Clomid buddies?

I'm so sorry to hear it's been tough. I had a difficult pregnancy too. And at times I thought the pain would never end. Thank goodness it's flying by though! Omg you find out gender soon! Awwww so exciting. Please let me know! Doing anything for the reveal? What does DS think about his upcoming siblings arrival?
We aren't doing anything too special. I was thinking of DS opening a box or appropriately colored balloons.

I don't think DS really understands. He seems excited but he has so little reference to what a baby really is.
yea that makes sense. right now I cannot imagine being pregnant while looking after this guy. He still is very fussy. Today he was very cranky. I cut out dairy from my diet and it seemed to help for like two weeks but this week has been hard and today very hard. Poor guy cried and fussed the entire day. I'm so exhausted. None of the otc things work for gas - I'm suspecting it's gas. I've taken him to the doctor and he is fine otherwise. It's hard though. I so badly want to see him content more often. When he's in a good mood I literally experience true bliss. Im so happy. I hope I get more of those moments soon!
Hello ladies! My friend Belle, who I met on another thread,mentioned that it might be time to move over here! :) Do you mind if I join? I am 30, my DH is 34, and we have been diagnosed with MFI. My Doc wants me to to try a couple rounds of Clomid with the trigger shot and IUI hoping this might produce a few more targets for our limited swimmers.

I hope I'm accepted into your group and if so, I look forward to sharing in this journey with everyone! :)
Good luck puma! I hope the iui works for you. I know how nerve wracking it can be to go through all this. I had to do ivf.
I just wanted to quickly update and let you ladies know that the baby is a girl and everything looked good at our anatomy scan.

Angela- I hope we hear from you soon and that you are soon doing your fet.
Krissie a baby girl! You will have one of each - that's my ideal. I would love to have a baby girl. So cute. Glad the scan went well!
Thanks star! We are definatley excited to have one of each. I think it will be fun getting to know both sides.
Hey guys hope you are all well and sorry not posted in a while as Ive had nothing to report well Im in my TWW had a lovely holiday we went to Menorca its in the Baleric Islands Spain now back to reality and work. My next cycle should start around 13th October once it starts we'll call the hospital and inform them then one the witch is gone I'll take OPKs once I get a poitive I'll call the hospital inforn them then 2 days later will be the transfer it's going to be a natural FET no drugs wish me luck, this November will mark our 4 year anniversary of TTC I just hope we get good news xx

Krissie sorry to hear your pregnancy is difficult but its amazing that everything is going well and its a girl amazing news one of each that would be my dream too xx

Star e so good to hear from you my family and friends have had Colic babies and it's hard but it will wear off and get easier just enjoy the good moments and remember your doing a good job xx

Welcome Puma I hope Clomid and IUI works for you me and DH have unexplained infertility he has a slightly low motility issue but Dr said it's not enough to cause us issues if we didn't want a child she would tell us to use protection, the issue with unexplained infertility is that its harder to treat as they dont know what the issue is so fertility treatment is less likely to work so your lucky to know in that respect xx we got a natural BFP 3 years ago this month but it was a chemical pregnancy miscarried at 6 wks then went on Clomid 6 months all failed BFNs throughout then started IVF had a fresh cycle which failed BFN, we have 2 goes of IVF left then if they fail we'll be looking at adoption xx
Hello ladies! My friend Belle, who I met on another thread,mentioned that it might be time to move over here! :) Do you mind if I join? I am 30, my DH is 34, and we have been diagnosed with MFI. My Doc wants me to to try a couple rounds of Clomid with the trigger shot and IUI hoping this might produce a few more targets for our limited swimmers.

I hope I'm accepted into your group and if so, I look forward to sharing in this journey with everyone! :)

I just read your posting. we just found out too after having 2 natural easy babies that my husband has male fertility problem. i just got done doing my 2nd round of climid and iui. how about you??
Welcome liz there is another thread im on which there is quite a few people on it going through all different stages its called starting clomid in February buddies everyone is lovely on it.

