling myself "it only takes one!"

I am excited that everything seems to be in working order. I just can't stop thinking about something else the RE told me... sorry for being a little negative here...but there is only a 20% chance of conception in any given cycle. It's a wonder the human race isn't extinct! It's good to think that we're in the 80th percentile for so many other things, but not this!!! Ugh, so frustrating!

(It only takes one, it only takes one, it only takes one...) :wacko:
So for my first round of Clomid my doctor has me taking it CD10-14? I have never heard of anyone taking it this late?? Any ideas? He said that He doesn't think I have actually been ovulating and getting AF but it was just breakthrough bleeding, so maybe that is why??
Welcome new ladies. Good luck to those in the 2ww! Better luck to those in the 1ww!

The good ol transvaginal ultrasound. Has anyone had one on CD3?? I was like, "you want to what?" I had to have 2 this month. I don't know why they only check for multiple follicles using t/v u/s if you dont ovulate by CD14. Isn't the risk of multiples a risk for all clomid users and not just that that O a bit later??

I was supposed to call the day I got my LH surge unless I didn't have one by CD #15. I told them I didn't get a +opk until CD#16 the month before, but they didn't seem to take that into consideration.

Is that true that if you don't get your surge until later in the cycle that you are more likely to have more than 1 mature follicle?
hey ladies, i have some mild cramping right now. is that about normal after an iui?

They told me it was normal. The cervix doe not like to be opened like that. I have had strange cramps since I had the procedure off and on. Really sharp isolated cramps about 4-5 DPO, then they were gone. I started getting AF like cramps 4 days ago and now they are back to the stabbing isolated cramps :shrug:

Why do the symptoms of pregnancy have to be so close to the symptoms of periods???:dohh:

i don't know why annoying. i dislike not knowing what is going on with my body :growlmad:

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