How is everyone anyway goodluck by the way liz002, well I did my FET on Friday and currently in my TWW they want me to test on 5th Dec but I caved today and did a cheapie Im sure I got a very very faint BFP but cant be sure Im going to break out a FRER on Friday wish me luck xx
Welcome liz there is another thread im on which there is quite a few people on it going through all different stages its called starting clomid in February buddies everyone is lovely on it.

How is everyone anyway goodluck by the way liz002, well I did my FET on Friday and currently in my TWW they want me to test on 5th Dec but I caved today and did a cheapie Im sure I got a very very faint BFP but cant be sure Im going to break out a FRER on Friday wish me luck xx

Wow! So u r 7 dpo?? They want me to test dec 7 n I’m 5 dpo. I tested but I know it’s way to early. I got my 2 kids positive on 9 dpo.
Yeah 7 dpo I know its too early yet for a real positive yet I did have a little brown spotting only very slight the other day which Im hoping is implantation I had IVF a frozen embryo transfer on Friday I transgerred a 5 day blastocyst it was good quality and just starting to crack through the hard outer casing xx

We've been TTC since Nov 2013 done all test and even though DH is diagnosed with very slightly low motility its only under standard so not enough to cause infertility I got the all clear cant find anything wrong so we have been diagnosed with unexplained infertility which is hard as there is obviously something they just dont know what.

We had one MC at 5wks did 6 months clomid all unsuccessful then moved onto IVF they retrieved 9 eggs fertilised 5 successfully. We did a fresh cycle in Jan 2017 which was unsuccessful and took some time out before going back. We've just done a frozen embryo transfer (FET) on Friday they defrosted one and it came out well they where happy with the progress they monitor it for 2 hrs after defrost and they said it was a catogary A egg which is the best quality, we did a natural cycle so no drugs/hormones I just really hope it worked xx

So did you do just clomid this cycle or an IUI how you feeling did you do a test x
Yeah 7 dpo I know its too early yet for a real positive yet I did have a little brown spotting only very slight the other day which Im hoping is implantation I had IVF a frozen embryo transfer on Friday I transgerred a 5 day blastocyst it was good quality and just starting to crack through the hard outer casing xx

We've been TTC since Nov 2013 done all test and even though DH is diagnosed with very slightly low motility its only under standard so not enough to cause infertility I got the all clear cant find anything wrong so we have been diagnosed with unexplained infertility which is hard as there is obviously something they just dont know what.

We had one MC at 5wks did 6 months clomid all unsuccessful then moved onto IVF they retrieved 9 eggs fertilised 5 successfully. We did a fresh cycle in Jan 2017 which was unsuccessful and took some time out before going back. We've just done a frozen embryo transfer (FET) on Friday they defrosted one and it came out well they where happy with the progress they monitor it for 2 hrs after defrost and they said it was a catogary A egg which is the best quality, we did a natural cycle so no drugs/hormones I just really hope it worked xx

So did you do just clomid this cycle or an IUI how you feeling did you do a test x

I 19 months ago when we first started I did 6 months of clomid and famara and the one cycle I did natural I miscarried. For the iui I did do clomid. We did one iui last month but sperm count was 2 mil and this time 11.5 mil and 85% mobility or whatever it’s called. It’s just weird that we had 2 kids super easy back to back and now this. I’ll do one more iui next month but I won’t do ivf. I want to ask for famara next month though cuz clomid makes me gain weight so bad! I swear thinking about clomid puts weight on me
I hated clomid my hormones were completely all over the place one minute emotional crying the next really happy and energetic then really irritable I was like a crazy lady it really didnt agree with me at all and I put on weight too. We got told that our next step had to be ivf so we took it we had ICSI which is where they physically implant a good sperm directly into a good egg Im just hoping it works this time.

I have everything crossed for you only 7 more days to go in your TWW AF is due for me on 3rd Dec which is only 4 days away so I should know soon enough it would be nice to get a BFP before xmas but then theres the dreaded 1st tri I know every slight twinge Ill panic due to having an MC in the past.

It must be as frustrating for you struggling with the third as it is for me not knowing what the issue is I hope we both get good news soon

It has helped coming on here though and speaking to others that are in the same boat as everyone I know finds it so easy to get preggo no one understands and its hard to talk to them as they dont know what to say.

They all say the same thing it'll happen when your ready I've been ready for 4 yrs, well you got pregnant before so it'll happen again well it hasnt and that was 2 yrs ago. The whole thing also puts a strain on your relationship as you both feel like your the one to blame and are both suffering failure. Its crazy how some people can just get pregnant so easy and others cant and it does hurt when you hear about somebody else getting pregnant out the blue.

I went off on one a few weeks back on a friend of my DHs Im tired of putting on fake smiles he came around complaining about his misses getting pregnant I asked him well was you using any protection did you discuss starting a family he said no they weren't using any and yes they were planning but he didnt think it would happen so quick. I told him the how dare you come around here and complain when you know what we are going through thats completely insensitive of you and you need to stop and dont come round here complaining he should be grateful he just looked sheepish after that didnt apologise just went quiet.

Are you going to test early x
I hated clomid my hormones were completely all over the place one minute emotional crying the next really happy and energetic then really irritable I was like a crazy lady it really didnt agree with me at all and I put on weight too. We got told that our next step had to be ivf so we took it we had ICSI which is where they physically implant a good sperm directly into a good egg Im just hoping it works this time.

I have everything crossed for you only 7 more days to go in your TWW AF is due for me on 3rd Dec which is only 4 days away so I should know soon enough it would be nice to get a BFP before xmas but then theres the dreaded 1st tri I know every slight twinge Ill panic due to having an MC in the past.

It must be as frustrating for you struggling with the third as it is for me not knowing what the issue is I hope we both get good news soon

It has helped coming on here though and speaking to others that are in the same boat as everyone I know finds it so easy to get preggo no one understands and its hard to talk to them as they dont know what to say.

They all say the same thing it'll happen when your ready I've been ready for 4 yrs, well you got pregnant before so it'll happen again well it hasnt and that was 2 yrs ago. The whole thing also puts a strain on your relationship as you both feel like your the one to blame and are both suffering failure. Its crazy how some people can just get pregnant so easy and others cant and it does hurt when you hear about somebody else getting pregnant out the blue.

I went off on one a few weeks back on a friend of my DHs Im tired of putting on fake smiles he came around complaining about his misses getting pregnant I asked him well was you using any protection did you discuss starting a family he said no they weren't using any and yes they were planning but he didnt think it would happen so quick. I told him the how dare you come around here and complain when you know what we are going through thats completely insensitive of you and you need to stop and dont come round here complaining he should be grateful he just looked sheepish after that didnt apologise just went quiet.

Are you going to test early x

Is this your first? It’s really hard cuz I have now been on both sides of this. For the first 2 babies boom pregnant. We literally had sex once in that whole Month and had my son so this is a whole new world! It’s been sooooo stressful in our marriage. My husband is done with kids and I’m not so this male fertility problem has been hard. I get mad and say it’s not diarrhea it’s been 19 cycles when his sperm are not there. And then he says well I don’t care cuz I’m done anyways. He know agreed to be supportive cuz he saw how sad I have been every month.

Now clomid didn’t make me emotional or feel crazy but man he weight gain! I run 60 miles a week and even with hat I gained weight. It sucks!!! Starting tomorrow I’m going on a strict diet with my running and losing this all. I’ll do one more iui next cycle if this doesn’t work and I’ll ask for famara. I did famara after clomid last yr and it didn’t make me gain weight. It actually made me not want to eat. Is your husbands sperm good? I hear you about the miscarriage. I never worried once with my first 2 pregnancies but after having the miscarriage after trying for so long I was devistated. Can I ask what did u pay for ivf? My dr total charge is 20,000 and there’s not a money back or anything like that if you don’t get preg. I’d this was baby one or 2 I would do it but baby 3 I feel is a big bonus. I started hubby on all threes sperm supplement so I’m hoping hat helps and we can do it on our own after our last iui if need be. Ugh so frustrating! Yeah my period is due dec 7. I will be testing early. Bought a ton of the cheap tests so I have like 100 lol I can’t help but keep testing every month like crazy but after 19 months jeez it’s crazy!! You got a faint positive???? Mine wIt’s both kids was faint at day 9 n for darker each day.
Well Ive got a BFP at 11dpo on FRER Im so happy I hope it has attached x


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